Neuromedin - a drug that restores the conduction of nerve excitation in the peripheral nervous system, transmit it to the muscles, both the skeletal and smooth on the internal organs and blood vessel walls, stimulates the central nervous system, improves the memory and ability to learn.
Action neuromidin
Action neuromidin (INN - ipidacrine) based on the fact that it blocks the action of cholinesterase - an enzyme that destroys the neurotransmitter atsetilhodin. Neurotransmitters are called biologically active substances that transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another in the synapses - places of their connection. In addition to enhance the action of acetylcholine neuromidin enhances the action of other neurotransmitters - serotonin and adrenpalina, as well as the basic substance allergic reaction to histamine and a stimulator of muscle contractions of the uterus - oxytocin.
Neiromidin available in tablets for oral administration in vials Latvian pharmaceutical company Olainfarm. It improves and stimulates the transfer of neural excitation of nerve cells, nerve cells to the muscles and the central nervous system. When disorders of peripheral nerves, resulting from illness or injury, exposure to toxic substances and drugs, he restores their work.
Influenced neuromidin enhanced motor activity of internal organs due to increased smooth muscle contractility. This improves the circulation and the function of these organs in general. The same property is a contraindication for the use of the drug during pregnancy, as the stimulation of muscle contractions of the uterus can cause spontaneous miscarriage
Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
. But his labor is used in the weakness of labor that require active muscle contractions.
Neiromidin also slightly stimulates and soothes both the central nervous system, which helps to improve memory and learning ability.
Neiromidin found application in the treatment of various diseases of the peripheral nervous system, accompanied by violation of nerve impulses along nerve trunks and their transfer to the muscles. It is inflammatory and toxic lesions of the peripheral nerves (neuritis, polyneuropathy), diseases associated with the violation of transmission of nerve impulses muscular system (myasthenia different origin), conditions after injuries and diseases of the central nervous system, which disrupted the conductivity of nerve impulses (organic lesion, with changes tissue structures of the central nervous system), which is accompanied by motor disturbances. It improves the reception of neuromidin the condition of patients suffering from serious diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia.
The positive effect of the drug has on the gastrointestinal tract for constipation related to a violation of the motor activity of the intestine (atonic constipation).
Side effects neuromidin
As with any effective medication, it neuromidin have side effects in the form of enhanced salivation and potoobrazovaniya reinforced or, conversely, too rare palpitations, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, release of large amounts of mucus in the bronchi, seizure.
With an overdose of all the side effects are amplified, appear dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
, Headache, vomiting, malaise, weakness, drowsiness, seizures. There may also be an itchy skin rash, bronchospasm. In this case, it is recommended not to cancel neuromidin and reduce the dose or take a short break in treatment.
Neiromidin contraindicated in epilepsy, impaired balance and coordination, excessive involuntary motor activity (hyperkinesis), coronary heart disease, heart diseases, which are accompanied by very slow heart rate (bradycardia), asthma, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer during the exacerbation, obstruction intestinal and urinary tract infections, pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding, individual intolerance of components.
Since neuromidin receiving a large amount of sputum, it should be used with caution in inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
It is not necessary during treatment neuromidin to drive and do other work that require coordination of movements.
As clinical studies have not been conducted in children, the children of his prescribed tablets with caution, and in the form of injections is not indicated at all.
Neiromidin - for the treatment of various diseases of the nervous system
Diseases of the nervous system - the basic classification
Galina Romanenko