Gliatilin: guide the preparations improving brain activity
August 5, 2012
Gliatilin - a drug that improves metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
in the brain, cerebral circulation and transmission of nerve impulses in nerve cells. All this leads to the reduction of the brain, memory and mental abilities.
The mechanism of action gliatilin
Gliatilin (the main active ingredient - choline alfostserat) - a cholinomimetic (source of choline), the central action, neuroprotective (protects nerve cells) and a nootropic (a substance that restores intelligence). The drug is available in capsules for oral administration 400 mg and as a solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration in the ampoule 4 ml (in 1 ml of solution contains 250 mg of the main active ingredient in ampoule 1 - 1 g). Manufacturer - Italian pharmaceutical company Italfarmako.
Gliatilin mechanism of action is that upon intake of it enzymatically degrades to a biologically active substance and choline glycerophosphate. Choline is the basis for the synthesis of acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter, by which jitters transmitted from cell to cell. From glycerophosphate formed phospholipids that strengthen the membrane of nerve cells - neurons.
Thus gliatilin increases in acetylcholine synthesis, improves the transmission of nerve impulses in neurons sensitive to acetylcholine, increases the ductility (resilience of connections between neurons and creating new bonds).
As a result of such action improves circulation, speeds up the metabolic processes in the brain, restores bioelectric activity of the brain, consciousness after traumatic brain injury. Under the influence of gliatilin quickly it restored the basic functions of the brain after injury and illness. Especially beneficial effect gliatilin performs in the case where it is administered immediately after the disease, for example, the field of ischemic stroke.
Gliatilin activates mental abilities, it can improve intelligence and memory in patients after various brain diseases and traumatic brain injury, as well as dementia of any origin (including senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease). It can reduce the effects of depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
, Remove the heightened emotionality (or, on the contrary, apathy) and irritability.
Indications for use
Gliatilin used by a physician in the following diseases and conditions:
- immediately after severe traumatic brain injury in patients with impaired consciousness and coma; the sooner the drug is appointed after the injury, the faster the recovery period;
- immediately after ischemic stroke (the sooner the better);
- after hemorrhagic stroke, when will the threat of intracranial bleeding, ie only during the recovery period;
- when the consequences of cerebral circulatory disorders, senile dementia (dementia) and Alzheimer's disease, which occur with impaired mental abilities, memory, concentration, loss of various skills, confusion, violation of orientation in the environment;
- at high or low emotionality, irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Lack of interest in life and any activity of senile depression.
Gliatilin contraindicated if you are hypersensitive its components the body of the patient. It is impossible to use the preparation as in pregnancy, despite the fact that it has no influence on the pregnancy, and has no teratogenic (malformations) and embryotoxic effects. Not applicable gliatilin and during the feeding of the child
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding. In these group of patients were not conducted clinical studies. Therefore, no one definitely can not say how gliatilin would affect pregnant women and infants.
Treatment gliatilin is not an obstacle for the performance of work requiring special attention and the normal coordination of movements, including driving motor vehicles.
Side effects and overdose
Gliatilin has virtually no side effects, even with prolonged treatment. Sometimes the background of its reception may be nausea. Not excluded, and allergic reactions, which are dangerous mainly for parenteral administration gliatilin.
If overdose all its side effects are amplified. It is not dangerous, simply adjust the dose gliatilin.
Gliatilin - a drug that helps restore mental health.
Galina Romanenko
Treatment of multiple sclerosis - the choice is always
April 1, 2007
At this time, there is no way to cure multiple sclerosis. Treatment usually focuses on relieving symptoms and attacks and slowing the development of the disease. Some patients have mild symptoms so that treatment is not necessary.
Treatment of seizures
Corticosteroids. The most commonly used in multiple sclerosis drugs, corticosteroids reduce inflammation, which is characteristic of the disease attacks. Such drugs include oral prednisone and methylprednisolone injection. Among the side effects of corticosteroids - high blood pressure, mood swings and weight gain. Long-term use of corticosteroids may lead to the development of cataracts, increased blood sugar
Blood sugar - a very important indicator
and increased risk of infections.
Plasmapheresis. During this procedure, there is a mechanical separation of blood cells from the plasma. Plasmapheresis helps with serious symptoms of multiple sclerosis in those cases when the intravenous steroids are ineffective.
Changing the course of the disease
Beta interferons. Preparations of this type, which include, for example:
- Avonex and Betaferon, slow the progression of multiple sclerosis. Interferons may cause side effects, including liver damage, so during the treatment must make regular blood tests for liver enzymes.
