If your eyes are watering - the emergence of the problem and its solution - Treatment
June 27, 2014
- If your eyes are watering - the emergence of the problem and its solution
- Treatment

Treatment watery eyes
Patients who have watery eyes, does not always require special treatment. For example, if the tearing caused by viral conjunctivitis, the disease will take place just a few days; to speed up the healing process, the patient can take steps to strengthen the immune system
Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
. Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually also passes on its own, but sometimes used to treat it with antibiotics. If watery eyes due to allergic conjunctivitis, you can either try to avoid exposure to allergens, or taking antihistamines.
In severe corneal damage may need medical help, and in some cases even require surgery.
Patients who revealed obstruction of the tear ducts, can also be assigned to the operation. It is necessary in cases where due to strong watery eyes patient can not operate normally, read, drive and / or when there is an increased chance of developing an eye infection. If the infection has developed, surgery is usually performed before treatment with antibiotics; otherwise infectious agents can spread and cause serious complications.

To eliminate obstruction of the tear ducts using such procedure as dacryocystorhinostomy, during which the surgeon creates a new channel through which tears will be displayed - bypassing the blocked duct sections. Before the operation, carried out a thorough examination of the nasal cavity, to ensure that it is healthy, and surgery will not harm.
During surgery, the doctor removes a tiny bone fragment, and through the resulting hole tears will be output directly to the nasal cavity. The operation is performed through a small incision on the left or right side of the nose, or by means of an endoscope - a thin, flexible instrument to operate without large incisions. For bone removal in some cases can be used laser.
To the hole in the bone remained open, it inserts a thin silicone tube. A few months later it was removed; the probability that after this hole becomes impassable, it is extremely small.

Dacryocystorhinostomy performed under general anesthesia and takes about an hour.
If the lacrimal duct is not completely blocked, but only narrowed to it using a special tool may introduce a small ball which is then inflated and the flow path extends.
Usually dacryocystorhinostomy carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, the patient can go home the day of surgery. Pre-patients are given recommendations which will help speed up the healing process and avoid complications. For example, within two weeks after the operation should not blow your nose and put pressure on the nose; Doctors usually prescribe special eye drops and nasal sprays, necessary in order to prevent infection and inflammation.
Within a few days or weeks after dacryocystorhinostomy around the nose and eyes can be kept swelling and bruising. In the first days after the operation are also possible bleeding from the nose - as a rule, they are weak and easily break off.
Young children dacryocystorhinostomy is rarely necessary. Usually they tear ducts open in the first year of life. Gentle massage of the skin at the inner corners of the eye can accelerate the process. Massage should be done with clean hands several times a day for at least two to three months. It is also recommended to apply to the eyes of the baby warm compresses.
People who have eyes water due to blepharitis, have patience - a chronic disease treated for a long time; exacerbation episodes can be replaced by "calm" for quite a long time. Fortunately, the symptoms can be alleviated and controlled, following certain rules of hygiene.

Necessary measures
If blepharitis
Blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelid margins
- And not only during an exacerbation - it is important to regularly clean the eyelids. This helps not only to make less severe the symptoms, but also, in many cases, to prevent further aggravation.
Apply to the eyes of a warm (but not hot) compresses and hold it for 5-10 minutes. This is necessary to eliminate the accumulation of sebum in the sebaceous glands located on the edges of the eyelids.
Then carefully clean the eyelids with a piece of cotton wool soaked in warm water and a small amount of milk or soft gel to cleanse the skin.
First, such a purification should be performed twice a day, and when symptoms become less severe blepharitis - once a day.
How can I rarely use cosmetics for the eyes, especially eyeliner and mascara - it could exacerbate blepharitis. If you regularly make eye makeup
Eye Makeup - expressiveness and modesty
, Choose makeup that is easily washed off - so it will be easier to clean eyelids as described above.
When choosing mild cleansers for age is best to consult a doctor, but you can cook it at home. Bring to the boil 0.5 liters of water, add the drop of baby shampoo or shampoo with tea tree oil
Tea tree oil
And mix thoroughly. This tool can be used immediately after it has cooled.
If, despite regular cleansing eyelids, blepharitis symptoms do not go away, your doctor may prescribe an ointment or eye drops with antibiotics; usually they are used within seven days. In cases where they do not help, you need a course of antibiotics for oral administration.
Treatment of conjunctivitis - better consult an eye specialist - Allergic
June 10, 2014
- Treatment of conjunctivitis - better consult an eye specialist
- Appointment by type
- Allergic

How to cure conjunctivitis caused by allergies
The best way to protect against allergic conjunctivitis - avoid allergy triggers. To do this, first of all, identify your allergens. The doctor may conduct special tests to help determine which substances cause an abnormal reaction of your immune system. However, in many cases permanently avoid their allergens is impossible, in such cases, medical treatment of conjunctivitis.

