Milgamma - instruction: how the B vitamins

September 26, 2011

 B vitamins have a neurotrophic effect, that is, have a beneficial effect on the nervous tissue in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nerves and musculoskeletal system. They also contribute to improve the blood supply to the affected tissues and improve the functioning of the nervous system in general.

 Milgamma - instruction: how the B vitamins

The mechanism of action Milgamma

Milgamma made by German pharmaceutical company Wörwag Pharma in the form of pills and injectable solution. The composition dragees include vitamins B1 and B6, and composition of the solution in addition to these vitamins include vitamin B12 and lidocaine. The dosages of vitamins in milgamma many times greater than the demand for them the human body.

B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous tissue in inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. In addition, they improve the blood supply to these tissues, and the nervous system.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, thereby improving the energy potential of the nerve cells. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in protein metabolism and partially - in carbohydrate and fat. Thiamine and pyridoxine mutually reinforce each other's actions, which is manifested in their positive impact on the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is involved in the formation of the myelin sheath covering nerve trunks, stimulates the formation of red blood cells, reducing the pain arising from peripheral nervous system diseases, stimulates the synthesis of nucleic acids (of which consist of DNA and RNA).

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic, when administered in the pathological focus of pain are significantly reduced.

The combined effects of all the substances present in milgamma has a beneficial impact on the nerve cells and nerve trunks, improves blood circulation, metabolism and regenerative (vossanovitelnye) processes and relieves pain arising from a variety of diseases of the nervous system.

 Milgamma - instruction: how the B vitamins

Indications and contraindications for use Milgamma

Milgamma appoint:

  • in inflammation of the peripheral nerves (neuritis) and inflammation of the membranes of nerves (neuralgia), accompanied by severe pain;
  • paresis of the facial nerve in violation of motor activity of the facial muscles;
  • neuritis of the auditory nerve;
  • with shingles - a disease caused by a type of herpes virus, which is stored for a long time in the nerve ganglia after undergoing varicella;
  • when polyneuropathy - toxic effects on the nervous tissue of metabolic products in diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   (diabetic polyneuropathy) and ethanol (alcohol polyneuropathy);
  • muscle spasms with (e.g., sural) in the elderly;
  • If the infringement of spinal nerve roots against the background of osteochondrosis;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • when nevrologicheskieh diseases caused by vitamin deficiency contested Group B.

Milgamma take one pills 2 - 3 times a day, drinking plenty of fluids. The course of treatment - four weeks. In severe neurological diseases, which are accompanied by severe pain, Milgamma administered intramuscularly, very slowly, to avoid possible side effects. Milgamma administered daily to reduce pain intensity and then transferred to the 2 - 3 times per week. When the pain is significantly reduced, it is possible to go to the reception inside one mlgammy pills daily as maintenance therapy.

Application Milgamma contraindicated in severe diseases of the cardiovascular system with severe impairment of its function, hypersensitivity to the drug, in children (clinical studies have been performed). It is not advisable to use Milgamma during pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice

 Milgamma - instruction: how the B vitamins

Side effects Milgamma and her overdose

Large doses of B vitamins can cause allergic reactions, as a rule, immediate type - urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm.

Sometimes, on the background of treatment there sweating, palpitation, acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
 . With the rapid intramuscular Milgamma can be dizziness, heart rhythm disorders, convulsions.

In case of overdose may increase the side effects of Milgamma.

In this case, wash the stomach to take a few tablets of activated charcoal Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
   and call an ambulance.

Milgamma - a complex of vitamins, but vitamins in this preparation are in very high doses, so take Milgamma independently without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • milgamma

Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders

July 29, 2007

  • Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders
  • Implications and correction

 violation of sleep
 Sleep is often an indicator of the overall health of a person. As a rule, healthy people sleep well, while the recurring problems with sleep can be an indicator of various diseases. Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. Ignoring sleep disorders can lead to poor general health, increased stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and many other problems. To stay healthy and work efficiently, it must be remembered that dream a normal sleep - it is a necessity, not a luxury.

Feeling sleepy during the day, regularly have trouble falling asleep at night, waking up with a feeling of fatigue - all this is not the norm. How to determine whether you have a sleep disorder?

Answer the following questions:

  • You feel irritable Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and / or sleepy during the day?
  • You often feel very sleepy when you are sitting, watching TV, reading?
  • You are afraid to go to sleep and / or feel extreme fatigue while driving?
  • Do you have difficulty concentrating?
  • You often say that you look tired?
  • Have you noticed that your reactions become slower?
  • You find it hard to control your emotions?
  • You almost every day I want to take a nap during the day?
  • Caffeinated beverages you need to work properly?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, maybe you have any sleep disorders. The more positive answers you give, the greater the probability.

 Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders


Insomnia - is the most common sleep disorder. People suffering from insomnia for a long time can not sleep at night and / wake you in the night and can not sleep afterwards. This disorder can be caused by various diseases, medications, stressful events and lifestyle features. Very often, insomnia can be overcome by changing some habits (for example, start to go to bed and get up at the same time and stop reading in bed), does not resort to the help of sleeping pills.

 Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea - a sleep disorder, which is characterized by a temporary cessation of breathing by blocking the upper respiratory tract. These pauses in breathing disrupt sleep and cause the person to wake up several times a night. Although the majority of people suffering from sleep apnea do not remember these revivals, they feel their consequences such as feeling tired during the day, irritability, depression, and decreased performance.

Sleep apnea - a serious and potentially life-threatening disorder. If you suspect that you or someone in your family have this disorder, contact your doctor. Sleep apnea is successfully treated using CPAP - devices that create a continuous positive airway pressure. In mild and moderate apnea may help weight loss (if a person has excess weight), high pillows and sleep on your side.

Symptoms of sleep apnea include:

  • Constant loud snoring during sleep;
  • Frequent pauses while breathing during sleep;
  • Shortness of breath and / or a feeling of suffocation during sleep;
  • Feeling tired in the morning and throughout the day;
  • The awakening with shortness of breath, chest pain, headache, stuffy nose, dry mouth.

 Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders

Restless legs syndrome

For restless legs syndrome is characterized by the need to move the legs, which usually comes during sleep and causes sleep disturbance. Most patients with this disorder, there are no neurological or other diseases. In some cases, restless leg syndrome associated with iron deficiency, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, fibromyalgia and other disorders.

 Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders

Sleeping disease

Narcolepsy - a sleep disorder that is characterized by extreme, uncontrollable daytime sleepiness. It is caused by a dysfunction of the brain mechanisms that control sleep and wakefulness. People with narcolepsy can fall asleep people during a conversation at work, and even driving. Common symptoms of narcolepsy:

  • The appearance of dreams Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   before the person is fully asleep;
  • A sudden feeling of weakness and loss of control over their muscles when a person laughs, angry, or other express strong emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
  • Dreams that occur immediately after falling asleep and / or very vivid, realistic dreams;
  • Feeling unable to move for some time after the man woke up.
