Symptoms of sinusitis: What should I look for

March 25, 2013

  • Symptoms of sinusitis: What should I look for
  • The first manifestations
  • In adults,
  • Children

 symptoms of sinusitis
 Sinusitis - an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, in which they accumulate mucus and pus and bacteria multiply. The disease can be acute or chronic. Symptoms of sinusitis at each of these forms have their own characteristics.

 Symptoms of sinusitis: What should I look for

Symptoms of acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis - is not only the defeat of the mucous membranes of the paranasal cavities, but also the reaction of many organs and systems in the inflammatory process. Therefore, all the symptoms of sinusitis Sinusitis - symptoms of inflammation in the maxillary sinus  Sinusitis - symptoms of inflammation in the maxillary sinus
   It can be divided into local and shared.

Local signs of inflammation are important to detect the disease. These include:

  • Pain that occurs in the area of ​​the affected sinus, root of the nose, forehead and zygomatic bones. It is enhanced by probing these areas and can give to the temple or on the side of the face;
  • Violation of nasal breathing, it is often one-sided, but sometimes occurs on both sides. This is due to swelling of the mucosa and pronounced narrowing of the nasal passages;
  • Discharge from the nose. At the beginning of the disease, they are liquid, mucous, and later become cloudy and viscous, with an admixture of pus. In some patients, isolation immediately become such a character;
  • Violation of smell, sometimes a person loses the ability to sense smells.
  • The general reaction of the body is accompanied by many local inflammatory processes, so they can arise not only in the sinus, but also in other diseases. This group of symptoms includes:
  • The general malaise that is getting worse, if breathing is impossible through both halves of the nose, and the patient is forced to breathe through the mouth constantly;
  • Increased body temperature, sometimes it may be preceded by chills. In some people, the reaction temperature is maintained during the entire period of the disease, while others - held a few days after the onset of sinusitis. It happens that the body temperature remains within the normal range;
  • Headaches - one of the main symptoms of acute sinusitis Acute sinusitis: symptoms - can manifest itself as a disease  Acute sinusitis: symptoms - can manifest itself as a disease
 . Cranial cavity and sinuses are very close, and so the inflammation can affect the lining of the brain. This is facilitated by the existence of links between the vascular, lymphatic and nervous systems of these anatomical structures. But some patients, the headaches do not bother, as the pus is free to flow away through a natural orifice. In acute sinusitis Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process  Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process
   Pain is usually poured, a man they felt over a large surface. But if one of the sinus inflammation is expressed very strongly, the headache becomes local.

For the diagnosis the doctor will require some research data. Great importance in detecting sinusitis has rhinoscopy - examination of the nasal cavity with special extenders, nasopharyngeal mirror or other instruments. In the nasal passages can see pus, redness, swelling and hyperplasia (swelling) of the mucosa.

The laboratory techniques include blood count and microbiological examination of secretions from the sinuses. The first method allows to indirectly determine the intensity of the inflammatory process, and the second - to identify micro-organisms that cause disease, and to determine their sensitivity to antibiotics. In order to clarify the diagnosis and determine the extent of the defeat of the maxillary sinuses radiography and diagnostic puncture of paranasal cavities.

 Symptoms of sinusitis: What should I look for

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis - a continuation of acute inflammation, which usually occurs before a few times. If the signs of inflammation of the sinuses are stored for eight weeks, then this is called chronic sinusitis.

Very often, it is concerned about the worsening human only labored nasal breathing. During exacerbation of sinusitis appear mucous, mucopurulent or purulent discharge from the nose. The latter may be dense, or fluid, is sometimes smell. The number of discharges is usually greater in the morning.

For bluetongue forms of sinusitis characterized by abundant viscous mucous discharge. They linger long in the nose, dry up and form crusts.

Often inflammation of the maxillary sinus is accompanied by a decrease in the sense of smell, until his loss. Headache appears only in exacerbation of the disease or only when hampered outflow discharge from the paranasal cavities.

During remission (period when symptoms of the disease is much weaker) well-being remains satisfactory. There comes a little getting used to the signs of sinusitis.

During exacerbation of chronic inflammatory process increased body temperature, swollen eyelids, cheeks appear painful swelling on the side of the affected sinus. Often in the anterior nasal cavity due to persistent swelling and secretions appear cracks is sometimes eczematous defeat.

When rhinoscopy revealed redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa. Characteristic sign of sinusitis - "strip pus" in the middle nasal passage. The presence of polyps, which cover excretory opening sinuses may lead to a breach of self-cleaning maxillary cavities.

Rengenografiya - the main method of diagnosis of chronic sinusitis Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health  Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
 . Computer or magnetic resonance imaging allows to obtain more accurate information about the state of the maxillary sinuses. If necessary, a diagnostic puncture with a special needle and endoscopic examination of the sinuses.

