Reactive meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
or neurotoxicosis develops as the body's response to the impact of bacterial or viral toxins in acute respiratory infections. Often the symptoms of neurotoxicity not immediately be distinguished from the true manifestation of meningitis - inflammation of the meninges.
Reasons reactive meningitis
Neurotoxicity - a condition that develops mainly in young children in response to bacterial or viral toxins released during various respiratory tract infections (respiratory infections such as the flu). Thus there is a loss of vegetative parts of the central nervous system (CNS), bacterial, viral toxins or products of cellular metabolism. Response is edema-swelling of the brain, which many consider a universal non-specific reactive process of brain disorder clinically similar to disorders in the meningitis.
Swelling of the brain occurs because of cerebrovascular events (this leads to oxygen starvation of the brain cells - neurons), metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
Leading to metabolic shifts (acidosis) and increase the vascular permeability. As a result of these violations occurs the accumulation of free liquid in the brain ventricles and the brain.
The mechanism of development of cerebral edema at neurotoxicosis lies reflex exposure to toxins (toxin pathogens and toxins resulting from improper metabolism) on the CNS and the autonomic nervous system (ANS), as well as internal organs, and endocrine system. Exposure to toxins VNS leads to the expression of vascular responses: spasm, sometimes vasodilation, resulting in a dramatic stroke, eating disorders of the kidneys and the heart muscle, which in turn leads to a decrease in the function of these organs.
The capillaries are formed microthrombuses, when resorption of which a large amount of biologically active substances (histamine, serotonin), causing a violation of vascular permeability and edema.
Poor circulation and regulating the central nervous system, as well as a direct impact of endotoxin on the most important organs and tissues leads to severe metabolic disorders and to acidosis.
Factors predisposing to the development of neurotoxicity, consider unfavorable for pregnancy and childbirth (gestosis, fetoplacental insufficiency, the threat of termination of pregnancy, rapid or very prolonged labor, and so on), seizure (the appearance of seizures, even with a moderate rise in temperature), atopy (inherited allergy), increased nervous excitability.
Symptoms of meningitis jet
Signs of acute neurotoxicity develop, usually in the first few hours after the onset of the disease. Neurotoxicity occurs in three phases: the first phase excitation develops, then the phase of depression of the central nervous system (CNS) and coma.
The first phase (phase excitation) begins with the excitation of unmotivated child and lasts from six hours to two days. He is restless, he cries constantly moving, startled, trembling of the limbs appear, and then the whole body. Increased body temperature, there is tachycardia and dyspnea. Often these symptoms are joined cramps, which are generalized and flows series. The child may lose consciousness, he increases hyperthermia
Hyperthermia - when the body is overheated
(fever), while the skin is pale, fingers and toes - cold (sign spasm of small blood vessels). Because vasospasm disrupted kidney and develop oliguria (a sharp decrease in the volume of urine output).
If a child has not been assigned to adequate treatment, the neurotoxicosis moves into the second phase - CNS depression caused by the swelling of the brain (phase lasts from 12 hours to three days). In this phase, the child finally loses consciousness, he appeared meningeal symptoms (such manifestations as opposed to the true meningism called meningitis) and continuous seizures. However, even at this stage it is still reversible condition, if adequate treatment is carried out.
Condition becomes irreversible as swelling captures the medulla oblongata, which houses the core of some of the cranial nerves and the vital centers (cardiovascular and respiratory centers). Symptoms are swelling of the medulla oblongata strabismus
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, Dilated pupils, rapid weak pulse, low body temperature.
The third phase of neurotoxicity - a deep coma, accompanied by occasional palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias, and cessation of breathing or heart rate.
Reactive meningitis is characterized by the absence of inflammation in the lining of the brain, however, it can occur is very difficult, which requires, as a rule, resuscitation.
Galina Romanenko