Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician - Effective
March 20, 2013
- Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician
- In adults,
- Effective measures
- Without a puncture
- Treatment with laser
- Domestic procedures
Effective treatment of sinusitis - modern medical advances
Inflammation in the nasal cavity are common pathology. All developing pharmacological industry professionals focused on finding various new treatments. Effective treatment of sinusitis possible during the complex therapy, which can be successfully combined with the methods of traditional medicine. On the market there are pharmacological agents that help achieve good clinical results.
Using therapeutic purposes cyclamen
Based on clinical studies have shown that a highly effective therapeutic agent in the sinus
Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
a cyclamen. In folk medicine, the juice from the tubers of cyclamen is used for a long time, which led to the creation of a drug based on that plant. The drug "Sinuforte" contains in its composition of juice and water extract of fresh tubers of cyclamen. The clinical effect can be observed on the fourth day of using the drug, when there is a restoration of nasal breathing, reduces the severity of pain. The basic principle of operation is in the natural cleansing of the sinuses pathological content, restoring the drainage function of the sinuses and air capabilities. Doubtless advantages of using this drug are the following features:
- security applications. The product is based on vegetable raw materials
- no toxic reactions. Occurs Only local action on the mucous sinuses, with virtually no drug enters the bloodstream. There are no reported cases of overdose. It will be appreciated that by increasing the dose does not happen to enhance its therapeutic effect
- adverse reactions may occur only in the form of a burning sensation, redness of the skin, which are short-lived
Prescribe drugs once a day, to apply it using a special dispenser. If not enough of complicated treatment for one week.
An integrated approach to the treatment of sinusitis
The primary cause of sinusitis is infection beginning. This may be a bacterial or fungal flora, viruses. Effective treatment is only in the event of timely initiation of therapy and conduct of all the necessary remedial measures. Appointment of antibacterial agents should be selected taking into account the sensitivity of microflora. There is a lot of drug-resistant, resistant strains of microorganisms, so it is advisable that the patient was made antibiotikogrammy. Of great importance in the issue of the treatment should be given to the state of the body's immune. Strengthen the immune system
The immune system - how it works?
default of its security forces is possible with the help of natural or natural stimulants. From natural medicines used adaptogens (ginseng, Siberian ginseng, echinacea), which are issued in the form of tinctures or in tablet form.
In order to increase the effectiveness of treatment is necessary to ensure the normal flow of the contents from the sinuses, restore drainage, ventilation function. Patients are prescribed for this purpose irrigation or flushing, nasal drainage antiseptic drugs. It occurs not only removal of pathogenic microorganisms and allergens, mucus, which support the pathologic process. This approach to treatment allows for quick recovery and prevent the development of chronic disease.
Otitis media - children's problem - Treatment
June 3, 2014
- Otitis media - children's problem
- Treatment
Treatment of otitis media
In most cases, otitis media without any treatment takes place no more than 72 hours. To alleviate the symptoms of the disease can be used OTC drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. Well relieve the pain in the ear warm compresses - they need to be applied to the patient's ear for 15-20 minutes at least three times a day. If a sick baby, before you treat otitis media in the home, it is strongly recommended that at least on the phone to consult a doctor - this should be done even if you have mild or moderate symptoms. Remember that aspirin should not be given to children under 16 years. Decoctions of herbs children should be given with caution and only after consulting your doctor.
Treatment for otitis media with antibiotics, in most cases it is not recommended for the following reasons:
- There is no evidence that antibiotics accelerates the healing process;
- Very often, otitis media pathogens are viruses, and antibiotics are powerless against them;
- Whenever antibiotics used to treat infections, which can pass without them, the risk of development of antibiotic resistance, due to which more serious infections may be more difficult to treat.
Usually, antibiotics are assigned only in the following cases:
- The child (or, in rare cases, an adult patient) is a serious illness, which make it more vulnerable to infections. Such diseases include, for example, cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis: early diagnosis - the key to recovery
or congenital heart disease;
- Age of the child - less than three months;
- Improvement does not come through four or more days after the onset of symptoms of otitis media.
In such circumstances, it is usually given a course of treatment with amoxicillin, for five days. Babies amoxicillin is usually administered in the form of a suspension for oral administration. The most common side effects of antibiotics are skin rashes, nausea and diarrhea. Children who are allergic to amoxicillin, erythromycin can be assigned.
Parents need to remember that the treatment must continue as long as the doctor said, and not until then, when the symptoms disappear.
Unfortunately, there is still a fairly common belief that antibiotics are harmful to health, and parents are often on their own initiative, shorten the course of treatment. However, the doctor, taking a decision than to treat otitis media, is based primarily on the interests of the patient and prescribe antibiotics only if it is really necessary, and if the patient starts to take them, need to undergo a course of treatment to the end. Otherwise, not only can a relapse, but also the development of complications, which we describe below.
Complications of otitis media
Thanks to modern drugs the complications of otitis media are less common today than in the past. However, they still may develop, for example, in cases where patients do not complete the course of treatment prescribed by a doctor. Particularly high risk of complications in infants, since their immune systems are not yet sufficiently developed to resist certain diseases.
- Mastoiditis - a disorder in which the infection spreads from the middle ear to the bone beneath the ear. Mastoiditis symptoms are pain in the ear discharge (usually watery) from the ear, the body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius, headache, hearing loss, redness and swelling inside the ear, and sometimes - for the ear. For the treatment of this disease is usually injections of antibiotics, but in some cases may require surgery to remove the damaged bone tissue and fluids from the middle ear.
- Cholesteatoma. This violation in most cases occurs in patients with chronic otitis
Chronic otitis media - how to recognize complications in a timely manner
middle ear. Typical symptoms of cholesteatoma - dizziness, hearing loss in the affected ear, the liquid discharge from the ear.
- Labyrinthitis occurs when the infection affects the inner ear. Its symptoms include nausea, dizziness, vestibular apparatus, impaired hearing. Labyrinthitis treated with various antibiotics; in some cases, to deal with dizziness appointed neuroleptic prochlorperazine.
- The paralysis of the facial muscles. In rare cases, edema and inflammation caused otitis media can lead to the fact that the facial nerve is muffled, because of which some or all facial muscles no longer function properly. Fortunately, this complication is usually held after the infection is cured.
- Meningitis - a very rare and dangerous complication of otitis media. The symptoms of meningitis are severe headache, nausea and / or vomiting, fever, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, sometimes - red skin rash. If you suspect meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
should seek emergency medical care.
- Abscess of the brain - one more rare and severe complication that causes headaches, changes in mental status (eg, drowsiness, confusion, and so on), high fever, muscle weakness, paralysis on one side of the body (observed only in some cases), convulsions , nausea and vomiting. If you experience any of these symptoms should immediately call an ambulance. For the treatment of patients with brain abscess, a course of antibiotic therapy and surgery, during which removed the pus from the abscess or abscess
Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
cut out completely.