Purulent conjunctivitis is common, but only a few infectious agents can cause illness, complicated by the visually impaired. These pathogens are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and gonococcus. Conjunctivitis caused by these pathogens should be treated with special care.

What causes purulent conjunctivitis
The disease is mainly caused by pyogenic bacteria that can cause purulent inflammation of the mucous membranes. These bacteria are pyogenic cocci (many staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonorrhea), the group Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and others. At the same time, purulent conjunctivitis can be caused by negnoerodnymi microorganisms, such as E. coli or a stick diphtheria.
The greatest danger is purulent conjunctivitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and gonococci, as they may be complicated by the defeat of the cornea and reduced vision, including blindness.
Staphylococcal conjunctivitis is transmitted from person to person by contact (for example, through the hands, on which there are particles of pus) or items to which touched the patient. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is most often implemented in the presence of conjunctival microtrauma (arising, for example, when wearing contact lenses and the wrong care of them). Gonococcal conjunctivitis (ophthalmia) is usually accompanied by the defeat of gonorrhea genital organs (eye infection entered into with the dirty hands of the patient). Thanks to a special hospital in the prevention of ophthalmia today practically does not occur in the newborn.

Symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis
Staphylococcal conjunctivitis can be acute or chronic. Acute suppurative conjunctivitis, caused by staphylococcus, begins suddenly occurs rapidly, but seldom gives complications.
The disease may begin with a general malaise, headache
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, Photophobia, lacrimation. Initially, one eye is affected, then, after about twenty-four hours - the second. The conjunctiva is reddened, swollen eyelids, eyelashes and eyelids glued to the edge of pus. Drainage has a slimy character at first and then mucopurulent and purulent. Mucous film shrouded the entire front surface of the eyeball, which is why suffering vision. Pus flows from the eye, irritates the lid margin, causing burning and itching. The disease lasts 1-2 weeks, but at the wrong treatment of the acute process can turn into chronic. Purulent conjunctivitis in children is most often caused by staphylococci.
In chronic staphylococcal conjunctivitis symptoms less severe, characterized by photophobia, slight irritation of the eyes and fatigue. The conjunctiva is reddened, swollen eyelids modestly, on the edges of eyelids can see dried purulent crusts.
Acute suppurative conjunctivitis, caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, usually affects one eye, but sometimes the infection still goes on the second eye. The disease usually develops in the background wearing contact lenses
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It begins abruptly, with redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, photophobia, lacrimation. Drainage is rapidly becoming purulent, causing superficial irritation and erosion of the cornea, through which penetrates the infection. The process is almost always complicated by keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). Corneal ulcer, followed by formation thereon and reduction of scarring.
Acute suppurative conjunctivitis, caused by gonococci, manifested in adults as a copious purulent discharge, pronounced swelling of the eyelids, redness and swelling of the conjunctiva and the trend towards the rapid development of corneal ulcers, its perforation (perforation), followed by complete blindness.
Purulent conjunctivitis in the newborn gonorrheal origin develops 2-5 days after birth - the child gets an infection from an infected mother during childbirth. Usually affects both eyes, which is manifested in the form of edema
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eyelids, redness of the conjunctiva with a bluish tint, and the appearance of bloody discharge from the eyes. Three days later the discharge becomes purulent surrounding sclera conjunctiva swells dramatically (chemosis) and takes the form of a roller. On infiltration of the cornea appear, turning into ulcers, perforations have a tendency to spread the infection to the internal tissues of the eye. Loss of the eye in such cases is almost inevitable.

How to treat purulent conjunctivitis
When staphylococcal purulent conjunctivitis is usually carried out local treatment. Only if severe, especially in cases of suspected keratitis, systemic antibiotic therapy is appointed. Eyes several times a day are washed with disinfectant solution: light solution of potassium permanganate, tincture and decoction of herbs (eg infusion of chamomile), buried antibacterial solution in the conjunctival sac lay antibacterial eye ointment.
In recent years, the increased resistance of staphylococci to many antibacterial agents. Treatment of purulent conjunctivitis in this case, a fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents, for example, 0, 3% solution and ofloxacin eye ointment - resistance to pathogens it is developing very slowly.
Babies do not prescribe fluoroquinolones, so the treatment of purulent conjunctivitis in children is 15% sulfacetamide drops, 0, 05% drops pikloksidin (vitabakt), erythromycin ophthalmic ointment.
Purulent conjunctivitis in most cases perfectly treatable, but some species can be very dangerous.
Galina Romanenko