Symptoms of sinusitis are expressed in varying degrees. Nasal discharge, pain in the affected sinus and the weakening of the sense of smell, which are combined with poor health and fever - symptoms are, in the event that you need to see a doctor. The only way to establish the correct diagnosis in a timely manner, to pick up the necessary treatment and prevent the transition of the inflammatory process in the chronic form.

Polypoid sinusitis: without medical assistance is indispensable

March 23 2013

 polypoid sinusitis
 Very often, infectious diseases complicated by inflammation of the maxillary sinus - maxillary sinusitis. Sinusitis are acute and chronic, the latter are divided into catarrhal, purulent and polypous. Polypoid sinusitis circulated widely; If the disease is started, then it can only be cured by surgery.

Development polypoid sinusitis

People far from medicine, often have no idea what the maxillary sinus, and what are its functions. Maxillary (or maxillary) sinuses - a cavity located on either side of the nose. Apart from these there are also the frontal, sphenoid lattice and sinuses. All these cavities are connected to the nasal cavity via small ducts through which air passes and is slime generated in the sinuses. Sinuses required for correct nasal breathing, moreover, they create sound resonance, thereby forming a timbre.

Inside the maxillary sinuses produced mucus, which drains into the nose area, contributing to its purification. However, this process is disrupted if the opening between the maxillary sinus and nasal cavity is narrowed or closed due to infection or allergic rhinitis. In this case, the mucus accumulates in the maxillary sinus and becomes a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria: an inflammation, abscess formed. The patient has a fever, a feeling of heaviness, and then the pain in the sinus headache. Breathing is difficult, the voice becomes nasal.

Unfortunately, many people in such a situation, hoping that the disease will pass by itself or treated folk remedies that are not always effective. As a result, the symptoms of acute sinusitis Acute sinusitis: symptoms - can manifest itself as a disease  Acute sinusitis: symptoms - can manifest itself as a disease
   become less pronounced, the patient feels relief, but the focus of inflammation does not go away: the disease becomes chronic.

Chronic sinusitis is characterized by shortness of breath, chronic runny nose, persistent dry cough, headaches, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Fatigue. Characteristic signs of chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinus are considered morning swelling of eyelids and conjunctivitis. In general, symptoms of chronic sinusitis Chronic sinusitis symptoms - which determines the clinical picture  Chronic sinusitis symptoms - which determines the clinical picture
   usually mild, so an accurate diagnosis is often necessary medical examination. Typically, X-ray noticeable dimming in the maxillary sinus. In addition, the doctor may prescribe a puncture (puncture) to clarify the diagnosis.

When polypoid form of chronic sinusitis Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health  Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
   in the maxillary sinus observed abnormal growths of the mucous membrane. Polyps grow in most sinus, blocking the exit of mucus and nose, making it difficult to breath. This process is in most cases quite long: polyps can grow over the years. The development forms polypoid sinusitis contribute to the following factors:

  • presence of allergic diseases such as hay fever, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, and the like;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  • anatomical abnormalities of the structure of the nose - a deviated septum, narrow nasal passages, and others.

A characteristic feature of polypoid sinusitis is considered to breathing through the mouth: deprived of the possibility to breathe a nose, sick all the time keeping his mouth ajar. In addition, patients concerned about the constant runny nose, which can be a year-round, and may be exacerbated in the spring or fall. Nasal discharge may be slimy (transparent) or mucopurulent (yellow or green tint). The sense of smell is reduced, sometimes completely disappear; simultaneously changing the taste sensations. Furthermore, for a disease characterized by a heavy feeling in the head. Due to the reduction of oxygen supply to the brain memory worsens, patients complain that it was difficult to concentrate on anything. All of these symptoms - a reason to see a doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Treatment polypoid form of sinusitis should only doctor. It should be noted that many traditional medicines are ineffective at polypous sinus, because they can not reverse the process and reduce the overgrown tissue. First otolaryngologist finds out what factors contributed to the development of this form of the disease, and eliminate these factors. If the polyps in the maxillary sinus and nose is not very large in size, it is possible conservative treatment: prescribe antibiotics steroids and antihistamines, as well as a means to help stabilize cell membranes. In addition, immunotherapy shown to strengthen the body's defenses.

If conservative treatment methods proved ineffective, get rid of the polyps can only surgically. Earlier polyps removed by so-called "polypouses loop," but this method allows you to remove only the visible nasal polyps. Furthermore, the operation was quite painful. Typically, currently produce endonasal removal of polyps using an endoscope, is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places. This surgery allows you to clean the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses, thus restoring sinus drainage and ventilation. Since the tool is inserted through the nose on your face leave no trace of the operation. This surgery is performed in a hospital. After surgery, the patient is assigned to a special treatment to the polyps did not grow again.

Individual polyps can be removed using laser radiation. Under the influence of the laser vaporizes the liquid polyps and growths from the remains only an empty shell. This method relates to a low-invasive and painless, but it is ineffective if many polyps.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • types of sinusitis
