Massage in the sinus - help at the stage of recovery

January 7, 2013

 Massage in the sinus
 Massage promotes a rush of blood to the tissues, improving its circulation, which has a positive effect on metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in tissues that will improve the state during rehabilitation. There are other types of massage to help reduce inflammation and pain in acute processes. This massage is a part of reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
   and it is called a point.

 Massage in the sinus - help at the stage of recovery

Segmental-reflex massage in the treatment of sinusitis

The basis of this type of massage is the use of the features of segmental body composition: irritation of the skin receptors specific areas affects the internal organs and systems of the body innervated by the same spinal cord segments. The merit of this method of creating a massage belongs A.E.Scherbaku. He established the particular importance of some skin areas, and related entities of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), for example, cervical reflexogenic zone.

While working on these areas with the help of massage, you can get a response in the form of physiological reactions on the part of certain organs. The back of the neck is a so-called neck area and is particularly rich in receptors. Massage this zone is performed in diseases of the head, neck and chest cavity.

When sinusitis neck massage is performed only at the stage of recovery. In acute inflammatory processes holding massage is contraindicated. After the course of segmental-reflex massage neck area improves the condition of the autonomic nervous system, which supplies the blood vessels, this leads to better blood circulation, including in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. And this, in turn, activates metabolic processes in the cells of the mucous membrane of maxillary sinus and nasal cavity.

Activation of the metabolic processes will drive all the processes of tissue repair after the disease, including local immunity, that is, resistance to infection of tissues, that is the prevention of recurrence of sinusitis.

Especially beneficial effect such massage in combination with reducing physiotherapeutic procedures, such as microwave treatment, inhalation of medicinal aerosols, and so forth.

 Massage in the sinus - help at the stage of recovery

Acupressure in the treatment of sinusitis

Acupressure - is part of reflexology, which was composed of well-known techniques such as acupuncture Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science  Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science
   and moxibustion. The method consists in exposing the finger at specific points on the body, which leads to more or less predictable physiological response from the target organ.

In acute sinusitis to relieve certain symptoms massaged distant points:

  • remove the swelling in the face, headache, and pain in the eye socket, lower the temperature to help massage the point he-gu, located in the groove between the bones of the thumb and index finger;
  • remove temperature and help boost immunity point Tsu-san-li, located on the 3 fingers below the knee at recess tibial tuberosity to the width of the first finger of the hand of the patient outward from the base of the tuberosity;
  • remove temperature, headache and reduce inflammation in the nose and throat to help massage the points wai guan zhi and-go, located on the back of the forearm in the groove between the two bones, respectively, the width of two or three fingers above the wrist.

 Massage in the sinus - help at the stage of recovery

How to conduct acupressure in the sinus

Massage can be done in different ways: one-finger stabbing, nail prick finger kneading and finger by pressure.

Stabbing point in the middle finger is performed, wherein it is applied to a slightly bent index finger of the same hand. By pressing the finger is located at right angles to the skin surface. Stabbing carried out in three steps:

  • groped middle finger point location, make it easy at first and then increasing pressure; finger deep into the tissue and stops;
  • vibrating finger movements, lasted about a minute, increase the stimulating effect on the point;
  • complete vibrating motion, finger pressure gradually weakens until it stops completely, but the finger for a while do not take away from the skin.

All of these methods are repeated 3-5 times.

Finger kneading is carried out with the thumb, the pressure is accompanied by a helical movement with the displacement of the skin relative to the subcutaneous tissues.

Nail an injection - to the point of impact is carried out by means of nails (nail should not be very long). As a result of the patient should have a sense of numbness and dull pain in the points.

Holding acupressure Acupressure - Eastern practices in the service of modern science  Acupressure - Eastern practices in the service of modern science
   for acute sinusitis during better align with the doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of sinusitis

Sinusitis - puncture is not always necessary

January 12, 2013

 sinusitis puncture
 Puncture (puncture) in the sinus afraid of all patients, with many actively opposed to this method of treatment. But in some cases, a puncture is required, it allows you to remove from the maxillary sinuses were assembled there the contents of an inflammatory nature. If this is not done, the inflammatory process may continue for a very long time.

 Sinusitis - puncture is not always necessary

When and why do the maxillary sinus puncture

Puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed in severe purulent inflammatory process, when there is a persistent violation of sinus drainage and pus collects in the sinuses, contributing to the deterioration of the general condition of the patient and preventing it from healing. After removal of pus sinus washed with saline or with an antiseptic solution and injected into it antibiotics. To perform puncture sinuses, there are certain indications:

  • drug treatment does not give the desired effect, the patient's condition worsens or remains stably heavy; including high temperature, which is not reduced during treatment;
  • severe pain Expander nature in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus, which are enhanced by tilting the head forward;
  • the absence of purulent nasal discharge on the radiograph in the presence of fluid in the maxillary sinus;
  • pain and bad breath Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth  Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth
 Which indicates that the origin of sinusitis "guilty" teeth (odontogenic sinusitis).

There are other indications for puncture: in each case, the question of holding the puncture doctor decides individually. In order to avoid a puncture, you should promptly consult your doctor as sinusitis rarely begin immediately with purulent process first is purulent inflammation (catarrhal) character that lends itself well to medical treatment.

 Sinusitis - puncture is not always necessary

How is

Puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed under local anesthesia with a special needle. After lubricating the nasal mucosa 2% tetracaine solution through the lower nostril piercing is done at the point of attachment of the inferior turbinate. Thereafter pus sinus was removed using a syringe, the cavity was washed with warm saline or antiseptic solution and injected into it antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?

For continuous drainage of the maxillary sinus using special catheters that allow you to avoid repeated puncture. With the help of the local administration of drugs through a catheter can greatly speed up the healing process.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus is sometimes necessary, so do not be afraid and are actively avoided.

 Sinusitis - puncture is not always necessary

Is there a replacement puncture of the maxillary sinus

Yes, in some cases, improve the drainage of sinus manages and by other methods, but do it is usually in the mild form of the disease. For example, washing the nose is held by the "cuckoo, which is also called the method of travel. The patient is placed in a horizontal position and ask rhythmic syllables to say "cuckoo." This closes the connection with the nasal cavity of the mouth. Slowly injected with a single nostril solution is sucked by a vacuum device from another. This creates a negative pressure of the nasal cavity, which "pulls" the purulent contents maxillary sinuses and sinus entering the solution further purifies them from inflammatory contents.

The negative pressure in the nasal cavity can be created by another device - YAMIK sinus catheter. This device consists of two tubes and a siphon, which is introduced through one nostril into the nasal cavity. One of the tubes is provided with a rubber bulb which, when inflated, cover outputs from the nasal cavity. Through another tube displays the contents of the maxillary sinus and injected the drug solution.

In severe forms of sinusitis with pain, general intoxication of the organism and high temperatures such methods remove secretions from the sinus does not fit, have yet to make a puncture. Therefore Otolaryngologists recommended for sinusitis as soon as possible go to the doctor - it allows you to treat patients more sparing methods.

 Sinusitis - puncture is not always necessary

Is it worth it to give up a puncture of the maxillary sinus

Washing in the sinus cavities Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
   It contributes to the rapid removal of intoxication, temperature, increases local immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   tissues and significantly accelerates the healing process. And if at a moderate course of sinusitis can be washed with sinus using conservative methods, with severe sinusitis puncture is sometimes a real salvation for the patient.

So do not give up the maxillary sinus puncture, if the otolaryngologist will convince you that it is needed.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • genyantritis
