Compression knitwear is usually used to improve blood flow in the limbs. In most cases, this jersey is made of tights and stockings, which are recommended to be worn when problems such as thrombosis
Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
, Phlebitis, and edema of the legs.
Stockings and tights of compression hosiery
Knitwear, from which made stockings are designed specifically to squeeze the limb, improving blood circulation in them. Typically, the fabric has the strongest pressure on the shin and above its density decreases. It stimulates the flow of blood from the legs up to the heart.
Compression stockings help relieve the pain, discomfort, and remove the swelling caused by varicose veins. However, there is still no clear opinion on how to prevent any such stockings and tights worsening symptoms of varicose veins, and the appearance of new varicose veins. Studies provide mixed results, but perhaps this is due to the fact that many people wear compression hosiery products regularly. So you need to carefully approach the selection of the design of stockings or tights and wear them as recommended by your doctor.
In most cases, varicose veins doctors recommend wearing compression stockings or tights mild or moderate compression. Strong compression stockings may be recommended when problems such as atrophy, lipodermatosclerosis secondary varicose veins, post-thrombolytic venous insufficiency
Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
If you do not fit stockings, purchased in the pharmacy can order stockings that are manufactured in accordance with your individual features.
Typically, compression stockings
Compression stockings for health and beauty legs
or claws should be worn in the morning and just before going to bed to remove
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. Carefully pull the stockings that they pressured the necessary power to each section of the legs.
Constantly wearing compression stockings can be uncomfortable, especially in warm weather, but it is necessary to obtain the maximum benefit from them.
Sometimes compression hosiery products cause dryness and peeling of the skin; in this case must be applied before bedtime skin moisturizer. Talk to your doctor if this does not work and / or there is a very strong peeling and itching.
Compression stockings should be replaced every three to six months, as they gradually stretch and cease to perform its functions. Compression stockings should be washed by hand in warm water and dried at a sufficient distance from the heat source (in any case do not dry it on the battery - it is a very fast would reduce the effectiveness of knitwear).
One of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system is varicose veins. Among the vascular pathology varicose veins generally occupy the first place in frequency of occurrence. This disease is associated with an increase in the diameter of the superficial veins of the lower extremities and impaired blood outflow from them.
As is known, the pressure of blood in veins is much lower than in the arteries. This is due to the fact that the blood flows through arteries in the direction from the heart and veins - heart. It is therefore natural that the acceleration given a hearty push, as the distance from the heart more and more attenuated. From this it follows that in the veins of the inertia of the heartbeat generally minimal. How does the venous blood from the lower extremities back to the heart, especially given the fact that she has to climb up through the vessels against the force of gravity?
It turns out, on the inner surface of the veins are special valves which are crescent-shaped and are turned upwards
. Moving down through the veins of blood fills the pockets of these valves are opened and block an entire vessel lumen, preventing the return of venous blood
. That is why the venous blood in the lower extremities (as, indeed, in other parts of venous) can not flow down
. And what makes it move up to the heart? Firstly, it is the same systolic heart rate, which is already let and not so much, but still play a role in promoting blood through the bloodstream
. Secondly, venous vessels as well as arterial walls are in their muscle fibers, which have a definite effect on blood flow
. And third, the most important factor - the reduction of skeletal muscles of the lower extremities, which massaged the vein and give the blood flowing in the right direction
. This phenomenon is called muscle pump
. That is why at long stay in a standing position after a while we feel a sense of fullness in the supporting leg, causing an urgent need to change the position of the body and causes change the supporting leg
. In the process of "change" legs are pressed stagnant veins muscles, and blood vessels is pushed further on, and we feel a certain relief
. This crescent-shaped valves are not able to completely block the lumen of the vessel, the blood is getting worse and worse is pushed through the veins, the patient begins to experience an unpleasant feeling of fullness in the legs
. By the end of the day very tired legs and swollen
. Sami veins become very conspicuous at first as a vascular "asterisks", and then in the form of swollen snakes
. Over time in the localization of the affected vessels and the skin begins to suffer, which manifests the appearance of ulcers
. The reason for their appearance is the deterioration of the microcirculation of the skin and circulatory disorders, and thus receives less oxygen and essential nutrients
. That is why these are called trophic ulcers (ie, associated with the deterioration of supply)
Treatment with compression stockings
For the treatment and prevention of varicose disease one of the most affordable, painless and effective methods include the use of compression hosiery. The material for this is the high-strength fabric (cotton, elastoden) that can provide a constant uniform pressure on the superficial veins, not allowing them to expand. Stockings and tights of compression stockings should be used after surgical interventions in the venous system, pregnancy, during intense strength training (especially weightlifters), and duration of the transition or even moving, as well as people whose profession is associated with prolonged stay in a standing position (turners , millers, traders, etc.). For continuous wear compression stockings is recommended for patients with a diagnosis of varicose veins to prevent disease progression.
A prerequisite of effective action of compression hosiery is compliance with the relevant rules to put on underwear. This should be done even in bed, so that the blood did not have time to overflow and "stretch" vein. It is also desirable to remove clothes in bed. Prostiryvat compression hosiery should be every day, but without strong detergents. After washing the material is better to dry air, but out of direct sunlight and the battery - it can reduce elastic and compression properties of the jersey.
Compression stockings may have a different pressure on the superficial veins. The degree of compression depends on the diagnosis, so this issue should be thoroughly discussed with your doctor.
Zhiguli Andrew