- Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
- As shown
The venous system of the lower extremities
The venous system of the lower extremities is divided into superficial veins, deep veins and veins that carry between communication (communicating system). The bulk of the venous blood circulates in the deep veins, the veins in its surface is several times smaller. The blood in the veins is moving from the periphery to the heart, taking the path of the tissue products and carbon dioxide exchange. Such unnatural movement is possible thanks to the work of the heart, which acts as a pump, the valves in the veins themselves which in normal operation prevent backflow of blood, and muscles (mainly calf), reduce walking, venous blood moves up the veins.
Varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency
Varicose veins - veins is characterized by uneven increase in their lumen to form protrusions in the area of thinning of the venous wall, tortuous vessels with the development progress of nodes, functional insufficiency of venous valves and perverted the bloodstream.
When all three of the veins of the lower extremities become insolvent, then the reverse current of venous blood, its stagnation in the venous system, exudation of fluid from congested veins - a condition called venous insufficiency. Usually it resets the blood from the deep veins to the surface through a communicating system.
As shown
The first sign of the disease - the appearance of moderate expansion of the superficial veins in the thigh or lower leg. In some patients appear first leg fatigue, the appearance in them a feeling of heaviness, sensation of pruritus, warmth, sometimes a small swelling
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in the ankle. These complaints are especially characteristic for those staying for a long time on their feet.
Appeared veins progresses, there are nodes, vascular tortuosity. Distribution process is both upwards and downwards. Complaints of patients and the severity of distension in the legs become permanent. There are night cramps in the calf muscles.
Chronic venous insufficiency is divided as follows: 0 degree - no signs of it; I degree - swelling and pain in the legs
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That appear at the end of the working day, held their own with rest; Grade II - swelling and pain persist after rest; Grade III - on the background of swelling and pain appear brown spots on the skin of the lower extremities; Grade IV - the emergence of long non-healing venous ulcers
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due to violations of the metabolic processes in the tissues.
With the rapid progression of varicose veins in the early years of the disease appear complications. But strict relationship between its severity and symptoms are not present. Thus, when a massive varicose feel sick for decades can not suffer, on the contrary, minor varicose veins can cause early for adverse complications. Therefore, in the course of the disease is isolated step compensation (vein still cope with their function) and decompensation (veins fail in its function).
Complications of venous insufficiency may be thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the vein wall with occlusion of its lumen of a blood clot), bleeding from sites of superficial veins, trophic changes of the skin and subcutaneous tissue mainly okololodyzhechnoy region (skin discoloration, dryness and thinning, sores) inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.
Diagnosis of venous insufficiency
Diagnosis of varicose veins are usually not difficult: changing the vein clearly detected when viewed as a winding strands woven and bulging.
It is much harder to determine the violation of the valves of the three systems of veins (superficial, deep and communicating). To determine which system of veins impressed, there are special functional tests, which consist in squeezing the veins in a particular area, then releasing the pressure and supervision of restoration of circulation.
Other diagnostic methods are such as venography (radiography of veins with pre-administration of a contrast agent into a vein), flebotonometriya (check peripheral venous pressure) and thermal imaging (infrared radiation from the registration of the body surface).
Treatment of chronic venous insufficiency can be conservative and surgical sclerosing.
The initial form of the disease treated conservatively. Recommended bandaging the affected limb elastic bandage or wearing special stockings, wearing comfortable shoes with a low heel, the right motor mode (avoid prolonged standing and walking for long distances, heavy physical exertion), usually take a horizontal position. To improve the blood circulation in the calf muscles is recommended several times a day, and a bit like 10-15 times up on your toes. Assign also gymnastics, warm foot baths.
Sclerotherapy is used to remove certain portions of the expanded veins and knots. To this must be entered into a vein sclerosing agent, whereby Vienna zapustevaet, and circulation is restored by proliferation of small venous network (collaterals).
Surgical treatments - is the removal of the enlarged portion of the vein.
Galina Romanenko