The only treatment for cataracts is surgery. Usually, ophthalmologists offer the patient to consider surgery when cataracts
Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
begins to seriously affect the quality of life, prevents normal to cope with daily activities such as reading and driving at night.

Methods of treatment of cataract
To date, there is no sufficiently effective cure for cataract, although perhaps soon there will be such medicines widely available (we'll discuss this later). The initial stage of the treatment of cataracts and allows monitoring the use of funds to improve vision (glasses, contact lenses), but this does not exclude the possibility that one day the patient required surgical intervention.

Conservative treatment of cataracts
Typically, this method of treatment involves the use of glasses or contact lenses to compensate for the loss of vision caused by cataracts. Of course, it helps the patient to maintain the usual quality of life, but some patients sooner or later, vision deteriorates so much that they have to do surgery. Sometimes the patient is recommended to avoid exposure to intense ultraviolet radiation, to stop smoking and bad habits to slow the progression of cataracts. In practice, however, these measures do not always give the expected result. Apparently, an effective cataract treatment at home or therapy any drugs today can not: at best, can be a little slow the decline of view (but not always), but to avoid it deteriorating, or even more completely restore vision
How to restore vision - help their own eyes
Cataract is not possible.
A group of Australian scientists may have failed to find a cure that will significantly slow the development of cataracts at an early stage, and prevent significant deterioration of patients. This drug acts on the calpain protein, which is found in the tissues of the eye. Calpain is activated by various triggers, including those associated with the aging process; among other things it can lead to a cataract eye.
A drug that is still in the research and development stage comprises a molecule binding calpain, thus preventing further damage to the lens
. He is expected to be particularly effective in cases where the cataract is detected early, before the patient notices the symptoms - it is quite possible, if undergo regular examinations by an ophthalmologist
. Work on this drug, scientists say that it will be possible to produce in the form of eye drops or ointments that people will need to use every night before bed
. They suggest that the use of this tool can be as simple and ordinary measure for the prevention of cataracts, like brushing your teeth - to prevent tooth decay, with the exception that a cure of cataract, of course, will need to use only those who have the first signs Development of the disease
. As long as this medication for the treatment of cataracts have an official name, and it has not been tested on humans
. However, we can hope that in the relatively short time it will be possible effective drug treatment of cataract

Surgical treatment of cataract eye
In deciding how to treat cataracts, the doctor takes into account the patient's age and other factors
. For example, in the treatment of cataracts in children, in most cases require surgery - it is necessary to maintain an acceptable quality of life of the child, to give him the opportunity to fully develop
. On the other hand, because of the increased risk of complications, and the structural features of the eye for children is not usually implanted artificial lenses
. Treatment of age-related cataract, associated with the aging process, and is often limited to the supervision of wearing glasses or contact lenses
. If cataracts in the elderly person does not lead to severe vision loss, there is reason to believe that in the coming years will not be a sharp deterioration
. Another argument against surgical treatment without urgent need is that the body of older people often slowly recovering after surgery
. Of course, cataract surgery will be carried out, if there is an urgent need for this
Treatment of complicated cataract
Complicated cataract - a problem exacerbated by
It carried out taking into account the causes of this disorder. Thus, the treatment of cataract in diabetes may be performed using a laser, to minimize damage to the eye, and reduce the risk of complications, the most common of which is diabetic retinopathy. In general, the treatment of diabetic cataracts - a task very difficult, and it is advisable to start it in the very early stages of the disease. To detect a cataract as early as possible, diabetics should be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist.
However, the most commonly used phacoemulsification cataract - the most gentle method of surgical treatment of this disorder. To carry out this operation is very little cut, and then it is usually not necessary, even stitches. In addition, two types of extraction of the lens - and intracapsular esktrakapsulyarnaya - much more likely to cause complications than phacoemulsification. Comparative characteristics and phacoemulsification cataract extraction:
Extraction lens
Phacoemulsification of the lens
The magnitude of the cut for access to the lens
Length 12 mm
Length 2.5 mm
Not required
General anesthesia
Local anesthesia - usually used analgesic eye drops
Restoring visual function and performance
In 7 days
After 24 hours
When can we do the surgery
The extraction of the lens usually done when the cataract has already led to a significant deterioration of
Phacoemulsification can be done in the early stages of cataract development
Chance of postoperative astigmatism
Astigmatism - lenses, glasses or surgery?
and inflammation
Through a small incision and no need for stitches complications are very rare
The patient remains in the hospital for about one week
The operation is performed as an outpatient
Restrictions after surgery
For some time after extraction lens patients forbidden to lift weights
The decision whether to do surgery or not, takes the patient and his doctor. In most cases, there is no urgent need to rush to surgery because cataract is not too eye damage. Delaying the procedure does not increase the likelihood that the patient will not be able to restore vision after the surgery, when he was finally on her mind. Be sure to think it through this decision, weighing the benefits and risks associated with the surgical removal of cataracts.
If the patient decides to postpone the surgery, it may be advised to have regular checkups to make sure that as the cataract progresses. How often are these surveys it depends on the patient's condition.

How is cataract surgery
During surgery, the cloudy lens is removed and in its place put the plastic implant. The new lens is set exactly at the place of the old, and it becomes part of the eye.
Some patients because of other diseases of the eye can not put an artificial lens. In this case, after the removal of the cataract vision corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
In one operation, you can operate with only one eye. If you have cataracts in both eyes, the next operation can be done only after a few weeks. As a rule, shortly after the surgery, the patient can go home. Cataracts are removed under local anesthesia. This operation is very safe, it is associated with a minimal risk of contamination or infection of bleeding. After cataract surgery increases the risk of retinal detachment.

What you can do yourself
As we have said, the cataract can be cured only by surgery, but it can lessen the impact of its symptoms with simple rules:
- Make sure you use ideally suited to you glasses and contact lenses
- Use the house as much as possible bright lighting
- In sunny weather, be sure to wear sunglasses
- If possible, do not drive at night

Prevention of cataracts
What exactly causes cataracts is unknown, but doctors say that these simple measures reduce the risk of developing this disease:
- Get regular eye checkups. This will reveal a cataract and other eye diseases at early stages of development
- Give up smoking. It is hard to overestimate the health benefits that accrue from this move. Among other things, it can protect the eyes from various diseases.
- Wear sunglasses. UV rays contribute to the development of cataracts, and high-quality sunglasses successfully blocked.
- Watch out for your health. Diabetes and other diseases increase the likelihood of developing cataracts. Take measures to prevent these diseases, and, if necessary, follow the instructions of their doctor's treatment.
- Maintain a healthy body weight. If you currently have a healthy weight, exercise regularly and eat right so that it does not increase. If you have extra weight, lose weight. Being overweight increases the risk of developing cataracts.
- Eat well, eat as many vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants that help prevent damage to the lens. Incidentally, antioxidants tablets do not have such properties and their use can not replace a healthy diet.