Ischemic stroke - symptoms: what should pay attention

February 21, 2012

 ischemic stroke symptoms
 Ischemic stroke - an acute stroke, which occurs during the formation in blood vessels feeding the brain tissue, a blood clot in a strong sudden spasm of blood vessels, or with a sharp decrease in cerebral blood flow. All this causes death of brain tissue that nourishes the vessel.

 Ischemic stroke - symptoms: what should pay attention

What happens in the brain during an ischemic stroke

The severity of brain tissue in ischemic stroke depends on the diameter of the affected blood vessel and the duration of the absence of blood supply to the tissue. It can range from changes in individual structural elements of the nervous tissue to form large pockets of gross brain damage. In ischemic stroke in the brain tissue of developing heart attacks - focal necrosis (necrosis) caused by insufficient blood flow. Heart attacks can be white, bloody (with small hemorrhages), and mixed.

 Ischemic stroke - symptoms: what should pay attention

What precedes

Ischemic stroke or cerebral infarction develops most often in patients with middle and old age, but can sometimes be at a young age. Men suffering from this disease more often than women.

Of ischemic stroke in many cases preceded by temporary ischemic attacks, signs of which are rapidly. Such bouts of cerebral circulation are called transient, they arise from the short-term circulatory disorders of certain areas of the brain. In most cases, this is the area then developed ischemic stroke. Just before the stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
   the number of such transient disturbances of blood circulation increases.

Before ischemic stroke due to thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
   cerebral vascular diseases often occur precursors in the form of dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Short-term disturbances of consciousness, blackout.

 Ischemic stroke - symptoms: what should pay attention


Ischemic stroke can occur at any time, but most often it develops in the morning or at night. Sometimes patients say that before the stroke they had significant physical or emotional stress, alcohol excesses, hot tub, some infectious disease or significant blood loss.

Starting ischemic stroke usually is gradual, with the growth of neurological disorders for several hours, sometimes days. Typically so-called "flicker symptoms" when the symptoms of cerebral circulation is growing, the decrease for two to three days. Sometimes the signs are growing very slowly, over several weeks or even months. This slow development of stroke is often observed in patients with severe cardiosclerosis - the growth of connective tissue in the heart muscle that reduces its contractility.

But in some cases, the beginning of an acute ischemic stroke happens when suddenly appear once all its signs in its highest manifestation. This variant of the disease is most often the case with thromboembolism Thromboembolism: severe complications  Thromboembolism: severe complications
   - Isolation clot somewhere in the periphery and plugging them vessels of the brain.

 Ischemic stroke - symptoms: what should pay attention

The main features of

For ischemic stroke characterized by the predominance of local sensitivities and movement disorders (focal violations) over the cerebral symptoms, which are often non-existent (in hemorrhagic stroke ratio of the reverse).

Focal violation depends on what area of ​​the brain affected, and the diameter of the lumen of the affected vessel and the conditions for the development of collateral (bypassing damaged vessel) circulation. So, to defeat the extracranial internal carotid artery area is characterized by the occurrence of transient visual impairment in one eye in combination with a short-term movement disorders (paresis) on the opposite side of the body. To further develop a persistent decrease in vision in the affected side, and paralysis on the opposite side. If you violate cross left carotid artery often have speech disorders, rarely - seizures.

In violation of patency of the vertebral arteries appear pronounced dizziness, staggering when walking, tinnitus, jerking of the eyeballs (nystagmus), hearing loss and blurred vision in both eyes, drops in blood pressure, seizures, weakness with impaired movement, chanted it. All these symptoms are worse when turning the head, especially when cutting.

For vascular lesions in the brain stem are characteristic oculomotor disturbances, nystagmus, dizziness, impaired speech, swallowing disorders, motor coordination, headache.

Vomiting in ischemic stroke is rare. Also rarely occur, and other cerebral symptoms as seizures, loss of consciousness, and so on.

