- Cervical cancer: possible cure
- How is
Causes and mechanisms of development
Cervical cancer can occur from exposure to various unfavorable factors. Such factors include inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs, hormonal disorders, decreased immunity, smoking, early sexual activity and frequent partner exchange. But most researchers support the fact that the main cause of cervical cancer is infection with human papillomavirus (HPV).
The disease caused by the human papilloma virus, stacked all the other predisposing factors: the virus often circulates in the human body, but it can cause disease only at lower immunity, which is facilitated by inflammatory diseases, hormonal disorders and smoking.
Human papilloma virus disrupts the unnecessary destruction of epithelial cells of the cervix, which, over time acquire special (atypical) properties and multiply rapidly. Thus begins the process of tumor.
How is cervical cancer
Initially, cervical cancer is asymptomatic. That is why all that is necessary twice a year to visit the gynecologist. In some cases, a woman may feel some vague discomfort. Only when cervical cancer reaches a sufficiently severe stage, there are clear signs of general and local diseases.
Common signs of cervical cancer include such violations of metabolic processes in the body, caused by a malignant tumor, the total weight loss, lack of appetite, lethargy, fatigue, and sometimes - the temperature rise to small numbers (37, 2-37, 5˚) and so on. But these symptoms do not always occur. Often the disease is manifested only locally.
The local manifestations of cervical cancer are different kinds of intermenstrual bleeding, which can occur after sexual intercourse, douching, and other procedures. Changes menstrual cycle: menstrual period may be longer, after menstruation is often seen smearing blood, menstrual blood may also vary and it should alert a woman. With the development of cervical cancer in menopausal women may appear spotting
Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
from the vagina. Pain can have a different character - from minor during intercourse to strong smack in the crotch and in the pelvic area.
Cervical cancer metastasizes to nearby lymph nodes, and in advanced stages and to distant organs.
With regular gynecological examination cervical cancer is detected in its early stages, as a result of the inspection is already gynecologist may suspect its beginning and assign the necessary clarifying diagnosis research. First of all, it is a colposcopy
Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
- Study the surface of the cervix using a special optical device - a colposcope. With colposcopy surface of the cervix is a bulging glassy areas covered knolls on which you can see blood vessels. Vasoconstrictor does not cause narrowing of blood vessels. Usually during colposcopy piece of tissue is taken for laboratory testing, which has definitively confirm or remove the diagnosis of cervical cancer.
The measures
Treatment of cervical cancer, as well as any other type of cancer should be complex. If no metastases to distant organs, the operation is performed hysterectomies
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need
with appendages adjacent fatty tissue, nearby lymph nodes and part of the vagina.
Surgical treatment is necessarily combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy - the use of drugs that suppress the development of malignant tumors. To suppress the activity of the human papilloma virus and strengthen the immune system
Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
appointed drugs such as interferon.
At advanced stages of the disease when there is metastasis to distant organs, applies only radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which, of course, greatly reduces a woman's chances of survival.
Result of treatment depend on the stage in which cancer was detected: the early stage well to treatment, while the later cured with difficulty.
Today, for the prevention of cervical cancer teenage girls introduced HPV vaccines (Cervarix, Gardasil).
Cervical cancer - this is one of the most common tumors in women, it must always be remembered, and regular visits to the gynecologist.
Galina Romanenko