The vast majority of people who become ill with angina, pain and redness in the throat are 3-5 days. Cough, fatigue, and temperature after angina may persist for 7-10 days after the first symptoms. However, some patients angina does not go unnoticed. Possible complications of tonsillitis.
Chronic tonsillitis
Chronic tonsillitis is usually a complication of bacterial tonsillitis. This violation sore throat passes although angina symptoms disappear for a while, in the tissues of the tonsils continue to live bacteria, and it occasionally leads to recurrent episodes of angina, which occur much more frequently than in healthy people. Chronic tonsillitis is diagnosed in the following cases:
- In the previous year, the patient was at least seven episodes of angina;
- Over the previous two years, the patient had at least five episodes of tonsillitis per year;
- Over the previous three years, the patient had at least three episodes of tonsillitis per year.
Usually, the cause of chronic tonsillitis is nedolechennaya sore throat caused by a particular kind of bacteria. Doctors often say that, unfortunately, many patients still do not realize how important it is to pass before the end of the assigned treatment with antibiotics, and do not interrupt it immediately after the symptoms disappear. In the absence of proper treatment of chronic tonsillitis may eventually lead to a significant weakening of the immune system; young children the disease can adversely affect growth and development. In general, parents need to understand that almost any complications after sore throat in children can cause potentially serious health problems, so this disease is always better to consult a doctor than bed rest and to restrict the use of home remedies.
Peritonsillar abscess
Peritonsillar abscess
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Or sore throat abscess may develop within a few days after the first symptoms of angina. At the same violation in the throat or tonsils on one of the formed cavity filled with pus - the abscess. The symptoms of quinsy are increased pain in the throat (usually - on the one hand), increase in body temperature (up to 38C or more), very severe pain on swallowing, and sometimes - even when you open your mouth, a change in the voice, bad breath, pain in the ear on the one hand, headache, general malaise, swelling of the face and neck. This complication usually develops on the background of a sore throat caused by streptococcus or Haemophilus influenzae; this may contribute to disorders that suppress the immune system (eg, HIV), or reception immunosuppresantov. If you suspect a peritonsillar abscess is necessary as soon as possible go to the doctor.
If the abscess will have time to grow strongly, it can block the airways, and in severe cases, quinsy leads to sepsis, so it is important that the patient has received timely treatment. For the treatment can be used from the group of penicillin antibiotics, clarithromycin, or (if the patient is allergic to penicillin); Corticosteroids - to relieve severe inflammation and pain medications. However, in many cases, antibiotic therapy is not effective enough, and doctors resort to surgical intervention. It can be used fine needle aspiration (in the course of the procedure using a thin hollow needle is removed the contents of the abscess) or tonsillectomy - removal of the tonsils. Tonsillectomy is prescribed only in the most severe cases.
Depending on the severity of the disease, patients with quinsy can be hospitalized for 2-4 days. Thereafter, patients are usually recommended for a week to comply with bed rest, and continue prmem antibiotics and painkillers.
Spread of infection
In some cases, an infection caused by a sore throat can spread to the tissues and structures surrounding the tonsils. For example, it can penetrate into the jugular vein, which sometimes becomes a cause of sepsis. Without timely and adequate treatment of sepsis can lead to death of the patient.
Bacteria that cause a sore throat, can also cause otitis media, or middle ear infection. This disease has its complications, among them - mastoiditis, cholesteatoma, and even meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
. Otitis media and some of its complications cause pain in the ears and hearing loss. Any complication of tonsillitis in the ears is a valid reason for seeking medical attention.
Rheumatic fever after a sore throat
Rheumatism after angina (now commonly referred to as a violation of acute rheumatic fever) is caused by the fact that the tissues of the tonsils, despite treatment, or because of his absence, are bacteria that stimulate the immune response. As a result, the inflammation can spread to the heart, joints and skin. For example, a skin rash after a sore throat can be one of the symptoms of rheumatic fever.
Why the immune system suddenly ceases to function properly and attacks healthy tissue, is unclear. According to one of the most widespread theories, the molecular structure of the bacteria that cause sore throat (especially Streptococcus), with structures similar to certain tissues in the body. Thus, the immune system wants to destroy the bacteria, but come under attack healthy tissue. Supporters another theory believe that some people with birthday present certain genetic factors, due to which immunity after throat infections, such as sore throat, will not function properly.
Symptoms of rheumatic fever can be a pain and swelling of joints, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dry cough
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, Fatigue, chest pain
Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
, skin rash. Dry cough after a sore throat is not always a sign of rheumatic fever, but if it is accompanied by any of the above symptoms, you should consult your doctor.
Fully cured rheumatic fever is impossible, but early treatment helps to relieve the symptoms and reduce the risk of severe complications. Typically used anti-inflammatory drug therapy and, if necessary, antibiotics.
In the most severe cases of inflammation of the tissues of the heart muscle leads to the formation of scar tissue, whereby the patient may need surgery to replace heart valves. There are other complications after cardiac angina, including heart failure.
Complications in the joints
Complications from angina joints are rare, and usually also a consequence of rheumatic fever. If you have pain and stiffness in the joints should be as soon as possible go to the doctor - it will maintain joint mobility, and to avoid reduced quality of life associated with joint disease.
Complications after renal angina
Angina is caused by streptococcus, can lead to inflammation of the kidneys - a condition called post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. This complication is more common than rheumatic fever, but is less dangerous. Usually the symptoms (including - a decrease of urine volume, urinary discoloration, swelling of the face, feet, hands, sometimes - the presence of blood in the urine) appear within one to three weeks after the last symptoms disappeared angina. In most patients, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis is held for several days in itself, and does not cause significant damage to the kidneys. Most often this complication occurs in children who have had strep throat.
Sleep apnea can be a consequence of the aforementioned complications of tonsillitis - chronic tonsillitis. This disorder causes a temporary cessation of breathing during sleep, which is why a morning person does not feel sleep and awake, and during the day may feel sleepy. The most common and recognizable sign of sleep apnea is snoring. If sleep apnea develop because of chronic tonsillitis, the patient may be recommended surgery to remove the tonsils.