Ascoril Children appoint considering contraindications!

June 29, 2011

 Ascoril children
 Ascoril is widely used in pediatric practice, it has clear indications and contraindications for use, find out which can only after examining the child's pediatrician. Independently parents can not give this drug to their children.

Ascoril - a drug that has antispasmodic and expectorant properties. Kids used mainly Ascoril expectorant, which comes in the form of syrup. Ascoril tablets can be administered to children after six years. This medication is used only on prescription, and here's why.

The fact that infectious and inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs of the children may proceed differently. Some children they proceed with the release of large amounts of liquid mucus, which is free to cough. If you assign such a child Ascoril, the lungs and bronchial phlegm flooded and the child's condition will worsen. But it also happens that sputum coughed hard, sticky and it literally sticks to the walls of the bronchial tubes. The cough may be dry, it is called non-productive, and try to translate into a productive, with sputum. In this case, it helps drug that will make the phlegm more liquid and increase its isolation. Ascoril just perfect for this purpose.

 Ascoril Children appoint considering contraindications!

Composition ASKOR

The structure ASKOR tablets include three drugs: salbutamol, bromhexine and guaifenesin. The structure ASKOR expectorant includes the same drugs plus menthol.

  • Salbutamol enhances the bronchi. But sometimes, especially in overdose, he appear side effects such as tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
   and high blood pressure, so children with diseases of the cardiovascular system it is administered with caution and serious diseases of these organs is a contraindication to its use.
  • Bromhexine - a mucolytic i.e. drug that liquefies mucus increases its volume, in addition, it activates the motor activity of the epithelium of the bronchial mucosa, i.e. has expectorant properties. This drug has another important property - it stimulates the secretion of surfactant, a special material that covers the inner surface alvelol (sacs at the ends of the small airways) and warns them bonding or atelectasis.
  • Gvayfenezin also an expectorant, it reduces the surface tension of sputum and its adhesion to the walls of the bronchial tubes, liquefies phlegm, lowers its viscosity, facilitates the removal, ie, translates into a productive nonproductive cough. Have guaifenesin and side effects: it removes the excitation of the central nervous system and may cause increased drowsiness, headache and dizziness. In addition, it has side effects on the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
  • Menthol promotes the expansion of the bronchi, increases the release of secretion of bronchial glands, has antiseptic properties, reduces irritation of the respiratory tract. In addition, menthol has a calming effect on the child.

The complex has an excellent drug Ascoril bronchodilator, phlegm and expectorant action. But his appointment must clearly take into account all the indications and contraindications.

Ascoril appointed in infectious and inflammatory diseases of bronchopulmonary system in children if the child nonproductive cough or viscous mucus difficulty departing. These symptoms may be for different diseases: acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, whooping cough, measles, Measles in children - may cause serious complications  Measles in children - may cause serious complications
   and some other diseases.

 Ascoril Children appoint considering contraindications!

Contraindications to receive ASKOR

Contraindications Ascoril Ascoril - against painful cough  Ascoril - against painful cough
   in the case where a lot of mucus, and the liquid released it freely. It can not be used in children with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and the digestive system, such as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Ascoril also contraindicated in severe liver and kidney diseases in violation of their function, severe diabetes and elevated intraocular pressure. When receiving ASKOR urine turns pink.

Action ASKOR enhances tool dilates the bronchi, - theophylline when odnovrmenno appointment also increases the likelihood of pobochnyhdeystvy both drugs.

Ascoril should not be taken together with preparations containing codeine which suppresses coughing and difficult expectoration attenuated sputum. While taking ASKOR amplifies the effect of antibiotics, as its constituent Bromhexine promotes the penetration of antibiotics into the tissue of the lungs. During the reception ASKOR not recommended alkaline water.

Ascoril Ascoril and expectorant - are effective drugs for the treatment of non-productive cough in children. But as with any effective medication Ascoril it has a lot of contraindications and side effects.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Ascoril

The treatment of otitis media in the home - what should be done

June 6, 2014

 treatment of otitis media in the home
 In most cases, otitis media occurs in a rather milder forms, so it is possible treatment of otitis media in the home. What should I do?


When it is possible, and when it is impossible to treat otitis media in the home?

If otitis sick child older than two years, and he does not have the intense heat (temperature above 38.3 degrees Celsius), does not necessarily lead him to the doctor, or call the doctor in the house. Often in such cases, home treatment is enough, but you may want to consult with your doctor on the phone.

