- Thromboembolism: severe complications
- As shown
What thromboembolism
Thromboembolism - an acute blockage of blood vessels thrombi trapped in the circulating blood, causing cessation of blood supply to these vessels respective tissues and organs.
The most frequent source of thromboembolism are blood clots that form in the veins of the systemic circulation. The arteries in the heart and blood clots are formed in approximately a tenth of the patients. Break away from the place of attachment of the thrombus or fragment (after the separation, he will be called an embolus) is usually transferred in the direction of the natural blood flow to the blood vessels, which is smaller than the lumen of the embolus - a direct type of thromboembolism. There is also a kind of embolism when embolus due to its gravity is moving against the flow of blood in the veins and the veins are usually thrombosing liver or kidneys (retrograde thromboembolism).
In place of the introduction of emboli release thromboembolic pulmonary circulation (including thromboembolism right cavities of the heart), arterial thromboembolism, systemic circulation and portal venous thromboembolism system.
Blood clots in the upper and lower vena cava (they fall into the right atrium) and the right cavities of the heart (blood in this half goes to the lungs, as part of the pulmonary circulation) can not penetrate into the arteries of the systemic circulation as "stuck", as a rule in small vessels of the lungs (pulmonary embolism). But some heart defects
Heart defects - time heals?
between the right and left halves of the heart there is a message through which blood clots from the vena cava can get into the left side of the heart, and from there into the systemic circulation.
What contributes to the development of thromboembolism
Thromboembolism is a serious complication of a variety of diseases associated with increased blood clotting, vascular wall lesion (eg, atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis - a chronic disease of the arteries
, Rheumatism), slowing blood flow due to heart failure
Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
. A condition in which there is increased tendency to intravascular thrombosis and thromboembolism again called thromboembolic disease.
Loosely associated with their place of attachment of the clot can break off and become emboli in a sudden increase in intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure (eg, defecation, coughing, sneezing), the acceleration of blood flow in connection with physical activity, high temperature, by changing the position of the body.
Intracardiac thrombus detachment helps strengthen heart contractions, including the change in heart rhythm (eg, against an attack of atrial fibrillation) as well as the normalization of rhythm after a bout of arrhythmia.
As shown
Manifestations thromboembolism depend on its localization, as well as the caliber and total blood vessel is excluded from the circulation. Massive thrombosis of major vascular trunks (eg, pulmonary embolism, or blood vessels vital organs) can cause instant death.
Because arterial thromboembolism greatest importance thromboembolic cerebral arteries with ischemic stroke
Stroke - a serious brain injury
, Thromboembolism, splenic and hepatic artery infarction (cell death of tissue) of the relevant authority and the mesenteric artery thromboembolism (folds of the peritoneum that attach the internal organs of the abdominal cavity in its walls), which are accompanied by signs of acute abdomen (emergency condition requiring surgery).
Acute occlusion of large arteries appears disappearance rate and a decrease in skin temperature below the blockage of the vessel embolism, acute pain in violation of skin sensitivity, pallor is replaced by cyanosis, edema bloodless tissue with the threat of further limb gangrene.
Pretty rare coronary embolism (supplying the heart muscle) of the arteries. This greatly disturbed blood supply to the heart muscle that causes the death of its cells (myocardial infarction).
Very rarely an acute occlusion of the main trunk or branches of the hepatic artery with myocardial liver and vascular thrombosis with the development of the spinal cord paralysis and disorders of sensitivity.
Any form of thromboembolism patients received bed rest, sedatives and hypnotics. Be sure to designate three groups of products: promoting the dissolution of a blood clot (thrombolysis, for example, fibrinolysin, streptokinase), decrease in clotting properties of blood (anticoagulants, such as heparin) and a decrease in blood viscosity (antiplatelet agents, such as reopoligljukin).
In severe thromboembolism (for example, in pulmonary embolism) in order to save the patient's operation is conducted remove embolus (embolectomy).
Thromboembolism - a serious complication of some diseases that require immediate hospitalization.
Galina Romanenko