The bone in the throat: no figure of speech

July 26, 2011

 bone in the throat
 We often hear the expression "like a bone in the throat" means something much disturbing. Indeed, the more detailed the image is difficult to find a bone in the throat of a person's life can turn into a painful existence. The situation is complicated by the fact that the few who can get rid of it without the help of otolaryngologist, and he can not do it on the first try.

 The bone in the throat: no figure of speech

Clinical symptoms

Careless eating poorly treated fish is fraught with hit bones in the pharyngeal cavity. Contributing factors are talking or laughing while eating.

Although the bone and can pass through the gastrointestinal tract, without touching its walls, but often it is still embedded in the mucous membrane of the tonsils, palatine arches, between the tonsils and the bow, in the lining of the sinuses and pear valekul can damage the esophagus and stomach. The introduction of the bone is superficial and deep.

Complaints of the patient depends on the size of the bones and place of its implementation, for example, the penetration of bone to the epiglottis may experience shortness of breath, but the classical sense of a complaint against the stabbing pain on swallowing. Gradually, the pain becomes constant, swallowing increases, noted excessive salivation Increased salivation - deviation from the norm  Increased salivation - deviation from the norm

 The bone in the throat: no figure of speech


Abrasion pharyngeal mucosa - the easiest complication that is usually docked alone, seven - ten days.

Abscess - a complex state, local inflammatory reaction, manifested local tenderness, and symptoms of intoxication requiring opening and rehabilitation.

Eozofagit - develops within a few hours after a deep bone damage esophageal mucosa. The patient is experiencing discomfort in the chest, pain on swallowing, and excessive salivation. With the accession of purulent infection occurs when turning neck pain, often the patient is in a forced position, which is experiencing less pain, increased body temperature may occur vomiting with blood.

Mediastenit - develops when bone penetrating wound of the esophagus. This serious complication, often ends lethal. The inflammatory process spreads to the mediastinum, where the trachea, bronchi, great vessels and the heart. The patient is in a characteristic, forced position half-sitting with legs given to the stomach, it is difficult breathing, pronounced pain, which intensified during the conversation and inspiration, while it slowed down, with a high body temperature.

 The bone in the throat: no figure of speech

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is not difficult when a clear link between fish consumption and the appearance of the characteristic symptoms. In the absence of such a connection, for example, the penetration of the thin bones in the esophageal mucosa, which is not just characteristic manifestations, and the patient goes to a doctor to have the appearance of pain in the chest or shortness of breath, to establish the true diagnosis can be difficult.

When a stabbing pain in throat after eating fish in any case can not try to get rid of the bones alone, with the help of folk remedies. So, dry crust, is used for the purpose of pushing the bones inside, often contributes to the injured surface and the application of new lesions vulnerable pharyngeal mucosa. Another favorite way to people - an attempt to pull the bone using melted wax - often leads to burns.

Thus, if you suspect a foreign body in the throat, immediately consult an audiologist who will fix the fact of, a thorough inspection of the throat and in the best case, remove fish bone using special tools. If the bone is not detected, the patient will receive clear guidance on their subsequent actions.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • treatment of throat

Treatment of sinusitis at home: what you can do

March 24, 2013

 sinusitis treatment at home
 Sinusitis - is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinus. Often the disease develops after suffering colds or SARS. Treatment of sinusitis in the home includes both methods for facilitating the human condition, and the use of some medications.

 Treatment of sinusitis at home: what you can do

What will help the patient cope with sinusitis

These methods reduce the symptoms and make it easier to breath. Recommended:

  • Avoid cold or very dry air;
  • Gently blow your nose, you will need to keep both nostrils open. In the opposite case, discharge from the nose may once again fall into the maxillary sinuses;
  • Drink plenty of water, especially hot tea will be helpful. This will prevent the accumulation of mucus in the sinuses and improving its expectoration;
  • More rest. Healthy sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   It helps the body recover.

