How to treat a sore throat? Typically, an effective treatment of angina involves only the use of funds to alleviate the symptoms of the disease; special drugs in this disease is not always necessary.
How to cure a sore throat
In general, the standard treatment of angina is very simple. It includes:
- Bed rest;
- Drinking plenty of fluids and a balanced diet;
- The use of various means to relieve the symptoms.
Bed rest involves abstaining from intense exercise, enough sleep and rest. Patients with angina are strongly advised not to go to work or school until they are cured: first, because it can cause deterioration and complications, and secondly because there is a high risk of infection of other people.
Treatment of sore throat in adults and children held virtually the same, with the difference that if an adult can suffer angina often on the legs (although to do this without extreme necessity is not necessary), then children with this disease are absolutely necessary medical supervision and timely treatment.
Proper nutrition and drinking plenty of fluids is necessary that the body can quickly cope with the disease: for an effective immune system requires various nutrients and sufficient saturation of the cells with moisture. Means to alleviate symptoms help the patient better tolerate disease, as well as allow him to eat and drink normally - sore throat with angina is often so strong that without those or other painkillers people simply can not swallow.
How long is treated angina, depends not so much on what drugs a patient takes, how many of the infectious agents, as well as the general health of the patient. On average, angina passes for a term of five to ten days; some mild symptoms, such as mild cough may persist for two weeks. Faster treatment of angina is almost impossible - in the short term we can only alleviate the symptoms but do not cure it. Besides, if people feel better because of this or that drug, a few days after the first symptoms of angina come to work, he runs the risk of serious complications in the heart, kidneys and joints. Angina is harmless only at first glance, but in reality, the disease can lead to serious stress on the internal organs, which can have severe health consequences.
How to treat a sore throat at home
In addition to compliance with bed rest, fluid intake and a balanced diet, at home you can use the following remedies for a sore throat:
- Gargling. Mix one tablespoon with 0.5 liters of warm water and gargle with brine. You can also use water mixed with lemon juice or lime juice, mint broth
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
, Sage or chamomile pharmacy, antiseptic solutions. To rinse gave the maximum effect, they recommended at least three times a day.
- Inhalation. Pour into the pan 2-3 liters of water, boil it, remove from heat for 10-15 minutes, breathing hot steam, leaning over the pan, and covering his head with a towel. In the water you can add a few drops of essential oils of eucalyptus, peppermint or pine. This procedure can also be performed at least three times per day.
- Decoctions of herbs, such as mint, sage
Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
, Pharmacy chamomile or ginger have a slight anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect and reduce pain in the throat.
- Med. By itself, honey, or honey with warm milk, great help with angina. Eat two to three teaspoons of honey a day, every day, or drinking a couple of cups of warm milk with honey.
- Vitamins. Although the correct answer to the question of how to quickly get rid of a sore throat, apparently, does not exist, many experts believe that the vitamins help to significantly accelerate the healing process. Take vitamin tablets (especially important vitamin C), drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. During the illness may be slightly higher than the recommended daily allowance of vitamins, but abuse them still not worth it - if they can speed up recovery, then only slightly.
- Smoking cessation. Smokers people on sickness should abandon the habit - cigarette smoke causes irritation of the mucous membranes in the throat, causing the body can be difficult to deal with infectious agents.
- OTC analgesics and antipyretics. Paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen, quickly remove the fever, relieve pain in the throat and headaches. For most people, these drugs can be taken without prior consultation with the doctor.
Treatment of angina during breastfeeding
Women who are breastfeeding, in the treatment of angina can use almost all the home remedies listed above - gargling, inhalation, and many herbs are safe for them. However, before you start taking non-prescription drugs, or products based on medicinal herbs, still should consult a doctor. In general, treatment of angina during lactation, even if this requires antibiotics, it is safe and does not require temporary cessation of breastfeeding. With adequate treatment of lactating women have the same chances to ride out a sore throat, as well as all other patients.
Different methods of treatment
If home treatments do not help, you should contact your doctor and use other methods of treating angina. In most cases, a sore throat, which can not be cured at home, is caused by bacteria. To treat a sore throat can be used class of antibiotics penicillins, macrolides, in some cases, can be used rifampicin. How angina treated with antibiotics depends on the type of pathogen and preparatyp but usually the duration of treatment is 5 to 10 days.
In severe forms of angina can be used corticosteroids. They are appointed in the case of a significant increase in the tonsils, and in very severe pain in the throat.
Finally, the current treatment of angina provides for the removal of the tonsils surgically when a sore throat is severe complications, as well as in chronic angina
Chronic tonsillitis - especially diseases
. Last diagnosed if the patient had six or more episodes of strep throat
Strep throat - one of the most common diseases of the throat
the previous year, five episodes in the previous two years, or three episodes - three years
. Removal of tonsils or tonsillectomy, may also be necessary to children who often suffer from bacterial tonsillitis, and which for some reason do not help antibiotics (e.g., due to antibiotic resistance or allergy to different groups of antibiotics)
. In deciding to hold a tonsillectomy, also need to consider how chronic angina affects the quality of life of the patient, for example, how often he has to miss school or work, give up certain activities, etc.
. After tonsillectomy recurrent episodes of sore throat are rare
. However, because the palatine tonsils are an important part of the immune system, their removal may potentially cause the patient to become more vulnerable to other infections
. This is the main reason that tonsillectomy is performed only in cases when its necessity is caused by a number of factors, first of all - the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment