Inhalation of the sinus: a simple way to improve the condition of patients

March 23 2013

 inhalation sinusitis
 Sinusitis - the disease is fraught with serious complications. However, if treatment is started in time to cope with this disease quite easily. Assigned otolaryngologist medications can successfully complement traditional medicines. Rinsing and inhalation in the sinus can be very effective, but before their application should consult with your doctor.

 Inhalation of the sinus: a simple way to improve the condition of patients

What causes sinusitis

Maxillary sinus - a little education in the form of caves, which are connected to the nasal cavity narrow passages. Through these passages infection can penetrate into the maxillary sinuses of the nose. Sometimes the cause of sinusitis is the source of infection in the immediate vicinity of the sinuses, for example, in the area of ​​the upper teeth. When inflammation of the nasal mucosa in the maxillary sinus passages clogged, due to violations of the process of purification sinus mucus accumulates in them, there is inflammation.

Some people are particularly prone to sinusitis. In particular, the risk factors are reduced immunity; difficulty in nasal breathing various etiologies (adenoids, and vasomotor rhinitis hypertrophic, allergic diseases); congenital malformations of the nose and deviated septum; chronic foci of infection in the nose and mouth. Children under five years old suffer from sinusitis rarely - in this age of maxillary sinuses still not formed. But among children aged five to nine years, the disease is widespread. Often sick sinusitis and young people, and in his old age the likelihood of this disease is somewhat reduced.

Since in most cases the development of inflammation of the sinuses is preceded by hypothermia or infectious diseases, the incidence of acute sinusitis peak in the autumn-winter period. If properly treat sinusitis, the disease becomes chronic, and then exacerbation can happen at any time of the year at the slightest decrease in immunity.

 Inhalation of the sinus: a simple way to improve the condition of patients

Symptoms of sinusitis

The main symptoms of acute sinusitis Acute sinusitis: symptoms - can manifest itself as a disease  Acute sinusitis: symptoms - can manifest itself as a disease
   They are stuffy nose; headaches (especially if they are reinforced by tilting the head); pain and a feeling of heaviness in the maxillary sinuses (the side of the wings of the nose); reduction of smell; increase in body temperature (usually up to thirty seven - thirty eight degrees); nasal discharge. Typically, the intensity of pain varies with the time of day: in the evening pain increases. Discharge from the nose can be both mucous (transparent) and purulent (yellow or green).

The earlier start to treatment of sinusitis, the more effective it will be. In addition to drug therapy are effective in nasal lavage and inhalation.

 Inhalation of the sinus: a simple way to improve the condition of patients


While inhalation is not the main treatment of sinusitis, they can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. However, before the course of inhalations is not superfluous to consult with your doctor: it may be that it is in this particular case, the inhalation will be ineffective or even harmful. For example, pregnant women should be cautious to select drugs for inhalation, to do no harm to the fetus.

Before inhalation, thoroughly clean the nose. It is desirable immediately before the procedure to lie down for three to five minutes, with his head hanging over the edge of the bed - it will contribute to the outflow of fluid from the maxillary sinus. Important notice: between the use of vasoconstrictive drops and steam inhalation should spend at least half an hour.

Long term inhalation of the sinus should be about five minutes, as a rule, it is enough rate of six to eight daily procedures. Traditional medicine recommends the procedure to have a cup of hot tea made from the leaves of currants, or in a series. After that you can start inhalation. It is important to carry out the procedure properly, breathing steam through the mouth and exhale through the nose. Thus, when exhaling steam spray medicinal herbs reach maxillary sinuses.

What herbs are best used for inhalation? Folk medicine recommends, for example, a collection of ten grams of chamomile flowers, five grams of Hypericum perforatum, fifteen grams of yarrow and five grams of herb celandine. Two tablespoons of collection pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, and then used for steam inhalation. In the same way, and other infusions are prepared for inhalation.

Another well-proven herbal: Fifteen grams of peppermint, ten grams of psyllium Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach  Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach
 Ten grams of celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
 . Peppermint, if desired, can be replaced with the same amount of lemon balm. It is effective for the treatment of sinusitis, and a mixture of five grams of hawthorn flowers, fifteen grams of black currant leaf and ten grams of Oregano. A pronounced anti-inflammatory effect has a collection of the leaves of eucalyptus ball (five grams), raspberry leaf (fifteen grams) and marigold flowers (five grams). In the water for inhalation can also add a few drops of pine oil, known for its disinfectant properties, good effect, and propolis tincture Propolis tincture: obvious use  Propolis tincture: obvious use

Also, traditional medicine recommends ancient, centuries-proven remedy: to breathe over the steam cooked potatoes in their skins, cover head with a towel so that the steam does not escape. This simple measure is especially effective at a very early stage of the disease, as well as for the prevention of sinusitis during a cold.