In addition to these changes in the lifestyle of the patient need to start taking drugs. Some of these people may be used alone, and other desirable should be prescribed by a doctor.

 Treatment of sinusitis at home: what you can do

Medicines for the treatment of sinusitis

When inflammation of the sinuses are used several groups of drugs. They are used alone or in combination with other agents. These medications include:

  • Antibiotics;
  • Vasoconstrictive decongestants;
  • Analgesics;
  • Corticosteroids;
  • Mucolytics.

Antibiotics are bacteriostatic (they stop the growth and reproduction of microbes) and bactericidal (kills bacteria). In viruses such drugs do not act.

The duration of antibiotic treatment depends on the person's health status, the severity and type of sinusitis take medication. If the patient does not get better within three days after the start of treatment, the doctor will prescribe an antimicrobial agent from another team.

Decongestants are typically used in the form of sprays or drops. They reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, improve breathing and restores the outflow discharge from the sinuses. For drugs in this group include vibrotsil, Otrivin, tizin xylitol dlyanos, galazolin, Sanorin, ksimelin and many others.

Sprays and drops only constrict vessels in the nose and do not enter the blood, so they cause only minor side effects. These drugs do not cure sinusitis, and only eliminate its symptoms. They can be used together with antibiotics.

Decongestants should not be used for more than three consecutive days. Prolonged use of sprays or drops alter the structure of the nasal mucosa and addictive.

Analgesics reduce the temperature of the body and reduce the pain arising from inflammation and accumulation of abnormal discharge in the sinuses. Aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac Diclofenac - relieve inflammation and pain  Diclofenac - relieve inflammation and pain
   and naproxen - representatives said dosage groups.

Do not use these drugs for more than one week without consulting your doctor. Such drugs with extreme caution should be applied to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys and abuse alcohol. Some patients with bronchial asthma, aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs cause attacks of the disease.

Corticosteroids - a hormonal agents that reduce or prevent inflammation of the nasal mucosa and sinuses. In the treatment of sinusitis Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician  Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician
   they are used in the form of nasal sprays. The most frequently prescribed drug called Nasonex.

Side effects after the application of topical corticosteroids are developing very rare and usually do not cause inconvenience to the strong man, even with prolonged use. Burning sensation in the nose - the most common adverse effect that occurs in patients.

These drugs are not assigned to all patients. They used short course if:

  • The mucous membranes that line the nasal cavity, very swollen;
  • Other treatments do not help;
  • In humans, there are polyps in the nose;
  • The patient suffers from chronic sinusitis Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health  Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
 Caused by allergies.

Mucolytics reduce the viscosity of the mucus, which is formed and accumulates in the paranasal sinuses. The most common means of this group - acetylcysteine.

Sinupret - a herbal preparation, it has anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect. Also, the drug increases the body's resistance to infections.

 Treatment of sinusitis at home: what you can do

Rinsing the nasal cavity

For the treatment of sinusitis agents used for washing the nasal cavity, which is manufactured based on sea water. The latter is required to previously sterilize it and alter the salt content to the desired concentration. Trace elements in its structure increases the resistance of the nasal mucosa to the action of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Marimer, Aqua Maris and Dolphin - means that you can buy in a pharmacy. The first of these products is available in the form of droplets and spray, it is intended for cleansing, moisturizing and protecting the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. Aqua Maris is made on the basis of the waters of the Adriatic sea, it is also used for these purposes.

Dolphin - is a medical complex, it consists of a mixture of mineral and vegetable and a special device for washing. The drug contributes to effective cleansing of the paranasal sinuses. It has an antimicrobial effect and restores the damaged mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Nasal wash can be combined with other drugs. If a person has a stuffy nose, before this procedure, he must use vasoconstrictors.

Acute sinusitis is treated much better than chronic. Therefore, it is important not to miss the beginning of the disease. If a person has started taking medication and they do not help him, it is best to consult a doctor. The specialist will assess the presenting symptoms and the results of the survey, and then choose the most appropriate means.

Article Tags:
  • treatment of sinusitis
