Ointment for sinusitis: gels for nasal administration

March 22, 2013

 ointment for sinusitis
 Preparations for the treatment of sinusitis are produced not only in the form of tablets, drops and sprays, but in the form of a gel. Many people believe that the gel and ointment from sinusitis - the same thing. But it is not so. Ointment - a soft a homogeneous mass, which consists of a base and the active ingredient. Gel - medicinal form soft viscous consistency, which is distributed in the tissues faster and more evenly than an ointment.

Gel galazolin

Galazolin - a vasoconstrictor drug, the active ingredient of which is xylometazoline. Externally, the gel is a thick, nearly colorless liquid.

Galozolin causes local vasoconstriction, which reduces the swelling of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus and nasal cavity and restore breathing through the nose. The drug takes effect within five minutes after application and its effect lasts for about five hours.

Adults and children over the age of twelve must apply the gel at a single dose (administration) in each nostril two or three times a day. Before use, be sure to clean the galazolin nasal passages. The drug can not be used more than three times a day, and the duration of treatment was five days.

When applying Galazolin sometimes experience side effects. These include:

  • Irritation, dryness, burning, or violation of the sensitivity of the nasal mucosa, and in rare cases - its swelling;
  • Sneezing;
  • Increased production of mucus secretion;
  • Palpitations, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders;
  • Vomiting;
  • Headache, insomnia;
  • Visual impairment;
  • Depression (if the gel is applied continuously and at high doses).

Galazolin contraindicated in people with severe atherosclerosis, hypertension, narrow-angle glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis and hyperthyroidism. The drug also can not be taken during pregnancy and hypersensitivity to its components person.

Gel vibrotsil

Vibrocil - gel in his composed vasoconstrictor phenylephrine, and anti-allergic component dimethindene. The drug is a uniform pale yellow or colorless mass with the smell of lavender The healing properties of lavender - not only pleasant aroma  The healing properties of lavender - not only pleasant aroma

The gel is used in adults and children older than six years. The drug is injected deep into each nostril three or four times a day. To the night had no sense of nasal congestion, vibrotsil used before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . Also, the gel is used in the presence of crusts in the nasal cavity, and dryness of mucous membranes.

Side effects of the drug is rare and is manifested in the form of a pronounced burning sensation and dryness in the nose, but it passes quickly on their own. Vibrocil is contraindicated in:

  • Atrophic rhinitis, including at Ozen - runny nose, where the crust formed in the nose with an unpleasant odor;
  • Individual intolerance to the human component of the gel;
  • The simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase), which are sometimes appointed in severe persistent lowering of mood - depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . Also, the gel is not appointed within two weeks after the cancellation of these funds;
  • Co-administration with tricyclic antidepressants and drugs that are prescribed for high blood pressure.

Vibrocil should be used with caution in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyroid, prostate adenoma, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and angle-closure glaucoma Angle-closure glaucoma - possibly severe course of the disease  Angle-closure glaucoma - possibly severe course of the disease

Duration of use Vibrocil without consulting a doctor - one week. At long or too frequent use of the drug may develop drug-induced rhinitis - inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The drug is not recommended for use in pregnant or lactating. Vibrocil not affect the ability to drive vehicles, as well as work with complex mechanisms which require high concentration of attention.

Gels and galazolin vibrotsil have a decongestant effect and eliminate the feeling of nasal congestion. They can be used in patients with sinusitis instead of the vasoconstrictor drops or sprays. But in order for the treatment of inflammation of the sinuses to be effective, should see a doctor.

Article Tags:
  • treatment of sinusitis

Catarrhal otitis media - the spread of infection

May 15, 2014

 catarrhal otitis
 The inflammatory process in the ear with the defeat of its various departments called catarrhal otitis. If a timely manner to carry out adequate therapy, the inflammation goes without consequences for health. The most serious complication is the spread of infection in the cranial cavity, as well as the development of chronic inflammation.


