Anyone who has ever suffered intercostal neuralgia, knows how much pain can occur at the same time. Get rid of the intercostal neuralgia, when she appeared at least once, it is also very easy: the pain come back again and again. Only long-term systemic treatment helps to cope with them.
Features of the structure of the spine and causes infringement
Osteochondrosis, degenerative disease that leads to destruction of the intervertebral discs, the widening of the bone in the vertebrae and pinched nerves, is the main cause pinched nerves in the chest. Starting torque for development are often cold, exercise, acute illness. Thoracic spine has the features of the anatomical structure and, consequently, its manifestations particular infringements.
The thoracic spine is not very mobile, so it rarely develop the disease, contributing to a breach of condition of intervertebral discs.
Rarely causes displacement of the vertebrae and trauma and physical activity, as a sudden (such as lifting weights over the head), and chronic, permanent, as awkward postures. The main manifestation of pinched nerves in the thoracic region is intercostal neuralgia
Intercostal neuralgia - learn to distinguish between pain
. Most intercostal neuralgia sick elderly people who have changes in the spine are joined also vascular disorders.
The most common manifestation of a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine is pain along the edges, worse towards the spine. However there is a sensation of pain chest stiffness. On the intercostal muscles are often painful nodules can be felt. Pain in the intercostal neuralgia can be sharp, burning, or aching, dull, aggravated by any movement or coughing, sneezing. It appears it is usually in the form of attacks, which are often accompanied by jerking the intercostal muscles, severe sweating, reddening of the skin over the ribs. But there may be persistent pain.
There are definitely more painful points located in the thorax, spine and intercostal spaces. It may occur as a violation of the sensitivity of the skin over the painful spot, which is manifested by numbness and pins and needles sensation in the body.
In addition, when a pinched nerve in the thoracic pain often appear in the heart, which patients often mistaken for true heart pain, especially since they often give in his left hand.
But these are more persistent pain associated with movement and not removed nitroglycerin (in contrast to the pain associated with angina).
May appear and pains in the stomach, mimicking pain in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. And there is a difference from the true stomach pain: pain related to the spine, can not be removed by means of antispasmodics (eg, no-spa), whereas the true stomach pain, these drugs always help. All these pains associated with involvement in the process of autonomic nerve branches that go to the composition of the spinal nerves (autonomic nervous system innervates internal organs and blood vessels).
Infringement of the intercostal nerve is often accompanied by a protective spasm of muscles - back, shoulder and scapula, which amplifies pain.
Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis is based on a survey of the patient, his complaints and characteristic picture of disease. It confirms the diagnosis by means of X-ray studies. In some cases, further diagnosis is carried out magnetic resonance or computed tomography. Held as myelography - X-ray using a contrast agent that is injected into the spinal canal.
Treatment for a pinched nerve in the thoracic held mainly conservative.
It starts with the removal of the complex treatment of paroxysmal pain and eliminate the cause of the infringement of the intercostal nerves. Provide medical treatment - pain relievers drugs (diclofenac, nize, indomethacin), drugs, remove the protective muscle spasm of the chest (for example, Mydocalmum), B vitamins (they contribute to the restoration of metabolic processes in the nerve cells). For pain relief methods used reflexology
Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
(acupuncture, acupressure
Acupressure - Eastern practices in the service of modern science
, Moxibustion), physiotherapy (electrophoresis with painkillers).
When the pain subsides, prescribe sessions of manual therapy
Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert
, Massage and therapeutic gymnastics - it helps to restore the correct physiological position of the spine, improves circulation, increases range of motion in the chest. But massages and therapeutic exercises should only be an experienced professional, or the patient's condition can rapidly deteriorate.
Galina Romanenko