Ocular tuberculosis - a disease which is characterized by persistent, often relapsing. TB is found
Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
eyes often enough among all extrapulmonary forms is a little less than 20%. Typically, tuberculosis eye combined with an inactive tuberculosis in other organs, most commonly the lungs.

How is TB Eye
There are metastatic ocular tuberculosis and tuberculosis-allergic eye disease. In metastatic tuberculosis tubercle bacillus enters the bodies of the bloodstream from other (sometimes distant) foci of infection. It can also get into the area of the eye or through perenevralnye perevaskulyarnye space (space around the nerves and blood vessels) with tuberculous meningitis, or by contact with the skin lesions, sinuses, and so on. Metastatic tuberculosis eye has many forms and manifestations. Symptoms depend on the location of the inflammatory process in the eyeball, the condition of the immune system and the degree of sensitization (sensitization) of an organism.
Tuberculous allergic eye disease characterized by pronounced manifestation of immune responses such as "antigen - antibody." This type of ocular tuberculosis develops in people with pre-existing severe allergic reaction to tubercle bacillus. Contact with such cases, the sensitized eye tissue pathogen leads to the development of the expressed inflammatory process, which is based on how infectious and allergic processes. Typically, allergic reactions while often mask infection and patients with ocular tuberculosis long and unsuccessfully treated for allergies.

Symptoms of TB of the eye (metastatic)
Metastatic tuberculosis eye can manifest as chorioretinitis, anterior uevita, keratitis, scleritis, tuberculosis of the conjunctiva and eyelids slezovyvodyaschih ways.
Tuberculous chorioretinitis (inflammation of the choroid and retina) miliary, focal and disseminated form of tuberculosis chorioretinitis. Miliary tuberculosis chorioretinitis occurs against the backdrop of miliary tuberculosis
Miliary tuberculosis - when possible death?
and it is characterized by the appearance of the fundus multiple small foci, which can then disappear without a trace, or leave behind a dot plots atrophy. Usually one eye is affected.
The most common form is the focal tuberculous chorioretinitis. With him in the choroid appears large enough tuberculous focus, which quickly spread to the retina. In patients with impaired eyesight as fuzzy as if floating spots before the eyes, blurred vision, sometimes - pain in the eyeball.
Disseminated tuberculosis chorioretinitis is characterized by the appearance in the choroid tuberkulezneyh multiple foci, not prone to mergers, but extends to the retina.
Chorioretinitis Tuberculosis often occurs with severe inflammation and bleeding and swelling of the retina that lead to temporary or permanent impairment, especially if the TB center is located in the center of the fundus in the area of the optic disc.

Symptoms of ocular tuberculosis (tuberculosis, allergies)
To TB-allergic diseases include phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis, scleritis, and iridocyclitis. All these diseases usually begin acutely occurring is not very long (from a few days to 4-6 weeks) and after a while recur. Affects both eyes, but not immediately: usually first one and after a while a second.
Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea) begins with the appearance of the conjunctiva or cornea of single or multiple conflicts (round grayish nodules), which are suitable conjunctival vessels. The outcome of the disease can be complete resolution of their conflicts or ulceration, perforation of the cornea, and accompanied by the formation of cataracts, soldered to the iris. In severe disease associated signs of inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye (iridocyclitis). The disease can be complicated by the addition of a purulent infection that also leads to the formation of cataracts.

Eye Treatment of tuberculosis
Treatment of ocular tuberculosis should be complex. The structure of the complex treatment is required to include antibiotic therapy, appointed in accordance with the general principles of the treatment of tuberculosis
Treatment of tuberculosis - a lengthy process and requires constant monitoring
. In order to prevent the formation of rough scars, three months after the start of treatment is assigned to substances that inhibit the growth of connective tissue (lidazu, papain, etc.). Be sure to also prescribe drugs that suppress allergic reactions. When expressed allergic reactions in the complex treatment of glucocorticoid hormones are administered. Duration of treatment - up to a year. Begin treatment at the hospital, then continues on an outpatient basis.
Tuberculosis of the eye - is a frequent manifestation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis - many forms
, Which requires timely detection and treatment.
Galina Romanenko