It should be noted that the funds which will be discussed below, does not cure the allergy, but only facilitate its symptoms.
- "Artificial tears" - a non-prescription eye drops
Drops for eyes - how to use them properly?
To help with a mild burning sensation in the eyes, dryness and redness of the eyes
Red eyes - an occasion consult an ophthalmologist
. They somewhat reduce the concentration of allergens and inflammatory mediators in the mucosa of the eye, whereby allergic reaction may be less pronounced. However, with such a strong allergy drops are not effective enough.
- Antihistamines systemic and / or local action prescribed for acute allergic reactions. First quickly bring much relief, but they often cause various side effects, such as drowsiness and dry mouth. Local antihistamines block histamine receptors, too, but their effect lasts only for a short period of time. These drugs block the activity of histamine but do not affect other inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
- Vasoconstrictors with allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis - and for different reasons
taken by themselves, or in combination with antihistamines. They temporarily to alleviate some symptoms, but are ineffective for severe allergic reactions. For drugs of this type include naphazoline, phenylephrine, oxymetazoline and tetrahydrozoline.
- Stabilizers fat cell membranes. The mechanism of action of drugs in this group still raises many questions for researchers, but, be that as it may, they block mast cell degranulation and, thus, prevent the secretion of histamine and other substances. Stabilizers side effects not relieve the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis; they are used for prevention, for example, before the start of flowering, which causes pollen allergic patient. For this reason, they must be taken for a long time and often in combination with other drugs. Most often used for allergic conjunctivitis are mast cell stabilizers, Lodoxamide, bepotastin, nedocromil and ketotifen. Among their possible side effects - drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, cough, headache, nausea, thrombocytopenia.
- Corticosteroids - potent drugs which can be used in chronic allergic conjunctivitis. Such preparations of conjunctivitis are very diverse in both form of release, and on the severity of the effect. For example, rimexolone, medrysone and fluorometholone steroids are relatively weak; they give short-term results and not well help with severe allergies, but fewer side effects. On the other hand, drugs such as prednisone
Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
acetate are stronger, but their use often leads to various side effects. Among the possible adverse effects of corticosteroids - the weakening of immunity, swelling, high blood pressure, menstrual irregularities.

Immunotherapy - is a method that is most similar to a drug allergy, not a means to alleviate the symptoms. In reality, of course, it does not treat an allergy, and a person reduces sensitivity to allergens.
In practice, this means from conjunctivitis rarely used. The fact that immunotherapy is most often used to treat patients who have had a very strong and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions to the venom of some insects and, rarely, other substances. Allergic conjunctivitis is usually not associated with a threat to the life of the patient, but immunotherapy can be administered in the following cases:
- Violation cause severe symptoms, which drastically reduce the quality of life, and that can not be sufficiently facilitate using antihistamines and other medications;
- The patient is allergic to the substance, the impact of which is difficult to avoid (for example, pollen of flowers or trees that grow almost everywhere. On the other hand, if you are allergic to pollen rare plants to conduct immunotherapy is usually not necessary);
- A patient, for whatever reason, can not take the medication to relieve the symptoms of allergy (e.g., because of serious adverse effects).
During treatment, patients are regularly given gradually increasing doses of allergen, thereby altering the immune system response to these substances. Formulations containing the allergens produced in the form of injection solutions, drops or tablets subligvalnyh. By the end of therapy, the patient would be better to endure exposure to allergens and the symptoms of allergic reactions or become less severe or disappear altogether.
Many allergies idea to take a course of immunotherapy may seem appealing, but in reality it is - perhaps the best remedy for conjunctivitis caused by allergies. Firstly, the first results will be seen best in 4-5 months after initiation of therapy, and the whole course of treatment lasts from three to five years.
Secondly, immunotherapy, especially in the beginning, often causes side effects such as swelling or inflammation at the injection site, redness of the whites of the eyes, and, in very rare cases of anaphylaxis (in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, however, the possibility of anaphylactic shock is very low). Thirdly, during the course of treatment, patients need to comply with certain requirements such as:
- Remain in the doctor's office for at least half an hour after administration of an allergen;
- Not to do sports, at least for three hours after the administration of an allergen;
- Do not take certain drugs for heart disease and hypertension.
- Pregnant women and those who are planning to become pregnant soon, is generally not recommended to pass immunotherapy.
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- treatment of conjunctivitis