Local oxygen deficiency occurs in the basin of the brain vessels, and this pathological condition develops in adults and infants. Cerebral ischemia is a serious neurological problems, since this condition can lead to complications, especially in pediatric practice. Effective treatments are developed by specialists until now, so we can not talk about the presence of the only true remedy.
Stages of progression of changes in ischemia
Cerebral ischemia is characterized by progressive course, with the presence of complaints does not reflect the severity of the patient's condition. Neurological syndromes consist of symptoms, the presence of which can be set neurologist in an objective examination. Cerebral ischemia 1 degree does not affect the health of man, his ability to look after themselves, as the disorders are easy character.
Increasing neurological symptoms leading to the appearance of specific or dominant syndrome. Cerebral ischemia 2 reflects on the professional adaptation of the person, because the disease affects the ability of controlling their skills and actions. At this stage, the complaint can not be objective, do not reflect the severity of the general condition, as the patient does not give them special significance. Symptoms of cerebral ischemia are formed in one of the dominant neurological syndromes.
Ischemia cerebral vascular disorders manifested by the following:
- movement disorders that are polymorphic in nature
- emotional disorders
- memory impairment
Chronic cerebral ischemia development reaches a maximum at the last stage. Cerebral ischemia 3 degree may be accompanied by clinical dementia, when a person loses skills, knowledge learned earlier, when this is no longer possible to buy new ones. Effects of cerebral ischemia are as mental decay functions, the severity of which depends on what area of the brain irreversibly changed.
How is cerebral ischemia in children
Insufficient intake of oxygen occurs in complicated pregnancy or childbirth. Cerebral ischemia in newborns is a consequence of complications such as preeclampsia, gestational pyelonephritis. Great importance should be given to the prevention of anemia in pregnant women. Uncompensated iron deficiency is a risk factor for complications, so as a preventive measure should be considered receiving a multivitamin and iron supplementation.
Ischemia of the brain in children require treatment in the intensive care unit, where there are severe neurological disorder. The first symptoms can be seen at the child on the fifth or seventh day after the birth, which can manifest depression or stimulation of the newborn. Symptoms of cerebral ischemia progresses, the child developed seizures. In such a situation it is necessary to take immediate therapeutic action to prevent ischemic damage in preservation for a long period.
The first signs of ischemia
Signs of ischemia - everything depends on the organ injury
the brain can be detected on the conclusion of ultrasound, so this type of survey is mandatory for the first few days after birth.
Prognosis depends not only on the severity of clinical symptoms, as well as the complex of rehabilitation measures in a specialized department. If the newborn revealed the presence of mild ischemia, it goes without consequences for health. Cerebral ischemia in premature has some characteristics as the cells of the brain characterized by different sensitivity that is determined for the period in which the child was born.
Hypoxic brain damage may be accompanied by bleeding. Premature babies prognosis in this case is unfavorable when compared with the forecast in term. Intracerebral hemorrhage may be associated with bleeding in the area of the cerebellum. Ischemia cerebellum weights severity of the newborn, have a high incidence of deaths. Causes of cerebral ischemia in children are associated with complications in childbirth. Pathological delivery, which include breech delivery, forceps delivery, is one of the causal factors of cerebral hypoxia. Organization of obstetric care, the rational management of labor should be seen as a preventive measure.
Restoration of normal cerebral blood flow
Treatment of brain ischemia involves the use of conservative and surgical treatments. Currently, developed modern surgical techniques that can effectively restore blood flow disturbance. You can remove a clot, atherosclerotic plaque, those entities that narrow the lumen of the blood vessel. Treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular using surgery depends on the location of the pathological focus, as this is determined by the technical features (the possibility of operational access to the vessel).
Treatment of chronic cerebral ischemia is to treat existing comorbidities, such as hypertension. It is important to avoid sharp fluctuations in numbers of blood pressure, not to aggravate ischemic attacks. The drugs can be combined, which will allow to achieve a protective effect on those authorities who suffer hypertension. Against the background of drug therapy, it is important to adhere to nutritional advice.
Power in cerebral ischemia should be aimed at the normalization of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, especially if the patient has symptoms of atherosclerosis.
First, we should limit consumption of animal fats, meals need a variety of vegetables and fruits. Diet in cerebral ischemia is explained to the patient in the appointment of medical therapy as providing treatment without a power supply is not permissible. Prevention of cerebral ischemia should begin with proper nutrition
Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
That will prevent the development of atherosclerosis and other metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
Timely treatment of chronic cerebral ischemia
Chronic ischemia of the brain - which includes the concept
It prevents the development of complications in the first stroke. Stroke can contribute to the ravages of ischemic changes in brain tissue. Effects of ischemic brain stroke are at risk of thrombosis, so antithrombotic therapy is an important component of therapy. Clinical manifestation of acute stroke is a cerebral ischemia The situation calls for urgent action to restore blood flow in the area where the tissue of the brain experiencing a sharp shortage of oxygen.
Cerebral blood flow can be disrupted briefly in atherosclerosis, which is the reason for the development of focal neurological symptoms. Transient cerebral ischemia can last anywhere from ten minutes to several hours, which affects the amount of drug therapy. The cure for cerebral ischemia should be selected individually based on an objective examination of the data, the results of a comprehensive survey.
Marina Solovyov