Treatment of glaucoma - the main thing to start in a timely manner

October 10, 2013

 glaucoma treatment
 The primary goal of treatment of patients with glaucoma is to lower intraocular pressure; this can be achieved in several ways. Glaucoma can not be completely cured, and damage caused by this violation are irreversible, but early treatment and regular checkups can help prevent vision loss in patients with this disease. If vision has deteriorated glaucoma treatment can slow or prevent further vision disturbance.

 Treatment of glaucoma - the main thing to start in a timely manner

Eye drops

Often the drug of first choice in glaucoma are certain eye drops. It is very important for the patient to use them exactly as directed by your doctor. Otherwise, damage to the optic nerve will progress.

If your doctor prescribed several different eye drops, be sure to ask him what period of time must elapse between using them (as a rule, different drugs are not used immediately one after the other).

Because some eye drops ingredients are absorbed into the blood during treatment side effects may appear unrelated to the eyes. In order to minimize the active substances of eyedrops into the blood stream directly after using eye drops keep closed for one or two minutes. Lightly press your fingers on the inner corners of the eyes to block the tear ducts, and two minutes later apply to the eyelids paper towel to remove any residual liquid.

In most cases of glaucoma eye drops administered with the following active substances:

  • Prostaglandins. Drops with prostaglandins often used to treat open-angle glaucoma Open-angle glaucoma - occurs often goes unnoticed  Open-angle glaucoma - occurs often goes unnoticed
 . They improve filtering intraocular fluid and reduce IOP. These drugs include, for example, latanoprost, and bimatoprost. Among their possible side effects - redness and burning of the eyes, darkening of the iris, eyelid skin discoloration and turbidity of visible objects.
  • Beta-blockers decrease the production of intraocular fluids and thus reduce intraocular pressure. Among these drugs - timolol and betaxolol. They can cause side effects such as difficulty breathing, decreased heart rate, low blood pressure, fatigue. Patients who have heart or lung disease, eye drops with beta-blockers generally not assigned, as they may exacerbate the symptoms of these diseases.
  • Agonists of alpha-adrenergic receptors limit the production of aqueous humor eye cameras, and improves the flow of fluid from the eye. K agonists alpha-adrenergic receptors include apraclonidine and brimonidine. These side effects may be an irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, weakness, redness, itching and inflammation of the eyes, dryness of the mouth.
  • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are rarely used, but they can also reduce the production of fluid in the eye. Drugs in this category are dorzolamide and brinzolamide. Their side effects are tingling in fingers and toes, as well as frequent urination.
  • Miotics and cholinergic drugs also improve the outflow of fluid from the eye. These drugs include pilocarpine and carbachol. Their possible side effects - pupillary constriction, blurred vision of objects and myopia.
  • Combination products. Sometimes doctors prescribed for the treatment of glaucoma eye drops which contain the active substances of different classes, such as beta-blockers, alpha-agonist adrenergic receptors, beta-blockers, or with inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase.

 Treatment of glaucoma - the main thing to start in a timely manner

Formulations for oral use

If using the eye drops can not lead to normal IOP, in addition to the patient can be administered a medicament for oral administration. Typically, this carbonic anhydrase inhibitors that effectively reduce IOP. When taken orally, they may cause side effects such as frequent urination, tingling in the toes and hands, depression, indigestion, and kidney stones.

 Treatment of glaucoma - the main thing to start in a timely manner

Treatment of acute angle-closure glaucoma

Acute angle-closure glaucoma Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness  Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
   - A disease that requires urgent medical assistance. Patients with this disorder as soon as possible to reduce IOP; this is usually applied as medicines and treatments.

For example, it may be used in such a procedure as peripheral laser iridotomy. During iridotomy doctor using the laser in the iris doing a small hole through which the aqueous humor to flow out. In some cases, your doctor may recommend laser peripheral iridotomy of both eyes at once.

 Treatment of glaucoma - the main thing to start in a timely manner

Alternative methods of treatment

Some alternative treatments may improve overall health, but they do not cure glaucoma and prevent worsening of its symptoms.

Therefore, they can be used as an adjunct to therapy, which is prescribed by a doctor.

