Lung cancer - symptoms: kills quietly

January 6, 2011

 lung cancer
 The symptoms of lung cancer can be very different depending on whether the tumor has had time to spread. In the early stages of this disease do not always appear the warning signs, and if they appear, they can be difficult to recognize.

 Lung cancer - symptoms: kills quietly

No symptoms

Approximately 25% of patients with lung cancer Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure  Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure
   disease is detected in time during x-ray or computed tomography. Any symptoms of lung cancer in these patients are usually absent.

 Lung cancer - symptoms: kills quietly

The symptoms associated with cancer

As soon as lung cancer develops and penetrates the structure adjacent to the light, it can interfere with breathing, causing symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   and coughing up phlegm with blood. If the cancer affects the nerves, its symptoms can be, for example, shoulder pain radiating to the arm or paralysis of the vocal cords, resulting in hoarseness sometimes becomes. A symptom of the spread of cancer to the esophagus may be difficulty swallowing. If airway obstruction due to lung cancer may form an abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
 , Develop pneumonia and other diseases.

 Lung cancer - symptoms: kills quietly

Symptoms associated with metastases

When lung cancer spreads to the bones, it can cause excruciating pain in the bones. Lung cancer that has spread to the brain can cause symptoms such as blurred visible objects, headaches, cramps, and / or symptoms of a stroke such as weakness and loss of sensation in some parts of the body.

 Lung cancer - symptoms: kills quietly

Paraneoplastic symptoms

Lung cancer often causes symptoms associated with development of cancer cells, a substance similar to hormones. In most cases, these substances like adrenocorticotropic hormone; their production leads to excessive secretion of the hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands.

 Lung cancer - symptoms: kills quietly

Non-specific symptoms

Non-specific symptoms of lung cancer: weight loss, weakness, fatigue. In addition, when lung cancer often have psychological symptoms such as depression and frequent mood swings. Many patients tend to ignore symptoms, believing that they will be quickly on their own. In many cases, exactly what happens. However, it is strongly recommended to be tested with the appearance of any symptoms of breast cancer Breast cancer - symptoms of the disease need to know  Breast cancer - symptoms of the disease need to know
 Especially such as chest pain, weight loss unwarranted, persistent cough and / or expectoration of blood, and shortness of breath.

Article Tags:
  • lung cancer

Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?

January 10, 2010

  • Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?
  • security measures

 Cancer Prevention
 Experts say that about a third of cancer cases can be prevented. Methods for the prevention of cancer is simple, but many people ignore them, thus once again putting their health at risk.

 Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?


Tobacco use causes approximately 22% of cancer deaths each year. Besides lung cancer, cigarette smoking may cause other types of cancers, including lung cancer, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 , Stomach and cervix. Approximately 70% of lung cancer caused by smoking. Second-hand smoke can cause lung cancer in nonsmokers. Thus, smoking cessation and visiting public places where smoking is allowed, as well as a ban on smoking at home, is an effective way to prevent cancer.

 Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?

Physical activity, nutrition, overweight and obesity

Healthy eating is an important part of cancer prevention. There is a link between being overweight or obesity, and many kinds of cancer, particularly esophageal cancer Esophageal cancer: look for the cause in the diet  Esophageal cancer: look for the cause in the diet
 , Colon, rectum, breast, endometrial and kidney. A diet rich in vegetables is an effective means of preventing cancer. On the other hand, excessive red meat, canned and some other products increases the risk of cancer.

Regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight also contribute to the prevention of cancer.

 Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?


Drinking alcohol is a risk factor for the development of many types of cancer, including cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver and breast. In parallel with the increase in alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer. The risk is even greater if the person is not only drinking but also smoking.

 Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?


Infectious diseases are responsible for about 22% of cancer deaths in the developing world and 6% - in the industrialized countries. Viral hepatitis B Hepatitis B - a dangerous inflammation of the liver  Hepatitis B - a dangerous inflammation of the liver
   and C cause cancer of the liver; human papillomavirus can cause cervical cancer; infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori increases the risk of stomach cancer. For the prevention of cancer is necessary to make available vaccines, monitor the cleanliness of food consumed and the quality of drinking water, strengthen the immune system.

 Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?

Environmental pollution

Air pollution, water and soil carcinogenic chemicals, WHO estimates that in 2003 alone was the cause of 1-4% of all cancers. To date, this figure could be much higher. For example, in Bangladesh due to contamination of vast territories arsenic 5-10% of all cancer deaths are the result of exposure to this chemical. To reduce the impact of this factor contributing to the development of cancer, it is necessary to increase the social responsibility of both the government and enterprises, as well as each individual. Understanding that the purity of the environment depends on the collective efforts of the entire humanity, can become one of the best ways to prevent cancer on a global scale.

 Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?

Occupational carcinogens

More than forty substances with which the person works, classified as occupational carcinogens. They can cause lung, skin, bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , Nasopharynx, blood. It is estimated that about 20-30% of men and 5-20% of women in their lifetime are exposed to occupational carcinogens. It is believed that they are responsible for 10% of all lung cancers, and 2% - leukemia. Improving workplace safety is a necessary measure for the prevention of cancer.

 Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?


Ionizing radiation, radon and UV are carcinogenic to humans. They can cause various types of cancer and for cancer prevention must be the limitation or exclusion of these factors.
