Knee pain: it is necessary to restrict the movement - Causes

January 20, 2011

  • Knee pain: it is necessary to restrict the movement
  • Causes

Why can occur pain in the knee

Our knees are the most traumatized body. In addition, they are susceptible to different diseases. Pain in the knee hampered not only walk, but can completely unsettle, disturb the ability to work and even affect the mental state of the person.

The knee joint has a complex structure and is the reference joint, therefore suffer more than others. Knee pain can be caused by various reasons: because of the injury of the knee, meniscus damage, displacement of the patella, stretching ligaments and tendons, inflammation of the knee (arthritis, including infectious origin), inflammation of the periarticular bag joint (bursitis), lesions the knee joint at various systemic diseases (such as lupus), metabolic disorders of the knee (osteoarthritis), tendon injuries (tenditah), various tumors and cysts.

Do not wait until the pain in the knee itself will take place, it is best in this case, consult a doctor.

 Causes | Knee pain: it is necessary to restrict the movement

Pain in the knee as a result of injury

The damage - the most numerous and widespread form of pathology of the knee. Open injuries often result from direct trauma to the joint (knock at the joint, his wound). But most of the trauma is closed, appearing at the drop of a leg. As a result of an injury may have some injuries that are accompanied by pain in the knee.

Bruising of the knee joint is characterized by a limited hemorrhage in the soft tissues, swelling them, soreness at the site of injury, aggravated by motion. In order to reduce pain and swelling in the knee and impose a pressure bandage applied cold. After two or three days can be applied to a joint heat, do warming baths, physiotherapy (eg, UHF), gymnastics.

Traumatic synovitis (inflammation of the joint capsule) in a small percentage (4-6%) occurs as a result of injury and sprains or incomplete dislocation Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment  Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
   knee. Most often it is only a symptom of some internal damage. In connection with the accumulation of inflammatory fluid in the joint it for several hours or days increases in volume, but the motion in the knee is not always painful. For treatment after X-rays produce a joint puncture (puncture) to remove the fluid injected into the joint solution of novocaine, impose a pressure bandage.

Damage to the collateral (side) ligaments. Most injured inner ligament, resulting in its elongation, partial or complete break with the joint capsule damage. It appears soreness at the site of injury, aggravated when trying to side or circular displacement of the tibia. The smaller ligament damage, the greater the pain. There are also swelling and bleeding in the joints or under the skin. Held local anesthesia, on the joint compressive bandage is applied and is limited to the load on the limb.

 Causes | Knee pain: it is necessary to restrict the movement

Pain in the knee as a result of joint inflammation

Knee pain can be caused by inflammation of the joints (arthritis). Arthritis of the knee may begin when entering into a joint infections (staph, strep, and so on) from the outside or from another chamber with blood (purulent arthritis), and brucellosis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, hemophilia (an inherited blood disease), gout, rheumatoid arthritis and etc.

Patients complain of pain in the joint, changing its shape and limited mobility. In acute arthritis joint pain is usually severe and constant. In chronic arthritis pain occurs mainly during the motion in the joint. There swelling and change in shape of the joint. Diagnosis of arthritis confirmed by inflammatory changes in the blood and X-ray data of the knee joint.

Treatment of arthritis depends on the cause of his caller. If specific infections such as tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
 , Brucellosis and other underlying disease being treated, which helps to reduce symptoms of arthritis. If necessary, prescribe antibiotics, limiting mobility. Physiotherapy also help in the recovery process - massage and physiotherapy.

 Causes | Knee pain: it is necessary to restrict the movement

Pain in the knee as a result of osteoarthritis

In some cases, the knee pain is the result of premature wear of the cartilage covering the bones forming the knee joint. The cartilage thins, crack, dehydrated, loses its dampening properties. Over time, the joint surface appear osteophytes - bony growths in the form of spikes, changing the shape of the joint.

Osteoarthritis (degenerative-dystrophic changes in joints) can occur after trauma, metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and nutrition of cartilage tissue at various circulatory disorders, unfavorable heredity, chronic infections, endocrine disorders (eg, obesity).

It starts with a small rustling arthritis in the joint when walking or squatting, slight pain in his knee. The pain passes quickly with a little warm-up. With difficulty transporting large loads (long being in a standing position, long walking), there is stiffness.