  • Medicinal herbs. Additives extracts of certain plants, such as blueberries Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest  Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest
 Sometimes advertised as a cure for glaucoma, but still have not proven that they can have a significant impact on patients with the disease. You can use them as a means to improve vision (blueberries, for example, is really good for the eyes), but before you take them, you should consult a doctor.
  • Relaxation techniques. Stress can be a trigger of acute angle-closure glaucoma. If you have an increased risk of this disorder, you should learn some relaxation techniques - they include, for example, meditation Meditation - treats the body and the spirit  Meditation - treats the body and the spirit
   and breathing exercises.

Article Tags:
  • glaucoma

Drops from conjunctivitis - will help heal, relieve pain and swelling

June 23, 2014

 drops from conjunctivitis
 Drops from conjunctivitis produced variety. Some of them have antibacterial and other - antiviral and antifungal properties. Some eye drops perfectly relieve itching, pain and swelling of the tissues, have anti-allergic effect and promote healing.


What dripping with conjunctivitis

All the drops are used with conjunctivitis, can be divided into droplets with the etiological and symptomatic effects. This division is conditional, as many drops have complex - etiological and symptomatic effects.

It drops a causative effect that affect the cause of the disease can include antibacterial (with chloramphenicol, ofloksotsinom, sulfonamides) and antiviral (oftalmoferon) drops and drops, strengthen the immune system (eg, derinat).

Symptomatic drops include eye drops conjunctivitis, relieving discomfort in the form of pain, itching, swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   eyelids and conjunctiva are typical of conjunctivitis. This is a drop of Visine eye drops and combined Sofradeks (they also have antibacterial activity).

The drip eye conjunctivitis, determined by a physician.


Children from conjunctivitis eye drops

For the treatment of children used antibacterial eye drops such as 0, 25% solution of chloramphenicol, 15-20% solution Albucidum drops Sofradeks. As an antiviral agent used such drops from conjunctivitis for children, as a solution Poludan.

0, 25% with chloramphenicol eye drops for many years been successfully used for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children older than four months. These droplets are hardly absorbed into the blood and do not have a systemic action, so well tolerated by children. However, they are not recommended to prescribe drugs at the same time, inhibits the function of the blood, such as sulfonamides (sulfacetamide). With chloramphenicol drops instilled 1-2 drops 6-8 times a day. As the inflammation subsided number instillation cut to 3-4 times a day.

15-20% solution Albucidum previously widely used for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children. Today, use of this drug decreased significantly for two reasons: it has been growing resistance (resistance) of the bacterial microflora, causing conjunctivitis and burying Albucidum gives children a lot of discomfort in the form of severe cramps in his eyes.

In viral conjunctivitis, apply eye drops Poludanum - complex Polyadenylic and polyuridylic acids having immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. The drug stimulates the production of endogenous interferon, inhibits proliferation of viruses, enhances the activity of cellular immunity. It is used to treat herpes and adenovirus conjunctivitis, including children. Poludanum produced in powder form for the preparation of eye drops in bottles with dropper cap. Eye drops Poludanum instilled into the conjunctival sac of the patient's eye 1-2 drops 6-8 times a day. As the inflammation subsided number instillation cut to 3-4 times a day.

Drops from conjunctivitis for infants used strictly on prescription. This example tobreks (antibacterial drops containing antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   aminoglycoside), 0, 1% eye drops florenal with antiviral effect and several others.


Drops from conjunctivitis in adults

For the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in adults apply eye drops, which contain antibacterial agents fluoroquinolones. For example, 0, 3% eyedrops ofloksotsin (floksal) apply one drop each eye 2-4 times per day. Today it is the most effective drops from bacterial conjunctivitis.

For the treatment of viral conjunctivitis adult apply eye drops with interferon Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century?  Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century?
 Having antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. For example, commonly used eye drops oftalmoferon, which include interferon and diphenhydramine, so drops possess antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-allergic effect. Assign them 1-2 drops 6-8 times a day. Contraindications for the use of drops is only individual intolerance of components.

Positive effect on all parts of the immune system Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   also derinat, which includes deoxyribonucleat. Derinata solution for external use was instilled into both eyes of 1-2 drops twice or three times a day for 4-8 weeks.

Suit not all drops from conjunctivitis during pregnancy, as any drug in this period can be used only on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of conjunctivitis