If a young child is sick, or if the child has a very high fever, or if after three or four days after the first symptoms did not appear any signs of relief, you must consult a doctor. The same applies to adult patients with severe symptoms of otitis Symptoms of otitis media - easy to identify  Symptoms of otitis media - easy to identify
   are stored for five days or more.

In addition, in cases of suspected otitis media need to seek medical care to all patients whose disease is very severe pain that can not facilitate OTC analgesics, as well as people with weakened immune systems.


The treatment of otitis media in the home - Recommendations

  • Bed rest - a prerequisite of successful treatment of otitis Treatment for otitis media - methods and tools  Treatment for otitis media - methods and tools
   for children and adolescents. Adults also recommend at least a couple of days to stay at home - until the symptoms become less pronounced.
  • OTC pain relievers with otitis help relieve pain in the ear, and some of them stop inflammation. For most patients a safe and effective enough is paracetamol. It has relatively few contraindications, and when used properly, it rarely causes any side effects. It is also possible to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin. Last contraindicated in children under the age of 16, but in general it is safe for most people.
  • Analgesics can be taken several times a day, but not more often than specified in the instructions enclosed in the package.
  • Painkillers ear drops containing NSAIDs should not be used without a doctor's prescription.
  • Warm compresses too bad relieve pain. Warm water Soak a small towel, fold it several times, and attach to your ear. Make a compress three or four times a day.
  • Vishnevsky ointment with otitis. With Vishnevsky ointment can relieve ear pain and accelerate the healing process. Twist of cotton or gauze small, thin pad which is free entry into the ear canal, put on a bit of ointment, and paste into the sore ear. This compress can be kept from two hours to a day. If during this time did not get better, make a compress again. Furthermore, the ointment can be mixed with an alcoholic propolis tincture (in equal proportions), and to use the method described above.
  • Vishnevsky ointment should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to any of its components, as well as in acute inflammation. Before using this tool, especially if you plan to use it to treat the child, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor.
  • Camphor oil with otitis used for compresses to help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Heat a bit of camphor oil in a water bath. Soak them a piece of gauze or a soft cloth and place it in the ear so that the ear canal is not closed. Cover the cloth cling film and wrap her head scarf to wrap held in place. Remove it through two or three hours.
  • Camphor alcohol with otitis used practically as well as Vishnevsky ointment: a small piece of cotton or gauze impregnated with alcohol, and is inserted into the ear for a couple of hours. You can also wrap your head scarf, wool does not fall to the motion.
  • Garlic oil. Pour into the cup a little olive oil (preferably unrefined oil). Rub on a small grater four or five nails of garlic and mix them with oil. Leave the oil on overnight, then strain it and preheat to approximately body temperature (warm oil better gets into the ear canal). Drip into the affected ear three drops of warm garlic oil.
  • Vinegar. Mix a few drops of white vinegar with water and drip 3-4 drops of the mixture into the ears. This tool quickly relieves pain and itching caused by otitis. In the same way one can use white vinegar mixed with alcohol.
  • Garlic. Boil nail garlic in a little water until soft. Attach it to the auditory canal (but do not try to shove it inside), cover it with gauze and secure with tape. Change garlic every day. Garlic has antimicrobial action, and may significantly speed up the healing process.
  • The essential oil of eucalyptus and lavender. Pour into a large cup of boiling water, add two to three drops of these oils. Lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel. Turn to the patients ear cup, so that the steam can get into it, and at the same time, inhale the steam alternately through the nose and out through your mouth.
  • Mullein (Verbascum thapsus). Make a strong decoction of the flowers of mullein. Mix one tablespoon of broth with the same amount of olive oil and let stand overnight. Three or four times a day, instill one drop of the funds in the affected ear.
  • Boric acid with otitis. Studies have shown that boric acid may be less effective against otitis media than with ciprofloxacin drops. In particular, boric acid is successfully used for the treatment of chronic otitis media Otitis media - children's problem  Otitis media - children's problem
 . It is expected to be as effective and otitis externa Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease  Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease
   (acute and chronic), but for the treatment of otitis inner ear still need more potent medications. A small piece of gauze, twisted into a bundle is impregnated with acid, is introduced into the ear, and left for several hours or an entire night. The procedure can be repeated for several days.
  • Boric alcohol with otitis also effectively relieve pain in the ear and helps fight infectious agents. Heated to about forty degrees Celsius boric alcohol pipetted instilled in the ear by one drop at a time. This tool is not recommended for use for more than seven days. If during this time the symptoms of otitis media will not disappear, consult your doctor.

Article Tags:
  • otitis
