Dihydroquercetin (DHA) and cancer - the ability to neutralize free radicals

March 3, 2013

 dihydroquercetin DHA and cancer
 Cancer arises from the uncontrolled proliferation of body tissue, which continues after the termination of certain factors causing this process. The cancer develops from a particular tissue cells that have acquired new properties - have become atypical. The basis of the formation of abnormal cells is a violation of cellular metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

 Dihydroquercetin (DHA) and cancer - the ability to neutralize free radicals

The role of free radicals in cancer

Free radicals are defective molecules that lack one electron. This is a very active molecules, they are trying to take away the missing electron from full molecules that make up the cells of various tissues. Free radicals are formed as a result of redox reactions therefore constitute a substantially oxygen radicals.

The small amount of free radicals are needed by the human body - they help to control the reproduction (proliferation) and specialization (differentiation) cells, protecting them, thus cancer (free radicals destroy substantially damaged and atypical cells). They also protect cells from infections, neutralized and excreted toxic substances.

But when free radicals becomes very much, they "attack" on the normal molecules that make up the tissue cells, they take the missing electron and lose their activity. The molecule also who gave the electron becomes a free radical properties. Thus begins a chain reaction that destroys the cells. Free radicals are more active after sun exposure.

Free radicals can damage any molecule, including amino acid molecules (including built proteins), lipids, carbohydrates, protein and fat complexes. Therefore, they contribute to the development of many diseases. Thus, if the free radicals withdraw electron (oxidized) in the fat molecules, the formation of lipid peroxide molecules. This process, as well as free radicals damage DNA molecules lead to abnormalities in the genetic code of the cell and genetic changes, ie mutations. Mutations occur constantly cells, but the immune system quickly destroys these cells. When violations altered immunity (abnormal) cells begin to multiply rapidly, forming a malignant tumor Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad

 Dihydroquercetin (DHA) and cancer - the ability to neutralize free radicals

Dihydroquercetin antioxidant and anti-cancer properties

Digidrokvartsetin (DHA) is a flavonoid, belonging to the group of vitamin R. All flavonoids have strong antioxidant properties - the ability to neutralize free radicals by giving them the missing electron and thus stopping the chain reaction of destruction of cells. Antioxidants are also able to reduce the adverse effects on the chemotherapy and radiation therapy used to treat cancer patients.

Today, DHA is the most powerful antioxidant Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
 , The effect of which is several times greater than the effect of known antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Get it from the Siberian larch in the form of crystalline powder, which is then used for the production of biologically active food supplements (dietary supplements).

Digidrokvartsetin is a part of nutritional supplements such as dihydroquercetin Dihydroquercetin - phytopreparation with strong antioxidant properties  Dihydroquercetin - phytopreparation with strong antioxidant properties
   Evalar, Diquertin, Kapilar, taxifolin, flavin and others. The use of these dietary supplements according to the manufacturer's recommendations restores normal cell metabolism, protecting cells from damage and mutations, thereby reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors, including cancer.

DHA is also used for treating cancer - in the complex treatment. It is proved that it can significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment. But especially DHA is widely used for recovery of the patients during and after the conduct of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. DHA positively affects cell metabolism, neutralizes and removes from the body of free radicals, prevents the destruction of the cells, cell mutations, the widening (proliferation) of the tumor tissue, inhibits the aging process, reduces the negative effects on the chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

 Dihydroquercetin (DHA) and cancer - the ability to neutralize free radicals

How to take dihydroquercetin

The issue of the introduction of the integrated treatment of cancer DHA decides physician. He sets DHA dose and duration of treatment which depend on the general condition of the patient and the stage of the cancer.

The standard dose for the treatment of cancer or condition after chemotherapy and radiation therapy in adults and adolescents after 12 years are the following dosage: 40-60 mg (two to three tablets of 20 mg) four times a day during or after meals. After improving the prevention of relapse to take 20 mg (per tablet) four times per day. The duration of treatment on average, about a month.

DHA is well tolerated and does not produce any side effects other than allergic reactions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dihydroquercetin

Metastases in bone tissue in differentiated thyroid carcinoma

January 23, 2013

  • Metastases in bone tissue in differentiated thyroid carcinoma
  • Treatment

 bone metastases in differentiated thyroid carcinoma
 Ten-year survival of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma is 80-95%, but in the presence of distant metastases, it is reduced to 40%. Analysis of thirteen different studies showed that of 1231 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma 25% had metastasized to bone, at 49% - lung, 15% - and in bone tissue and in lung, and 10% - in other soft tissues.

One recent study showed that the ten-year survival rate drops to 14% for patients over 40 years old with pulmonary metastases or multiple bone metastases. Furthermore, after 40 years, 10% of patients with papillary thyroid cancer Papillary thyroid cancer - the most common type  Papillary thyroid cancer - the most common type
 And 25% - with follicular cancer, distant metastasis developed. Bone metastases in differentiated thyroid cancer appear in 2-13% of cases.