What is the reason the development of ear infections

Catarrhal otitis in most cases develop after infectious diseases, such as colds after any nature (sore throat, flu, viral infection). The infectious nature is among the main causes of development, so it is important to pay attention to timely treatment of colds. Catarrhal otitis media may be caused by infection of the existing centers of a chronic infection. These homes include long-existing diseases of the throat, nose, for example, chronic sinusitis Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health  Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health

If the body there is a source of infection, when the body's immune reducing pathogens are able to spread, causing inflammatory changes in the affected organ. For this reason, any foci of infection must be sanitized, ie, treated, especially noteworthy in childhood. Catarrhal otitis media in children can be triggered by even a slight cold. There are anatomical features of the structure of hearing aids in children who are in the presence of a larger lumen of the auditory tube in comparison to adult.

Liquid separation with a cold is easy to become numb to the ear via the nasopharynx, and the infection is freely distributed. Exposure to pathogens is a major cause of inflammation. Symptoms often develop catarrhal otitis media, as a manifestation of allergic reaction. The possibility of having an allergy to consider when handling a patient due to shortness of breath or other clinical manifestations.


The need for treatment

Catarrhal otitis media in adults, which occurs in uncomplicated form, can be treated at home. Local procedures are basic, and they include the following remedial measures:

  • local anesthetic and antibacterial treatment in the form of the use of special ear drops
  • warming procedure (poluspirtovoy compress various physiotherapy, for example, UHF). Widespread light blue color, which promotes rapid recovery

It must be remembered that the treatment of catarrhal otitis in a warming procedure is carried out only in the absence of purulent inflammation in the ear when a patient's body temperature is normal. Otherwise, the heat factor can lead to infection that spreads into the cranial cavity. Eustachian tube patency promotes the use of vasoconstrictor nose drops Vasoconstrictor nose drops - use with caution!  Vasoconstrictor nose drops - use with caution!
 So be sure to include them in the scheme of treatment of otitis media.

Volume therapy should only define the doctor is not allowed to engage in self-treatment, ie, without prior inspection specialist. Often during inadequate therapy develop complications, such as meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 . If bilateral catarrhal otitis media occurs in a complicated form, the spread of the infection occurs in the cranial cavity with the defeat of the meninges, and in this situation the patient should be hospitalized in a specialized department, which will be provided medical care to the extent necessary. There is a possibility of a further complication, which is the development of resistant strains of microorganisms, as well as chronic forms of otitis, when the patient began to make their own antibiotic.

Many people mistakenly decide how to treat catarrhal otitis media, based on the advice of friends, acquaintances. Such an approach to the selection of the scope of treatment is wrong and dangerous from the point of view of development of complications. For each patient selected individual treatment, taking into account the features of the disease, the data of objective examination and clinical symptoms.


Features of therapy in pediatric practice

Treatment of catarrhal otitis media in children is often complicated by the presence of a number of trigger factors. A small child does not know how to blow his nose, it is in a supine position, often spits up, with children most at risk of colds. The child has not formed an immune system, so reduced resistance also acts as a specific provoking factor.

Catarrhal otitis media Otitis media - children's problem  Otitis media - children's problem
   and his frequent recurrence is more common in children with adenoids. Excessive proliferation of lymphoid tissue leads to the fact that the holes can overlap the auditory tubes. Also, experts have proven that adenoids act as a repository of a viral infection, which is the cause of the common cold, and various diseases of respiratory system.

Removing enlarged adenoids surgically considered one of the most common methods of treatment. But you need to start with in order to identify the cause of the increase, which may be different. First of all it should be noted that the inflammatory process is the response of the immune system, the immune response. Acute catarrhal otitis media often develops in the early period after the operation on the removal of the adenoids.

If you have chosen the correct treatment strategy, there comes a full recovery. Attention should be given to tools that will enhance the body's resistance, strengthen the immune system. Vitamin deficiency or vitamin deficiency, the fact that malnutrition must be removed, as this may contribute to the development of inflammation.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • otitis