Ischemic stroke, unlike hemorrhagic (rupture of a blood vessel and bleeding into the brain) occurs gradually, which gives him a chance to notice and treat.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • ischemic stroke

Idiopathic tinnitus - very common

August 7, 2012

 idiopathic tinnitus
 When a tinnitus patient is usually fully examined to determine the origin of the noise. But to establish why there was noise in the ears, it is not always possible, in this case speak of idiopathic tinnitus. Treat idiopathic noise by the general rules of treatment of tinnitus.

 Idiopathic tinnitus - very common

The cause of

When a person first appears more or less constant tinnitus Constant noise in the ears - auditory hallucinations do not lead to anything good  Constant noise in the ears - auditory hallucinations do not lead to anything good
 You need to conduct a full examination. Tinnitus is not necessarily be associated with some pathologies. Sometimes tinnitus appears at absolutely healthy people in silence. The reason for this noise can be the blood flow, the person who hears. However, in order to make sure that it is a physiological noise, need to be examined.

Often the cause of tinnitus is any disease, and then he is called abnormal noise. This kind of noise is divided into two types: objective (it hears not only the patient but also the doctor) and subjective. Objective tinnitus can occur when muscle twitching outer and middle ear, in certain inflammatory processes in this area, moving the blood high blood pressure, high atmospheric pressure. This noise is not accompanied by hearing loss.

But most of the tinnitus is subjective, that is, it only hears the patient himself. Subjective tinnitus is accompanied by hearing loss often. It arises due to different changes in the middle or inner ear for a background of inflammation, multiple sclerosis, damage to the auditory nerves, intoxication drugs (such as certain types of antibiotics), heavy metals. In order to identify the causes of subjective tinnitus patient is completely examined.

If you identify the cause of subjective tinnitus can not be identified, then placed diagnosis of idiopathic tinnitus.

The most common cause of idiopathic tinnitus is the damage of the inner ear, as it is often associated with hearing impairment. Tinnitus is often leads to neurotic disorders in a patient, causing him sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Concentration. Some patients with the appearance of tinnitus can not drive a car.

 Idiopathic tinnitus - very common


First of all, you should consult an audiologist for a full examination of the organ of hearing. It begins with a survey questioning and medical examination. Questioning is very important, as important is the tone of the noise, and then, when he appeared for the first time, whether it is permanent or occurs at certain times of the day. During the examination, the doctor can detect a variety of diseases of the middle ear and the inner ear suspect pathology. For the diagnosis of the patient is most often required to undergo additional tests. ALWAYS audiometry - character study of noise using a special device - the audiometer or forks. If necessary, designate other types of surveys.

In addition, the patient must go to a survey by a physician and neurologist, as idiopathic tinnitus can be caused by high blood pressure, neuritis of the auditory nerve, and various lesions of the brain, including tumors, degenerative disc disease. I must examine the patient and the dentist as often tinnitus is a consequence of the disease joint.

 Idiopathic tinnitus - very common

How to get rid of noise

In the case where the detected cause of tinnitus, ie the underlying disease that caused it, it is being treated, which reduces noise. Fully noise can be removed only if it is caused by, for example, inflammation of the middle ear. If this is a consequence sclerosis (proliferation of connective tissue in the middle or inner ear), it is possible to achieve only some improvement.

To reduce idiopathic tinnitus accompanied by hearing loss, wearing a hearing aid appoint: hearing improvement will reduce the degree of tinnitus. Available as sets for masking noise. They look like hearing aids worn in the ear and produce a sound that masks the inherent noise in the ear of the patient. External noise is generally perceived as the sick better than your own.

Idiopathic tinnitus often occurs against a background of increased patient anxiety, which he significantly strengthens and often bring the patient to the neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock

Therefore, great importance is the treatment of neuroses, insomnia, withdrawal of general anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Reduction of neuropsychiatric stress and overwork.

What matters is the patient and the refusal of smoking, alcohol or any other toxic substances that can have a negative effect on the organ of hearing.

If you suspect damage the inner ear, the ear or the nerve center of hearing in the brain prescriber with a direct impact on nerve cells. Furthermore, for the same purpose are assigned physiotherapy (for example, electrical stimulation of nerve cells).

Idiopathic tinnitus requires, above all, respect for the right regime and rejecting any bad habits.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • noise in ears
