Tanakan - phytopreparation to improve cerebral circulation

December 30, 2012

 Tanakan - a herbal drug, based on Ginkgo biloba improves cerebral and peripheral circulation. Tanakan a positive effect on metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   in tissues, increases their oxygen supply, reduces the risk of thrombosis and inhibits the action of toxic free radicals. This wide spectrum of action allows for tanakan for many diseases.

 Tanakan - phytopreparation to improve cerebral circulation

How does tanakan

Tanakan - herbal, improves cerebral and peripheral circulation, produced by the French pharmaceutical company Ipsen Pharma as tablets, coated tablets and as an oral solution with dosing pipette. One tablet and 1 ml tanakan contains 40 mg of standardized extract of Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo biloba), which contains 24% ginkgo flavanolglikozidov and 6% ginkgolides, bilobalide.

Tanakan okazyaet multilateral effects on the central and peripheral nervous system. It has antiplatelet, angioprotective, antioxidant, anti-hypoxic and anti-edema effect:

  • a positive effect on metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in nerve cells (neurons);
  • improves the supply of oxygen, neurons (antihypoxia action) and nutrients;
  • improves blood rheology (flow) and reduces vascular permeability (improves blood rheology, angioprotective and anti-edema action);
  • It reduces the ability of red blood cells and platelet aggregation (agglutination) and the formation of blood clots (antiplatelet effect);
  • positive effect on the autonomic nervous system innervating blood vessels, which reduces how sharp spasms and abrupt vasodilation;
  • suppresses the formation of toxic free radicals produced in the cells when oxidation-reduction reactions and oxidation of lipids that make up the membranes of neurons (antioxidant effect);
  • well reduces swelling of tissues, both in the central and peripheral nervous system (anti-edema effect);
  • positively influence the release and transfer of neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine) - substances with which nerve impulses are transmitted from neuron to.

 Tanakan - phytopreparation to improve cerebral circulation

Which diseases prescribers

Tanakan prescribed for a slight decrease in intellectual abilities, including memory for violations against the background of cerebrovascular events. Positive effect tanakan in disorders of vision and hearing on the background of cerebrovascular events.

Tanakan used for treating disorders of the nervous system nerifericheskoy related dabolevaniyami blood vessels, for example, endarteritis obliterans and atherosclerosis obliterans, when the lumen of the blood vessels (mainly the lower limbs) tapers sharply.

Another indication for tanakan are disease and Raynaud's syndrome - a disease associated with persistent spasm of the small arteries, which leads to tissue necrosis. Raynaud's disease is developed independently, and Raynaud's syndrome is one of the symptoms of some other diseases (such as scleroderma).

The course of treatment is carried out tanakanom long, up to six months. The drug thus take three times a day while eating one tablet or 1 ml, squeezed enough to (at least 100 ml) of liquid. The therapeutic effect is not earlier than one month after receiving the drug.

 Tanakan - phytopreparation to improve cerebral circulation

This is contraindicated tanakan

Tanakan contraindicated in pregnancy, breast- Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   chest and under the age of 18 years due to lack of clinical trials in these groups of patients. Do not take any medicines formv tanakan at their individual intolerance.

Oral solution is contraindicated in etozivno and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acute cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke), reducing blood clotting.

C care and only on prescription tanakan solution for ingestion can be taken in chronic alcoholism, liver disease, acute traumatic brain injuries and diseases of the brain, because the solution contains alcohol.

 Tanakan - phytopreparation to improve cerebral circulation

Side effects and overdose

Side effects are manifested tanakan:

  • the central nervous system - headache, dizziness;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
  • Skin and allergic reactions - redness, swelling, rash (sometimes in the form of urticaria) and itching;
  • from the blood - with long-term course of treatment a decrease of blood clotting, a tendency to bleed.

Tanakan - is sufficiently effective phytopreparation to treat diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, which is taken by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Pantogam children: treatment of neurological diseases

July 1, 2011

 Pantogam children
 Pantogam widely used in the treatment of various neurological disorders in children. It is used in the treatment of neonatal infants in the first months of life, with perinatal lesions of the nervous system, in psychiatry for the treatment of epilepsy and reduce the negative effects on the brain psychoactive drugs.

 Pantogam children: treatment of neurological diseases

The impact on the child's body

Pantogam is a combination of pantothenic acid (vitamin B15) with GABA (gammaaminomaslyanoy acid) - known amino acid that improves energy processes in the brain, calms, restores the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain, thereby preventing the occurrence of seizures. But he does not cause lethargy and sleepiness, in contrast, stimulates the activity of the cerebral cortex, that is, increases the activity of the child's ability to learn, memory and thinking ability. Under the influence of the drug the child begins to rapidly acquire new skills, increases its ability to learn and adapt in society, including in children's collective.

 Pantogam children: treatment of neurological diseases


Immediately after birth Pantogamum used to treat a variety of perinatal (occurring during the period from the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy to the first rather than the birth of the field, inclusive) lesions of the nervous system (USC). They can occur in utero (lack of oxygen, toxic effects of different substances) and at birth (different birth injuries) and after (joining various infections). All of these diseases can complicate long mental and physical development of the child, and even make it disabled for life, so they are trying to start treatment as early as possible. Almost always in these cases, are used nootropics.

Pantogam in lesions of the nervous system is used for a long time, and its effects are well known. Many neonatologists and pediatric neurologists prefer it to other less studied nootropics action. The drug gives few side effects and has a mild stimulating and at the same time calming effect. This allows you to assign Pantogamum for children in conjunction with other psychoactive substances. It is not only perfectly combined with other drugs, but also reduces their negative side effects. It is proved that it improves the absorption of oxygen by cells of the brain, which further enhances its therapeutic effect.

Numerous observations and studies confirmed a positive impact pangogama with severe lesions of the nervous system, as a result of the active complex treatment prevents formation of severe organic lesions of the nervous system with further disability of the child. Used Pantogamum and already formed organic brain lesions - the consequences of injuries, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus. And in this case it has a positive impact on the brain of the child.

Almost always Pantogamum prescribed for epilepsy in children, as it is on the one hand improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and oxygen uptake nerve cells, on the other hand inhibits the excitation processes in the brain, that is, prevents the occurrence of seizures. Prolonged (course) the number of seizures of the drug application is reduced by almost half.

Various children's neurological disorders are often accompanied by headache. This is especially evident at school age with an increase in neuropsychiatric stress on the child. In this case also helps pantogam appointment, which helps protect the brain from stress and has an analgesic effect. At the same time it increases the child's ability to learn and concentrate.

The drug is effective and at a delay of mental development of the child, including a delay of speech development Delayed speech development - when to sound the alarm  Delayed speech development - when to sound the alarm
 , Learning difficulties, memory impairment. Often these children at the border level (without the formation of the disease) have difficulty in communicating with peers, increased physical activity, which does not allow the child to focus on educational materials. In such cases Pantogamum can be used independently, courses, it is slowly but surely (as any nootrop) promotes the removal of the child from the state border.

It is also used in various diseases of the brain, both inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature, including the effects of encephalitis on the background of different vaccines, stuttering Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach  Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach
 , Bedwetting and other neurological processes.

A positive factor is that Pantogamum almost no side effects. But they are also found in the form of allergies and changes in the central nervous system in the form of increased excitability, and sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

Pantogam is often the drug of choice in the appointment of nootropics children.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Pantogamum
