Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
May 7, 2009
- Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
- How is
Rhinitis, or runny nose - is a disorder that is characterized by nasal congestion, increased production of nasal mucus, sneezing. It causes significant discomfort, but hardly dangerous.
The main symptoms of rhinitis are:
- Nasal congestion;
- Runny nose;
- Increased production of mucus in the throat
- In some cases, but not always, rhinitis accompanied by fever
Consult your doctor if you can not cope with rhinitis using non-prescription drugs and / or if the symptoms are aggravated. Help your doctor may also need the appearance of the unpleasant side effects of OTC drugs against rhinitis.
To establish the cause of rhinitis is not always possible, in addition, not all patients treated with this disorder to a doctor. The most common triggers of rhinitis are:
- Irritants environment - dust, smog, smoking and passive smoking, as well as strong odors, such as perfume or cleaning agents may cause non-allergic rhinitis. Chemical vapors, which some people are at work, could also be a factor in the development of associated rhinitis.
- Weather. Fluctuations in temperature and / or humidity often cause a runny nose. Contrary to popular belief, the probability of inflammation of the nasal mucosa in cold weather is only slightly higher than at a high temperature.
- Infections. Among the most common causes of rhinitis - viral infections such as colds or flu
Influenza - expect the unexpected but always
. Such rhinitis usually goes away within a few weeks, but in some cases can become chronic, causing constant, as a rule, weak, cold.
- Food & Beverage. Certain foods and drinks, especially the very hot and / or sharp can be direct or indirect cause of rhinitis. Drinking alcohol can also cause nasal congestion or a runny nose.
- Some medications can become a trigger nonallergic rhinitis. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. aspirin, ibuprofen), anti-hypertensive drugs
Hypertension - dangerous consequences
Such as beta-blockers. Some people rhinitis is caused by sedatives, antidepressants, oral contraceptives or medicines that are used to treat erectile dysfunction. Sometimes rhinitis is caused by abuse of nasal drops.
- Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, during menstruation, and in some diseases, is another possible cause of rhinitis.
- Stress. Emotional and / or physical stress in some cases can also cause rhinitis.
Risk factors
- Exposure to irritants: the inhabitants of large cities and the people working with chemicals, are at risk for the development of rhinitis.
- Prolonged use of decongestants nasal drops or sprays. If you cancel some of these drugs only a few days of having symptoms such as runny nose and nasal congestion.
- The presence of other disorders. A number of chronic diseases such as lupus, cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis: early diagnosis - the key to recovery
and hormonal disorders can cause or exacerbate rhinitis.
Rhinitis, especially in the absence of adequate treatment, may lead to the following complications:
- Polyps in the nose - it is benign, which develop on the inside of the nose or sinuses as a result of chronic inflammation. Small polyps may not cause any problems, but the big block airways and impedes breathing.
- Chronic sinusitis. Prolonged nasal congestion due to rhinitis increases the risk of sinusitis
Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone
Including - chronic. It can cause severe pain in the eyes, cheeks and nose, and headache
- Middle ear infection.
In addition, severe rhinitis cause such discomfort that a person becomes much more difficult to manage their own affairs. If rhinitis affects the quality of your life, be sure to consult with your doctor.
Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"? - Treatment
March 19, 2014
- Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
- Classification
- Treatment
Treatment of angina
Patients who have symptoms of angina
Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable
are mild to moderate, generally do not need special treatment
. They are encouraged to comply with bed rest, drink plenty of warm or hot drinks, if necessary, to take non-prescription painkillers - paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin
. Very effective is gargling with angina
. To rinse, you can use a warm saline solution, water and lemon juice, or specific products containing antimicrobial agents
. Compresses with angina help relieve sore throat and to some extent speed up the healing process
. To make a compress, soak a clean cloth with a solution of alcohol or warm water, apply it to the neck, put a piece of polythene and wrap the neck with a towel or a warm scarf
. Change the compress every three to four hours
. Keep in mind that in angina helps compress only in those cases where the symptoms of the disease are expressed relatively poorly
What to do with angina, when it causes a very severe pain in the throat, because of which is almost impossible to swallow, and leads to a sharp increase in body temperature? For adults, the most effective and relatively safe first aid for angina - reception of OTC analgesics (aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen). You can also use the spray for the throat
Spray throat assistance at short notice
propolis, and immediately take a few pills with ascorbic acid to enhance immunity. When children get sick, it is best to call your doctor and ask him how to bring down temperature
How to bring down the temperature in the home - a variety of methods
with angina, minimizing unwanted side effects. Babies should not be given aspirin - in rare cases it leads to development of Reye's syndrome, which can be life-threatening.
Bacterial angina treated with antibiotics, as a rule - penicillins. Unfortunately, some patients take antibiotics exactly as long as the temperature is kept at an angina and continues sore throat, and as soon as the start to improve, on its own initiative interrupt treatment. This can lead to relapse and development of antibiotic resistance, so that the next time the patient will have to assign a different antibiotic.
Can I smoke in angina?
Tobacco smoke contains a large number of substances, which when exposed to most tissues of the body cause irritation. In addition, smoking slows the removal of harmful substances from the body and, consequently, slows down the healing process. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to smokers to give up their habit until they are cured.
How could I get a sore throat
Pathogens most species of bacterial and viral sore throats are transmitted by airborne droplets. Infection can occur through kissing, using common utensils with an infected person, and if the patient coughs or sneezes without covering his mouth with his hand. The severity of symptoms is almost independent of how transmitted angina - importantly, the quantity of virus fell into the body, and it may be different for each transmission method.
Gonococcal tonsillitis transmitted through oral sexual contact. Some other types of angina are beginning to develop as a result of weak immunity and their pathogens are microorganisms that normally do not cause harm.
The more dangerous angina
Some patients have a sore throat can cause a number of complications, some of which lead to serious health problems.
- Scarlet fever - a bacterial infection, which is characterized by redness, heat and swelling. Rash with angina is usually the first sign of the onset of scarlet fever. Nedolechennaya scarlet fever may provoke the development of sinusitis, pneumonia, meningitis, and sometimes more dangerous disorders such as acute rheumatic fever and osteomyelitis.
- Sore throat and liver. One of the possible complications of angina is glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the glomeruli, the kidney structures that play an important role in the process of cleansing the blood. Glomerulonephritis can lead to complications such as hypertension, thrombosis
Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
and increasing the level of cholesterol in blood.
- Angina and heart. If the sore throat will lead to the development of rheumatic fever, and it will not treated in time, it can lead to heart disease such as atrial fibrillation and heart failure.
- Otitis media. In most cases, middle ear infection, sore throat razivshayasya after passes by itself, but sometimes it causes a significant hearing loss.