Otogenny meningitis may complicate any infectious-inflammatory process in the organ of hearing. Among all otogennyh intracranial complications otogenny meningitis is almost the fourth part. In this regard, it is important to early detection and adequate treatment of all right of inflammatory diseases of the ear.
What otogenny meningitis and how it arises
Otogenny meningitis - an acute inflammation of the meninges associated with purulent process in the ear. Otogennyh meningitis pathogens are most often streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, Mycoplasma and adenoviruses. An important role is played by the decline in immunity. Otogenny meningitis in most cases develops as a complication of chronic suppurative otitis media
Otitis - than could face an ear infection
But sometimes it can be a complication and acute suppurative otitis media.
Of the cavities of the middle ear infection in the cranial cavity can penetrate pin (anatomical pathways - holes, channels, and so on), hematogenous (with blood) and lymphogenous (s lymph current) paths. If the infection spreads through the inner ear, called the meningitis labirintogennym if in the middle ear - timpanogennym.
Labyrinthine route of infection occurs more than half of the patients otogennyh meningitis. Contribute to the penetration of infection into the cavity concussion, traumatic brain injury, decreased immunity.
What happens in the body when otogennyh meningitis
If you get an infection in the cranial cavity in the meninges develops an inflammatory process with the formation of inflammatory exudate (fluid inflammatory) serous (purulent) or purulent character. Accumulations of exudate may be limited, they are usually located in the junction of the ear cavity into the cranial cavity and restricted adhesions
Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
(this is typical of chronic inflammation in the ear) - formed limited purulent meningitis
Purulent meningitis - can be caused by different pathogens
Spread in large areas of inflammation of the meninges, the transition to the other hemisphere and cerebellum, says the diffuse (spread) purulent meningitis.
The main symptoms of meningitis otogennyh
Symptoms of meningitis otogennyh depend on the underlying disease, localization (location) of the process and the degree of increased intracranial pressure. However, in the foreground, as well as in other types of meningitis comes meningeal syndrome.
The very first symptom of incipient meningitis are severe headache. The head can be ill in some particular place or the pain may carry spilled character. Sometimes it may appear in a patient vomiting.
Always develop this symptom as a stiff neck - because of the increased tone and stiffness neck patient can not get his chin to his chest. Increased skin sensitivity and sensitivity to bright light and sound. Sometimes there are muscle spasms of the face and extremities, signs of a paresis, paralysis and disorders of the sensitivity of the cranial nerves - facial, trigeminal, oculomotor (most often), the vagus. Sometimes develop respiratory failure.
If the inflammation spreads to the spinal cord, broken pelvic organs function (incontinence).
The most severe course otogennyh meningitis is typical of hematogenous path of infection. In this case, meningitis begins with high fever, severe headaches, uncontrollable vomiting. The patient can quickly fall into a state of unconsciousness.
For otogennyh meningitis characteristic changes in cerebrospinal fluid: a high pressure, the change in transparency (the fluid becomes turbid) pleocytosis (elevated blood cells, mostly white blood cells), increased protein content, reducing sugar and chlorides. From meningococcal meningitis otogenny characterized in that the cerebrospinal fluid is not detected meningococcus.
In general, a blood test revealed a large number of white blood cells and accelerated ESR. Important role played by the timely establishment of the connection between meningitis and ear disease.
Otogennyh meningitis Treatment should be complex. Patients received antibiotic therapy and at the same time (regardless of the severity of the patient) is surgically removed the site of infection.
Moreover, diuretics are administered (for removal of cerebral edema), if necessary - glucocorticoid hormones (effectively relieve inflammation). Intravenously injected a large amount of fluid to relieve toxicity.
Otogenny meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
- It is not an uncommon complication of inflammatory diseases of the ear.
Galina Romanenko