Tablets contain cytoflavin drugs that actively affect the metabolic processes in the brain. Therefore, this drug is increasingly used in chronic cerebral circulatory disorders in the prevention of ischemic stroke.
How do the pills cytoflavin
Cytoflavin tablets belong to a group of drugs that stimulate the metabolism in the brain. The composition of one tablet contains: 300 mg of succinic acid Riboxin 50 mg, 25 mg and 5 mg of nicotinamide mononucleotide riboflavin. Each of these substances can positively affect the brain cells, and together they perfectly match and enhance each other's action.
Under the influence of cytoflavin increases the amount of energy produced from the decomposition of glucose
Glucose: The energy source
Which is necessary brain cells (neurons) to carry out metabolic processes. This action ensures that the increased synthesis of intracellular protein and the implementation of other biochemical processes.
Citoflavin also improves cerebral circulation and simultaneously reduces the demand for oxygen neurons. This allows the correct application cytoflavin as treatments reduce the risk of ischemic stroke in chronic disorders of cerebral circulation.
Citoflavin has neuroprotective effects - protects cells from any harmful effects, including the effects of free radicals generated during normal biochemical reactions (antioxidant effect).
This medication is prescribed
The main indication for cytoflavin - chronic ischemic attack. The reason for this condition is often a cerebral atherosclerosis, in which the walls of blood vessels delayed atherosclerotic plaques, reduce the lumen of the vessel. For brain cells thus constantly receives a limited amount of nutrients and oxygen, which leads to a gradual degradation and the formation of senile dementia. A particular danger in this situation are spasms of cerebral vessels: the blood supply to certain areas of the brain is interrupted for some time, and the cells die - a process called necrosis, and disease - ischemic stroke.
In this state tsikloflavin improves blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, which leads to improvement of nutrition and oxygen supply. As a result, the cells get more glucose, which is under the influence of cytoflavin immediately involved in the metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
and a source of energy. The rush of energy causes the activation of other metabolic processes in the cell, including protein synthesis, which is the restoration of cells.
Thus, cytoflavin improves patients with chronic ischemic attack, and prevents the development of ischemic stroke. This restores the nervous tissue, and improved intelligence, memory, concentration and performance of patients.
In addition to atherosclerosis in cerebral circulatory disorders can lead persistent increase in blood pressure while cytoflavin also help to improve the condition and quality of life of patients. Apply tablets cytoflavin and fatigue, decreased ability to work - this preparation contributes to the overall revitalization of the body.
Contraindications pills cytoflavin is hypersensitivity to its components of the patient. Precautions pills prescribed for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
Side effects
Citoflavin tablets are usually very well tolerated. But when taken in large doses over a long time, it can cause short-term reduction in blood sugar
Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it seems
That can be dangerous if the patient suffers from diabetes. There may also be impaired renal function and increase gout.
When the pill cytoflavin may also have nausea and pain in the upper abdomen, which quickly pass. On the part of the central nervous system with the pill may cause short-term headaches. Allergic reactions while taking pills cytoflavin occur in the form of skin rashes (including urticaria), angioedema, pruritus.
Citoflavin sufficiently safe and effective drug, so it is often prescribed as part of a treatment for circulatory disorders of the brain.
Galina Romanenko