Massage in the intercostal neuralgia performed only after decrease in acute manifestations of the disease, and severe pain as well as if the attack was caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The patient should be examined as intercostal neuralgia
Intercostal neuralgia - learn to distinguish between pain
It can be caused by a tumor in which massage is contraindicated.
What benefits can bring massage
Massage in the intercostal neuralgia applies only when subacute for sparing technique. This massage helps to improve blood circulation and relieve the tension of the intercostal muscles, the muscles of the back and chest, and this in turn will contribute to the recovery.
When frequent exacerbations intercostal neuralgia massage is performed without exacerbation after a preliminary examination of the patient and establish a definitive diagnosis. The most common cause of intercostal neuralgia is an osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can be confused with other diseases
. This degenerative (caused by a metabolic disorder) disease that begins with the intervertebral disc and then spreads to the spine. With the destruction of the intervertebral discs, they can go beyond the spine and infringe upon the intercostal nerves.
Massage in this case, capable of improving blood circulation and nutrition of tissue in the thoracic spine, leading to the activation of metabolic processes, and partial recovery of the state of the spine as a whole. And this in turn is the prevention of recurrence of intercostal neuralgia.
Massage in the intercostal neuralgia should be performed only by a medical professional, specially trained and certified specialist therapeutic massage
Massage Therapy - when it is needed?
. Performing massage layman unacceptable, because it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
The massage is performed not only in the thoracic, and the course of the spine, as osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
rarely limited to a single thoracic and strikes, as a rule, the entire spine.
Back massage
Back massage is performed with the patient lying on his stomach. During the session covered the skin and muscles. In some cases, if the pain still worried patient acceptability of massage in his position sitting on a chair, leaning on a massage table, and relax the muscles.
It starts a session with a massage of the skin. Apply various techniques of surface and deep stroking, rubbing, vibration (shaking), pat and chopped the edge of his hand. When stroking the hand of the masseur should move in the direction of the spinous processes of the spine (the most prominent points of the spine) to the subclavian and axillary regions and from the spinous processes to iliac bone.
Separately, held long and short massage of the back muscles, the latissimus and trapezius muscles. Massage intercostal nerves carried outwards from the spinous processes of the spine with the use of methods of stroking, rubbing, uninterruptible vibration along the nerves.
As the pain subsided special effects are on the point adjacent to the thoracic spine.
Breast Massage
Breast massage is performed with the patient on the back, chest massage on the affected side. First, apply the surface stroking his hand, which lay on the edge of the sternum, parallel to the midline. Then the masseur's hand directed arch to the clavicle (so arranged fibers of the pectoralis major). Special Effects subject pectoralis major muscle and other major muscles of the chest.
Massage intercostal nerves is carried on the anterior axillary line, at the junction of the sternum with rib cartilage, along the line, next to the breastbone. Massage intercostal nerves carried with one hand, I or II with a finger or fingers II and III at the same time, apart forked. Used stroking, rubbing, uninterruptible vibration. During the massage, the intercostal nerves of the patient's hand to be raised up.
If detected during the massage tender points, massage techniques in this field are performed gentle. During the massage, the therapist must take into account the nature of the pathological process and focus on the sensations and the patient's condition. It makes masseurs individual approach to the implementation of massage therapy in each patient. If you do not comply with this condition, massage with intercostal neuralgia can not bring benefit and harm.
Properly conducted a massage course at intercostal neuralgia gives a good therapeutic effect.
Galina Romanenko