- Glatiramer (Copaxone). It is assumed that prevents destruction of myelin glatiramer immune system. This drug should be administered subcutaneously once daily. Its side effects are hot flashes and shortness of breath after the injection.
- Fingolimod (Gielen) - an oral medication that must be taken once a day. It interception immune cells in the lymph nodes, thus facilitating multiple sclerosis attacks. Within six hours after the first dose of fingolimod is necessary to monitor the heart rhythm of the patient, since the first dose may cause a decrease in heart rate - bradycardia. Fingolimod may take only those who have immunity to varicella-zoster virus. Side effects of the drug may be increased blood pressure and erosion of visible objects.
- Tysabri (natalizumab). This drug prevents the penetration of potentially dangerous immune cells from the blood into the brain and spinal cord. Natalizumab usually prescribed to people who do not help other therapies or who for any reason can not use them. Tysabri increases the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy - a brain infection that usually leads to death.
- Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) - immunosuppressant used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, can be dangerous for the heart. In addition, it is associated with the development of cancer of the blood, so it is generally used only for very severe forms of treatment of multiple sclerosis.
Relief of symptoms
- Physiotherapy. In the course of multiple sclerosis treatment usually consists of sessions with a physiotherapist, during which he teaches the patient to special exercises and teaches him to use special devices that make it easier to perform daily activities.
- Muscle relaxants. In multiple sclerosis, can be painful and uncontrollable muscle spasms, particularly in the legs. To cope with this symptom may be using muscle relaxants such as baclofen (Lioresal) and tizanidine (Zanaflex). These drugs can cause different side effects: baclofen sometimes causes weakness in the legs, and tizanidine can cause drowsiness and dry mouth.
- Drugs to reduce fatigue. Some drugs, such as amantadine (Symmetrel), to help fight the characteristic of multiple sclerosis fatigue.
- Other medications. Patients with multiple sclerosis is sometimes required to take medication for depression, pain killers, drugs for controlling intestinal function and bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
And other medications.
Other treatments
There are many other means to relieve the symptoms of multiple sclerosis:
- Relax. Fatigue characteristic of multiple sclerosis is not related to the level of human activity, so it may need more rest than usual.
- Exercise. Regular physical activity can have a therapeutic effect in mild and moderate forms of multiple sclerosis. Sport helps improve muscle tone, improve coordination, and helps overcome depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
- Cool. As the heat of the body contributes to exacerbate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, after sports, and in hot weather, take a cold shower or a bath, avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.
- Eat right. A healthy diet improves the function of the immune system and the whole organism.
- Control your stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
. Since stress may cause a worsening of symptoms of multiple sclerosis, develop technology that will help ease the stress. Practice yoga, tai chi, breathing exercises, and so on.
Treatment of multiple sclerosis at an early stage contributes to a favorable outcome
According to scientists, the damaged section of brain and spinal cord can occur in the early stages of multiple sclerosis, even before symptoms appear. Therefore, it is important to begin treatment as soon as possible sclerosis. Studies have shown that the development of physical disability can be slowed down, if you start the treatment of multiple sclerosis at an early stage.
People with MS should discuss with your doctor all treatment options and choose the best. In order to choose and make the right decision, first of all, pay attention to the effectiveness of treatment. Look for a way to treat multiple sclerosis, which slow the development of physical disability and reduce the frequency of relapses (exacerbations). Also it is necessary to take into account the presence of side effects and their impact. Finally, think about your lifestyle and habits. Find out which treatment option for multiple sclerosis best fits into your lifestyle. The correct choice of treatment options can help you last longer enjoy a full life. Choosing a method of treatment, you can more actively resist disease.
Factors determining the choice of a method of treating multiple sclerosis
- Efficiency. How selected medication slows the development of physical disability? Whether it reduces the frequency of relapses? The main goal of any treatment for multiple sclerosis should be to prevent or delay the onset of physical disability.
- Safety (harmlessness). All drugs anyway harmful to health. Therefore, it is important to weigh all the "pros" and "cons" the drug, taking into account the impact of possible side effects. Discuss this with your doctor. He will make a decision and choose the most suitable option.
- Convenience. The treatment will be ineffective if it is not consistent. Therefore, when choosing medications and also think about how much medication you have to take, how often and for how long. Choose a treatment that will fit into your lifestyle.
- The presence of side effects. All drugs against multiple sclerosis associated with the risk of side effects. Carefully weigh all the "pros" and "cons", and share your concerns with your doctor.