- Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid
- How does
- Treatment
What is radiotherapy?
Radiotherapy or radiation therapy - a method of treatment of cancer with ionizing radiation. The main types of radiation used during radiotherapy - X-rays, gamma rays and charged particles. Radiotherapy procedure involves two different methods: irradiating the affected area with the use of the apparatus, or the administration of a radioactive substance (called brachytherapy, interstitial or therapy). Systemic radiation therapy involves the administration of radioactive substances in the blood (eg, radioactive iodine) that destroy cancer cells.
About fifty percent of patients affected by cancer, undergoing radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer.

How does radiation therapy?
Radiation therapy kills cancer cells by damaging their DNA (the molecule in the cells - the carriers of genetic information). Radiotherapy can damage DNA damaged cells, both directly and indirectly - by charged particles (free radicals) within the cells, which in turn damage the structure of DNA. Cancer cells with damaged DNA cease to grow or die.
Radiation therapy can damage not only the cancer cells but also normal cells - this is due to a number of side effects of the procedure. When planning the course of treatment, the doctors usually take into account the potential damage to normal cells: dose, which can get the body tissue without serious consequences for all known bodies. This information helps determine which part of the body must be subjected to radiation during treatment.

In some cases, radiation therapy is used?
Radiotherapy is used for medicinal purposes to destroy cancers or to prevent re-occurrence of cancer. In some cases, radiotherapy is used in combination with chemotherapy
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or immediate surgery to remove a cancerous tumor.
In some cases, radiotherapy is used as a method for the palliative treatment of cancer. Palliative treatments are not designed for the full treatment - they reduce symptoms and pain from cancer at advanced stages. The number of such cases include:
Radiotherapy, which is used to destroy the tumors formed from cancer cells that have spread to the brain from other parts of the body (metastasis).
Radiotherapy, used to destroy tumors pressing on the brain or developing in the bone cavity, which is accompanied by significant pain.
Radiotherapy, which is used to destroy tumor that develops in the esophagus, which violates the patient's ability to eat food.

Radiotherapy: treatment regimen
The treatment regimen of a patient radiation oncologist based on the simulation results. Simulation - the first stage of the development of a treatment plan, which involves the study of images of the tumor and normal tissue around it, obtained by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and positron emission tomography.
And during the simulation, and during further treatment is necessary, the patient remained in exactly the same position. In addition, to accurately determine the areas exposed to radiation in some cases such zones are marked by a special marker. Special protective screens to protect against radiation healthy organs of the body.
The second stage of development after the simulation scheme of treatment - radiation oncologist determining the precise focus of the tumor to be irradiated, the irradiation dose of the affected area and secure the radiation dose to normal tissues around the tumor, as well as the method of exposure. The development of the treatment regimen in addition to radiation oncologists, other specialists are involved - in particular, dosimetrist that defines the required dose of radiation, and the radiologist who perform the procedure of irradiation. In the course of treatment - usually on the first day of treatment and within a week after the start of treatment - radiation oncologist makes a number of checks to ensure the accuracy of irradiation.
Radiation doses to treat cancer
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measured in greyah - terms indicating the amount of radiation energy absorbed by 1 kilogram of human tissue. Various doses used to treat various types of cancers.
Some normal tissues of the human body radiation
Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
damages more easily than others. For example, reproductive organs (male sex glands and ovaries in women) is more vulnerable to radiation than bones. When designing treatment regimens such information taken into account in the first place.
Typically, the site selected for the irradiation include cancers and a small area of normal tissue around the tumor. Lots of healthy tissue is irradiated for two reasons:
Taking into account the movement of which can slightly change the position of the tumor during treatment.
Reduce the risk of recurrence of cancer due to common in the healthy tissue surrounding the tumor, cancer cells.
Type of radiation therapy prescribed by an oncologist for cancer treatment depends on several factors. Among them:
- Type of cancer;
- The size of the tumor;
- Location of the tumor;
- How close is the tumor to healthy tissues sensitive to radiation;
- Overall health and medical history of the patient;
- Other types of cancer treatment;
- Other factors - for example, the age of the patient.