When running knee arthritis is impossible to straighten or bend completely disrupted range of motion, gradually atrophy (decrease in volume) thigh muscles. The pain is very strong, especially at night.

Treatment of osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function  Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function
   It carried out only after a full examination. The main criterion for diagnosis are characteristic changes on chest radiograph. Treatment depends on the cause of the arthritis, but basically boils down to the orthopedic correction of the load during walking (for example, by wearing special shoes), the overall decrease in physical activity and health resort treatment.

If you have knee pain is necessary to limit motor mode and seek medical advice.

Galina Romanenko

Low back pain: the spine signals - Diagnosis and treatment

December 19, 2010

  • Low back pain: the spine signals
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 diagnosis and treatment of back pain

Why there is a strong pain

Many people do not know firsthand what a pain. A special place is suddenly appeared very severe pain. Such pain can occur when lifting weights or a failed motion called lumbago. Backache can cause a state of severe stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   a person as really looks like a gunshot wound.

Sudden severe sharp pain in the lower back in the form of attack called lumbago. It usually occurs in osteochondrosis, which is characterized by metabolic changes in the spine.

As you know, the spine is made up of individual vertebrae, between which there are connective tissue, cartilage pads - intervertebral discs, they play the role of shock absorbers. Metabolic disorders of the spine begins with intervertebral discs and initially goes unnoticed. Just drive, which consists of a resilient core and a fibrous ring around him loses its cushioning properties, begins to break down. But a failed movement or lifting drive can suddenly injure nerve extending from the spinal cord, and as a result there is a sharp pain.

This pain usually occurs when a strong strain, colds, after an awkward movement. The pain is so strong that during the attack the patient becomes absolutely helpless and stops in the position in which he found the pain. Trying to take a different position only adds to the pain. Thus there is a spasm of the muscles of the lumbar region, which also increases the pain. The attack of lumbago can stay from several minutes to several days and can only be removed when the patient takes a horizontal position on a flat solid surface is enough. It also happens that the pain disappears suddenly - as if "something clicked, and then fell into place." Later in the lower back pain remain unclear, which increases with every slight exertion, such as coughing or awkward movement. Only verified flowing movements can get rid of the pain.

This alone is almost no pain or she is absent, but it is necessary to make some kind of movement (for example, turn over or take), the pain immediately resumes. Over time, the pain becomes habitual, it then subsides, then amplified. The patient gradually it conforms to it and can avoid sudden movements on the reflex level. But the exacerbation of the disease occur as acute lumbago or backache.


Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain

In order to make the correct diagnosis, carried out X-ray of the spine condition. After identifying changes appointed by adequate treatment, which helps get rid of the pain.

During lumbago necessarily prescribe strict bed rest. The patient must lie on a firm, level surface - it is best to put a mattress under the special board and lie down on it at least a week. To remove severe pain, prescribed analgesics - analgesic drugs, anti-anxiety drugs, at night - sleeping pills, painful points along the spine cut away solution Novocaine (procaine blockade).

During the acute need to follow a diet: do not eat spicy and salty foods, as well as smoked products, strong meat broths, fatty meat. All these products may cause a worsening of the disease and increase the pain.

In the period of acute pain can help physiotherapy, for example, ultraviolet irradiation of the skin, diadynamic currents, and other amplipulse therapy. To relieve the tension from the muscles of the back, carried massage.

The place where the pain is manifested most, rubbed with special anesthetic and distracting ointments, for example, with a snake or bee venom. If the X-ray examination revealed significant changes in the spine, the spinal traction prescribe other types of unloading of the spine (such as unloading at special medical simulators).

Very important courses of therapeutic exercises - they are attached after the sharp pain subsided. Assign also reflexology sessions Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
   (impact in different ways on special points on the body surface), manual therapy Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert  Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert
   (effects on the musculoskeletal system specific manual reception). When it is desirable to fix the aggravation pass a stay in a sanatorium treatment of the corresponding profile.

To prevent attacks of pain in the lower back, should avoid heavy and prolonged physical exertion, cold, stay in the damp and cold rooms. In some cases, it even should change profession or workplace.

But physical activity is vital - without changes in the spine will only grow. Patients who periodically disturbed pain should be hiking, engage in special physical exercises Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 , Relieve tension from the muscles of the back.

Lower back pain - a signal that all is not well in your spine.

Galina Romanenko

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  • back pain