Despite the fact that inhalation is a proven way to relieve the sinus condition, they can not replace the full treatment. Moreover, the use of folk remedies in some cases may damage - for example, warming up the maxillary sinuses using eggs or hot steam can be dangerous in case of purulent sinusitis. At the same time, as an additional measure of inhalation can be very effective: reduces inflammation and maxillary sinuses are cleared of mucus accumulated in them.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • treatment of sinusitis

Antibiotics for otitis - as justified by their purpose

May 15, 2014

 antibiotics for otitis
 Development of inflammation in the ear due to the influence of pathogens, which are the source of the pathological process. In this regard, antibiotics for otitis media are an important part of the complex therapeutic measures conducted. Antibacterials can be used for topical administration in the form of ear drops or in tablet form, when the patient has an acute inflammatory process.


When you need to prescribe antibiotics

Treatment for otitis media with antibiotics is justified, as this group of drugs has an antimicrobial effect, inhibits the growth of pathogenic flora, which is the source of inflammation in the ear. For antibiotics, there are certain indications, the presence of which can be assessed only by the doctor. If it is an acute inflammatory process or catarrhal otitis media, the first step can be to abstain on the application of antimicrobial agents.

Antibiotics for otitis media include adult regimen if during the first two or three days, no tendency to improve the patient's condition. Indications for their purpose are the following conditions:

  • preservation of pain
  • hearing loss
  • long-lasting general reaction of the body temperature
  • deterioration of general condition due to the intoxication syndrome

What to take with otitis antibiotics, the doctor determines on the basis of data on the most common types of pathogens inflammation. If it is possible to obtain contents or secretions from the ear, then it is possible to directly obtain the specific sensitivity of a microorganism to antimicrobial agents.

Contraindicated prescribe antibiotics with otitis of the middle ear Otitis media - children's problem  Otitis media - children's problem
 If they have ototoxic effect, which is toxic to the auditory apparatus as a whole. Complication of this group of drugs may be the development of hearing loss and deafness (these processes are irreversible due to damage to the receptor apparatus), even if the patient only once the solution dripped into the ear.


What methods can be used antibiotics

Treatment for otitis media in adults can not be treated with antibiotics as a panacea. By the choice of the drug should be approached very responsibly, representing the character of the inflammatory process in the ear. Antibiotic includes various ways of medication administration. Antibiotics for purulent otitis Purulent otitis - why develop complications  Purulent otitis - why develop complications
   administered parenterally or by mouth, which is determined by the general condition of the patient, the stage of inflammation.

Pathogenic microorganisms which are the source of the development of otitis media, penetrate from the nasopharynx. This way the spread of infection through the Eustachian tube occurs in most cases. In this regard, an important point in the complex therapeutic measures is the rehabilitation or treatment of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and nasopharyngeal region mouths of the auditory tube. The drug is used in the form of spray which easily enters the specified area, providing a therapeutic effect.

Antibiotics for otitis media should be administered topically, as there is a direct effect of the inflammation in a wide range of microorganisms (various coccal flora, fungal infection, anaerobes). This will facilitate the onset of recovery in a short period of time, otherwise inflammation can get protracted and take a chronic course. It is important to sustain the designated course of antibiotics, because many patients stop taking drugs while improving the condition and reducing the severity of pain. This approach creates a fertile ground for the development of chronic inflammation by creating sustainable forms of microorganisms, which changes the sensitivity to drugs.


As antibiotic therapy should be conducted in children

The treatment of otitis media in children with antibiotics has a number of features that are defined by the age of the little patient. Currently, developed therapeutic strategy, which defines the use of antibiotics for all children under the age of six months. At this age, the child can not tell you about the health, clearly describe the complaint that it was wrong with him, so that even in the case of a doubtful diagnosis of acute otitis media Acute otitis media: to heal, to not become a chronic disease  Acute otitis media: to heal, to not become a chronic disease
   You can talk about the feasibility and justified antimicrobial therapy in children.

Parents are primarily interested in the question of how to cure otitis media without antibiotics. Expectant management may be held when the limited active monitoring of the patient. In this situation, increased requirements must be presented to parents as they can to notice a change in the state of health of the child, the appearance of new symptoms and promptly seek medical attention. Antibiotics for otitis media in children are assigned once at the time of treatment, if otitis media occurs in severe high-temperature reaction, intense pain.

If a doctor has been chosen watchful waiting, the regimen include painkillers, antipyretic drugs. Only if the condition does not improve, or vice versa, there is a tendency to deterioration of the antibiotics in otitis externa Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease  Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease
   It is justified, appropriate remedy. Even against the backdrop of timely administration of antibiotics the child may develop suppurative complications, so the dynamics of the inflammatory process is evaluated physician during the regular medical examination.

Otitis in the complicated form in children often develops during antibiotic therapy. It has great importance the presence of immature immune system, which may adversely affect the effectiveness of the medical complex.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • otitis
