Bladder cancer: symptoms and diagnosis - Nature tumor spread

April 21, 2011

  • Bladder Cancer: Signs and Diagnosis
  • The nature of the spread of the tumor

Factors contributing to the development of bladder cancer and the propagation of tumors

Bladder cancer promote smoking, chronic urinary retention in the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   (for example, prostate cancer Adenoma of the prostate - how to help a man?  Adenoma of the prostate - how to help a man?
   persistent or narrowing of the urethra), chronic inflammatory processes in this field. It is very rare for workers aniline, rubber and oil industry meets professional aniline or bladder cancer. Thus it is proved that the aniline itself is not highly carcinogenic activity, but some of its derivatives (e.g., benzidine) have such properties.

A favorite place of localization of bladder cancer is the area vesical triangle (the space between the ureters and urethra), the confluence of (mouth) into the bladder and ureters, the bladder neck (the place of its transition into the urethra).

The most frequent transitional cell carcinoma and its variants. For this type of cancer is characterized by papillary growth and a large number of villous growths of tissue with areas of necrosis (tissue death).

Bladder cancer spread through the lymphatic and blood vessels or by direct growth. Metastases are found in nearby lymph nodes, liver, and bones.

 The nature of tumor spread | Bladder cancer: symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms of bladder cancer

The first sign of cancer Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore  Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore
   bladder may be blood in the urine Blood in the urine - a reason for serious concern  Blood in the urine - a reason for serious concern
 Which can be seen in the eye (gross hematuria). Gross hematuria can be throughout urination or occur only at the end of urination. In some cases, blood in the urine periodically appears and then disappears at different time intervals. When a large decaying tumor blood in the urine can be kept. The intensity of the color of urine and this can also be different - from pale pink to bright red with blood clots. Blood clots can even cause obstruction of the urinary tract.

The urine appears as a large number of white blood cells (leukocyturia), which is a consequence of concomitant inflammatory process. Inflammation is usually caused by stagnation of urine in the bladder, decay and ulceration of the tumor and additional bacterial infection. This urine has a foul odor.

Another no less important feature is dysuria (dysuria), which is most characteristic of infiltrating (germinating deep tissue) tumors. At the same time, pain during urination, worse at the end. Urination can also be frequent, with strong urging to him.

Pain can be both associated with urination and is not bound, permanent, gave the bottom (in the genitals, lower back, thighs). If the tumor compressed the ureters, the pain may occur in the kidney.

Bladder cancer has a relatively slow flow: for a long time the process remains local. Due to the frequent localization in the vesical triangle and the mouths of the ureter bladder cancer in the foreground may make changes in the upper urinary tract in the form of exacerbations pyelonephritis, chronic renal failure.

Germination of bladder cancer to nearby tissues and their subsequent decay can lead to vesicovaginal or archocystosyrinx. In this case, urine may fall through the fistula into the vagina or rectum.

 The nature of tumor spread | Bladder cancer: symptoms and diagnosis

Diagnosis of bladder cancer

The main method of diagnosis of bladder cancer is cystoscopy - Inspect the inside surface of the bladder using a special optical equipment. If you suspect a cancer of the bladder during cystoscopy piece of tissue is taken for testing. No less important is the bimanual examination, which is conducted by the urologist; bladder palpated simultaneously with both hands, one from above, through the abdominal wall, the other - from the inside, through the rectum in men and the vagina in women.

X-ray and ultrasonic diagnostic methods are generally of secondary importance, as they allow to detect changes in other organs and systems (ureters, kidneys), including the metastasis. Sometimes it can be detected in the urine of cancer cells in the laboratory study.

 The nature of tumor spread | Bladder cancer: symptoms and diagnosis

Treatment of bladder cancer

Treatment of bladder cancer is mainly operational. In the initial stages of a small tumor is destroyed by means of electrocoagulation (electrocautery endovezikalnaya). However, this treatment often gives relapse, so today is often surgery transurethral resection of the bladder, ie removal of the bladder through the urethra. Removed and nearby lymph nodes. If you delete a part of the bladder is not possible because of the large tumor, it made its complete removal.

Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations! - What contributes to the development of

March 31, 2011

  • Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations!
  • What contributes to the development of

Structure and function of the ovaries

Ovary - a female sexual steam iron (gonad), located on either side of the uterus and develop sex hormones; in the ovary occurs monthly oocyte maturation.

The size and dimensions of the ovary is significantly vary with age. The average size of a woman's ovaries mature length - 3-4 cm, width - 2-2, 5 cm, thickness - 1-1, 5 cm. The consistency of the ovary is dense enough, its weight was 6-8 in the ovary is 100 - 400 thous. of germ cells (oocytes), most of which is enclosed in vesicles (follicles). In reproductive age during the menstrual cycle occurs maturation of multiple follicles, but the stage of large mature follicle often reaches only one. With age, the number of germ cells is reduced. For 36-40 years they become 30-40 thousand .; disappearing of the hormone-producing structures of the ovary, which are replaced by connective tissue.

The ovaries produce the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , Stimulate the production of these hormones are gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland (the main endocrine gland located in the brain) - follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone (FSH and LH).

 What contributes to the development | Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations!

What contributes to the development of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer develops from the glandular epithelium of the ovarian tissue. His appearance are important hormonal, genetic, age-related features of menstrual and fertility, menopause, viral infections, exposure to various chemical agents and ionizing radiation. It revealed a role mumps virus, which has a certain affinity for ovarian tissue and causing a decrease in the number of eggs increases the risk of cancer. There is also evidence that in the development of cancer plays a role of increasing the production of gonadotropins - the pituitary hormones that stimulate the production of sex hormones (since the age of sex hormones produced less stimulation for their production increased secretion of gonadotropins). Therefore, ovarian cancer often develops after age 50.

Ovarian cancer often develops from benign tumors in this area. Depending on the nature of prior benign tumor of the cancer may be unilateral or bilateral.

 What contributes to the development | Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations!

As shown

Ovarian cancer does not cause any specific symptoms and the early stages of development can not be distinguished from a benign tumor. In the transition of malignancy beyond the affected organ there are complaints on the severity and persistent pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
 Pain during defecation, constipation or diarrhea, deterioration of general condition, abdominal enlargement and weight loss.

When viewed from such a patient is often revealed fluid buildup in the abdomen (ascites), which increases with the progression of the disease. But ascites can be benign ovarian tumors Ovarian cysts and tumors: diagnosis and treatment  Ovarian cysts and tumors: diagnosis and treatment
 . At the same time, you may receive the liquid and in the thoracic cavity between the sheets of pleura covering the lungs (hydrothorax). But ascites combined with hydrothorax may occur not only in ovarian cancer, and benign ovarian fibroma the tumor.

 What contributes to the development | Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations!

Stages of Ovarian Cancer

The severity of symptoms of cancer depends on the prevalence of tumor:

  • Stage I - tumor limited to the ovaries; It may be ascites;
  • Stage II - are involved in one or both ovaries with extension to the pelvis; Metastasis can be intrafallopian;
  • Stage III - the process involved in one or both ovaries with intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal metastatic tumor limited to the pelvis;
  • Stage IV - involved in the process of one or both ovaries, are distant metastases, pleural fluid tumor cells appear.

Already at the first stage of cancer the patient has ascites, while the fourth - hydrothorax. Ovarian cancer is characterized by the rapid spread of the peritoneum (serous membrane lining the inside of the abdominal cavity). It also gives metastases to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and nearby lymph nodes retroperitoneal fat. Metastases to distant organs are less common.

 What contributes to the development | Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations!

Detection of Cancer

To detect ovarian cancer used ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), laparoscopy Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?  Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
   (study of the abdominal cavity using a special optical instrument that is inserted through a small incision on the body) laboratory studies have taken from the abdominal cavity material.

Treatment of ovarian cancer is usually combined: surgery (removal of the uterus with appendages) followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect in a timely manner, but during routine inspection gynecologist may suspect the disease and refer women for further examination.

Galina Romanenko