In another study, a group of subjects, which included 444 people with metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer, bone metastases were 44% of patients. The most common were patients with follicular thyroid cancer Follicular thyroid cancer: no one is safe  Follicular thyroid cancer: no one is safe
   (7-28%) compared with patients with papillary carcinoma (1.4-7%).

On the survival of patients with bone metastases affect the incidence of metastases and what can they be treated with radioactive iodine. In some cases, osteolytic lesions associated with metastasis in the bone tissue, dramatically reduce the quality of life, causing pain, frequent fractures and spinal cord compression, and the only way out is palliative treatment.

Accurate staging of cancer and adequate surveillance after treatment for thyroid cancer early enough to allow you to identify metastasis, and increase the chances of recovery. Furthermore, gene expression profiling timely help determine how aggressive carcinoma Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?  Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?
   in each case, and what is the likelihood of metastasis.

 Metastases in bone tissue in differentiated thyroid carcinoma

Physiopathology of bone metastases at the differentiated thyroid cancer

Only those cancer cells that share information with biological bone cells may metastasize to the bones. Today is widely used hypothesis "seed and soil": circulating tumor cells (the seeds) can metastasize only bodies with the microenvironment (soil), conducive to their growth. The ability of cells to survive, multiply and redirect the blood flow contributes to the formation of metastases. Bone - a large store of growth factors, among them - the transforming growth factor, insulin-like growth factor-I and-II (IGF-I and-II), fibroblast growth factors, platelet-derived growth factor, bone morphogenetic proteins and calcium. These substances which are released and activated during bone resorption, provide a favorable environment for the growth of the tumor.

More than 80% of bone metastases of malignant tumors, including differentiated thyroid carcinoma, develop in the bone marrow of the axial skeleton, where the blood circulation is very active (in the vertebrae, ribs and hips). Adhesion molecules of cancer cells associated with malignant cells of bone marrow stromal cells and bone matrix. As a result of metastasis are starting to grow and produce angiogenic factors.

In one study attempted to explain that the thyroid follicular cancer Thyroid cancer: it is curable  Thyroid cancer: it is curable
   most frequently metastasizes to the bone. According to one hypothesis, the reason lies in the different expression of tumor suppressor genes (anti-oncogenes) - caveolin-1 and caveolin-2. In papillary thyroid cancer produces more substance, which affects the mobility and adhesion of cancer cells, while follyakulyarnom - less whereby malignant cells actively migrating and begin to form metastasis in distant sites of the body.

 Metastases in bone tissue in differentiated thyroid carcinoma

Clinical signs and symptoms

The most common clinical manifestation of bone metastases at the differentiated thyroid cancer - pain, fractures and spinal cord compression associated with osteolytic lesions in the axial skeleton.

The pain - one of the main symptoms of metastases in the bone, and gradually it is becoming stronger and more resistant to non-opioid analgesics. It is related to the fact that tumor cells produce cytokines that stimulate the intercostals nerves, as well as a pressure which has a tumor on the bone from the inside.

According to statistics, spinal cord compression is more often observed in differentiated thyroid carcinoma than other forms of cancer, bone metastases giving 28% compared to 10% in prostate cancer, and 8% for breast cancer. Pathological fractures are observed in 13% of cases, and in 6% of patients both observed and spinal cord compression, and pathological fractures. To improve the quality of life of patients with bone metastases requires early diagnosis, treatment with high doses of corticosteroids, decompressive surgery, spinal stabilization and sometimes radiotherapy.

 Metastases in bone tissue in differentiated thyroid carcinoma


  • Medical imaging

Medical imaging is necessary for the identification and assessment of cancer and metastases. Sometimes, during the diagnostic imaging is used in combination with a biopsy.

  • Anatomical imaging

A simple x-ray can show bone destruction, but osteolytic lesions using x-rays usually reveal only a few months after the appearance of, as they can be seen only if their size is greater than 1 cm. In one study, radiographs made of 115 patients with cancer thyroid and bone metastases. In 33 patients, a single X-ray showed metastatic lesions, in 74 patients - multiple metastases, and 8 - the complete absence of metastasis.

Using computed tomography (CT) can estimate the extent of metastatic lesions. This diagnostic is particularly useful for the study of those parts of the body, which are generally difficult to investigate - the spine and pelvis. The diagnostic sensitivity of CT for bone metastases is 71-100%.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a detailed image of bones and bone marrow, so it is best used when there is suspicion and compression of the bone marrow, and bone metastasis. In a study of patients with thyroid cancer and suspected bone metastases the sensitivity of MRI of the whole body is 94%, and diagnostic accuracy - 91%, but the size of metastases must be at least 2 mm.

Data on the sensitivity and accuracy of CT and MRI for differentiated thyroid cancer are available, but with suspected bone metastases is required to do the whole body MRI and / or CT scan - this increases the likelihood of timely diagnosis and successful treatment.

  • Functional imaging techniques

Single Photon Emission Computed tomography and positron emission tomography are often more effective means of detection of bone metastases in cancer of the thyroid gland. These diagnostic methods are being constantly improved, and now doctors call them very promising.
