Mexidol - a drug that has a positive impact on the multilateral central nervous system and is used for cerebrovascular disorders, encephalopathy, against the background of cerebrovascular accidents, cerebral arteriosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis and other conditions.
The mechanism of action mexidol
Mexidol (INN - oksimetiletilpiridina succinate) refers to a group of heteroaromatic antioxidants
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That suppress the formation of free radicals (free radicals formed during oxidation-reduction reactions and destroy everything in its path - because of free radicals is aging organism). Inhibition of reactions, contribute to the formation of free radicals, the recovery of the structure and function of cell membranes of tissues, including red blood cells and platelets, which reduces the likelihood of hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells). Is restored as the state of the cell membranes of the myocardium (heart muscle) and vascular cells, it promotes the cardiovascular system.
Under the influence of mexidol improves metabolic processes in cells, including energy metabolism (mexidol actively metabolize
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- energy source). This leads to the fact that less tissue need oxygen (antihypoxic effect).
It has mexidol and adaptogenic and anti-stress effect. This is manifested in the increase of resistance (immunity) of the body to the action of various damaging factors in conditions such as shock, hypoxia, stress
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, Insomnia, physical and emotional overload, traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident, intoxication by alcohol, drugs and toxic substances.
Another property mexidol - is the ability to reduce blood levels of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL), which is formed of "harmful" cholesterol, going to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. As a result, resolution of atherosclerotic lesions in the arteries.
Angioproteguoe mexidol action is that it improves blood flow in small blood vessels and blood flow, reduces the aggregation (bonding, resulting in formation of thrombi) platelets, which is the prevention of thrombus formation, such as varicose veins.
Meksidol positive effect on the brain - improves the metabolism of the nerve cells and the transmission of nerve impulses from cell to cell, the blood supply to brain, enhances the brain resistance to oxygen deficiency and reduced clinical manifestations stroke. It improves and higher brain functions such as learning ability, memory, attention, mental performance, without causing sedation and relaxation (nootropic effect).
Antialcoholic mexidol action is manifested in the fact that it has a sober effect and is used for treatment of withdrawal symptoms and acute alcohol poisoning. Mexidol also able to protect the body by high radiation, intoxication on the background of acute pancreatitis.
After ingestion of meksidol half an hour reaches the maximum concentration in plasma, rapidly distributed in organs and tissues, which circulates within 9 hours. Then decomposed by the liver and excreted in the urine.
Mexidol available in tablets and capsules with a solution for injection.
Indications and contraindications for use mexidol
Mexidol appoint the following diseases and conditions:
- in acute cerebrovascular accidents;
- when encephalopathy (non-inflammatory disorder of the brain) due to vascular disorders;
- in the vegetative-vascular disorders;
- in disorders of the central nervous system against the background of atherosclerosis;
- the neuroses and neurosis-like states against the background of diseases and injuries of the central nervous system;
- when withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism and alcohol poisoning;
- in case of poisoning with neuroleptics;
- acute purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity (pancreatitis, peritonitis);
- high physical and emotional stress loads.
Contraindications for use mexidol:
- hypersensitivity to the drug;
- acute disorders of the liver or kidneys;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding (clinical research with this group of patients is not carried out).
Mexidol well tolerated, does not cause harm to the body and has virtually no side effects (well, except, of course, allergies). Sometimes, if it is applied appears dry mouth and nausea. Since mexidol has a slight sedative effect, the driving during the course of treatment is not recommended.
Galina Romanenko