To remove or not to remove the adenoids - the problem facing many parents. There is no hurry, you must first hold a conservative treatment. Well, if conservative treatment fails, and the baby non-stop colds, not breathing nose, then remove nasopharyngeal tonsil have.
Why is not always necessary to operate
Of course, the parents prefer to treat their child with conservative methods, because the operation - it's always a trauma for the child. And there is nothing wrong if the treatment is carried out under the supervision of otolaryngologist.
A feature of the child's body is that with age overgrown nasopharyngeal tonsil (and this is the adenoids) begins to shrink in size (atrophy). This process begins after 12 years and after 20 ends.
Therefore, the task of parents and otolaryngologist is that the child as little as possible sick colds. It was a cold causes a rise in the lymphoid tissue, which consists of nasopharyngeal tonsil. The growth of nasopharyngeal tonsil tissue during infection - is its physiological function, because it is the amygdala (two palatine, lingual and nasopharyngeal) constituting the so-called pharyngeal ring, do not let the infection in the respiratory tract. If the child will not get sick, and the adenoids will not increase.
But they will not diminish until it is certain age. No need to succumb to various kinds of advertising, which promises a complete cure of the adenoids conservative methods.
But to engage in strengthening the body's defenses child can and should be - that the immune system will survive the dangerous age without surgery.
In another situation in adults. They do not have such prospects as children, that is, the adenoids will not decrease ever. Of course, I degree adenoids does not make sense to treat quickly, it is worth to apply the same methods of conservative treatment as children. But if the adenoids are more hampered breathe through the nose, sleep, and especially if it is also combined with some other diseases (eg, cardiovascular system, kidneys), it is better, though, to think about their removal.
Indications and contraindications for surgical removal of the adenoids
The indication for surgical removal of the adenoids is not so much their size, as they cause disturbances in the body. All indications for surgical removal of the adenoids can be divided into absolute (here is not going anywhere, you need to operate) and relative (better still operate). By the absolute indications for adenoidectomy are:
- large adenoids (III degree) with persistent violation of nasal breathing during the day and night;
- large adenoids (II -III degree) with snoring and momentary cessation of breathing during sleep
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- suspected malignant degeneration of the tissue of the adenoids;
- persistent hearing loss;
- against the background of the formation of the adenoids
Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil
abnormal development of the maxillofacial region (eg malocclusion
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- Closure of the teeth).
Relative indications for adenoidectomy are:
- frequent inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media);
- frequent acute inflammation of the sinuses (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis);
- permanent halitosis
Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth
- speech disorder in the form of a nasal.
Contra-indications for surgical treatment of adenoids are:
- any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as the weakening of the body after them;
- diseases of the blood, accompanied by violation of its clotting and a tendency to bleeding (such as hemophilia);
- severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
A relative contraindication to surgery is the age of three years. But if there is absolute or relative reading operation is carried out at any age.
Types of operations that are used in the adenoids
Used two types of operations: the complete removal of the adenoids (adenektomiya) and partial removal (adenotomy).
Adenotomija performed mainly children. The fact that lymphoid tissue carries a protective function and is sometimes necessary to remove only the excess, leaving part to protect the body against infection. Produced adenotomy under local anesthesia special steel loops, one end of which is acute.
Adenektomiya today carried out mainly by endoscopy under general anesthesia. This allows you to carry out the operation more efficiently, as during endoscopic surgery with the use of special optical equipment throughout the course of the operation is visible on the screen.
How to treat the child - operative or conservative? Talk to your doctor, otolaryngologist, and then decide to agree or disagree with his arguments.
Galina Romanenko