- Intercostal neuralgia - learn to distinguish between pain
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Treatment of intercostal neuralgia - from bed rest to acupuncture
Intercostal neuralgia - is pain spreading along the trunk and branches of the intercostal nerve (intercostal nerves located between the ribs) as a result of compression or irritation. The cause of intercostal neuralgia may be injury, poisoning, infection (influenza, herpes zoster) and allergic diseases, diseases of the nervous system (multiple sclerosis, polyradiculoneuritis) and spine (low back pain, herniated discs), hypothermia with a decrease in the body's defenses (immune system), excessive tone back muscles.
Contributing factors for the development of this disease are heart disease and diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
Which lead to insufficient supply of oxygen nerves, alcohol (a toxic effect of alcohol on the nerves), the lack of B vitamins, which is common in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and several other reasons.
When intercostal neuralgia attacks appear burning pain along the intercostal spaces. Pain may increase with a deep breath or any other movement of the trunk, including when coughing or sneezing. The patient himself can probe the direction of pain along the nerve. Along with the pain may come numb the skin over the affected nerve. Intercostal nerves are branches directed to the various organs and tissues, so the pain can give the heart and under the shoulder blade, simulating cardiac pain, and in the lower back (sometimes can be confused with kidney pains).
Heart pain differs from pain in intercostal neuralgia fact that when there is no such clear, depending on the movements of the chest and it is removed by nitroglycerine.
Although extensive myocardial infarction accompanied by severe pain, which are enhanced by the respiratory movements and not removed nitroglycerin, so if there was such a pain the first time and you can not determine its origin, an urgent need to call an ambulance.
How to diagnose
To understand why there was pain, seek medical attention. In addition to the examination the doctor will appoint an additional examination in order to identify the causes of intercostal neuralgia. It can be various X-ray examinations (radiography, imaging - X-ray examination of tissue layer by layer, myelography - X-ray examination of soft tissue of the spinal cord, CT), magnetic resonance imaging (research with the help of electromagnetic waves), and methods of functional diagnostics.
How to treat
Treatment of intercostal neuralgia - is the removal of pain and treat diseases caused by nerve injury.
In the first week of the disease better than bed rest, and lay better on a hard surface. For pain relief administered painkillers and sedatives make novocaine blockade (nerve injecting novocaine). Well help physiotherapy (solux, infrared and ultraviolet rays, UHF, electrophoresis with novocaine, and so on), acupuncture sessions
Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science
External used pain relievers and anti-inflammatory ointment, which relax muscles, improve metabolism, increase the elasticity of the ligaments, causing increased blood flow to the problem area. After applying the ointment chest need to wrap up.
Ointments containing bee venom, reduce pain, slow down the inflammatory processes have distracting effects. Ointments based on snake venom activate the immune system.
Distracted procedure can also use a pepper patch containing painkillers.
Treating the causes of intercostal neuralgia is held after the test.
To restore the correct physiological position of the thoracic and cervical spinal column offers courses massage therapy
Massage Therapy - when it is needed?
, Manual therapy
Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert
, Physical therapy.
If conservative treatment fails, then surgical treatment (such as degenerative disc disease, or herniated disc, cause seizures intercostal neuralgia).
Intercostal neuralgia - an unpleasant disease, but the most important thing - is to find and eliminate the cause, caused it, so you should always consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.