Orthopedic insoles - will help to forget about flat feet

February 1, 2013

  • Orthopedic insoles - will help to forget about flat feet
  • Foot Problems

 Over the past few hundred years of a person's lifestyle has changed significantly several times increased the load on his foot. This resulted in the wearing uncomfortable shoes, an increase in growth, body weight and length of life of modern people. Often, these factors lead to the development of flatfoot Flatfoot - help physiotherapy  Flatfoot - help physiotherapy
   - Flattening of the arches of the foot. Treatment of the disease includes a number of methods, among which the most significant therapeutic exercises and massages. Orthopedic insoles also play a very important role.

 Orthopedic insoles - will help to forget about flat feet

What happens when flat feet

In a healthy human foot has two longitudinal arches (external and internal) and one cross, supported by means of muscles and ligaments. These anatomical features allow the foot to perform a damper (a spring) function, that is, it protects the entire musculoskeletal system of the human heavy loads during walking, running and jumping.

If the ligament-muscular system of the foot is weakened, it loses its normal shape and becomes flat. At the same time shaking in various movements offset the spine and joints of the feet. But since they are not designed for this purpose, then the damping function poorly. As a result of overstrained muscles of the legs and ligaments are stretched significantly.

 Orthopedic insoles - will help to forget about flat feet

What are orthotics

Orthopedic insoles (orthoses) - is enhanced removable insoles for shoes, which are designed to maintain the arches of the foot and correct those violations, which led to the flat. They also perform the following functions:

  • Improves blood circulation in the feet;
  • Improves stability when walking and standing;
  • Reduce the load on the ankle, knee and hip joints;
  • Prevents the development of pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system;
  • Reduces the feeling of tiredness in the legs.

Due to such properties of orthopedic insoles foot load is distributed correctly. To a person does not experience discomfort when worn, they should be chosen carefully, taking into account individual circumstances.

 Orthopedic insoles - will help to forget about flat feet

How to choose

To choose the right orthotics, seek medical advice. It should assess the extent and form of flatfoot, the elasticity of the foot arches and the state of the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Medical insole can pick up with a few ways:

  • Using a foot print - the most simple in execution, but less accurate method than the others;
  • Production of plaster casts;
  • Getting computer images. A man stands on a special platform, and appears on the computer screen image of the foot. Its color at different sites will be different from each other, since it is related to the pressure force which the device exerts on the foot.

Orthopedic insoles are made of plastics or leather. The latter is the best material for them. Insole made of leather in the operation is finally formed on the foot for a long time and maintains this state. Elements to support the foot and a substrate made of safe plastic.

Those people whose weight exceeds one hundred kilograms, it is recommended to use rigid orthotics, which are made of a special plastic, steel or graphite. They fix certain parts of the foot in position and are intended to correct deformities expressed.

Semi-rigid insoles made of flexible plastic and coating of porous materials (leather, foam rubber, polyethylene foam). The main objective of these orthopedic products - control the height of the arch of the foot by relying on it.

Silicone insole because of its flexibility to easily adapt to the curves of the foot. Along with this advantage, they have several disadvantages, which include low elasticity and abrasion resistance, and relatively high weight. Because of this, at long walking leg muscles tire quickly.

Depending on the shoe for which the soles are made, their size may vary. For example, splints intended for everyday shoes must be greater than those used in the model. Orthopedic insoles that are invested in athletic shoes specifically designed for increased load and increased sweating. People with this condition as diabetic foot, reduced skin sensitivity, and therefore for their insole has extra protection (in most cases, a three-layer).

If a person has a heel spurs, he can use special insoles, heel cushions made in the form of a horseshoe. This form reduces the likelihood of damage to the soft tissue in the heel area.

Patients with gout Gout - the "disease of kings"  Gout - the "disease of kings"
   and arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
   also used orthotics. This reduces the test due to illness discomfort during movement.

 Orthopedic insoles - will help to forget about flat feet

How to set the insole

Before you install the supports, you need to examine the shoes inside. If it has its own insole, these must be removed. Orthopedic products must adhere to the sole of the shoe. If they are displaced, by means of the adhesive tape must firmly fix them.

After that you like, or run, and if insoles are chosen correctly, then the person will not test while no discomfort. When the discomfort orthoses need to change or correct.

To insoles last a long time, you need them to care. It is recommended to wash special means and dried without exposure to high temperatures. Otherwise, the insole may lose its original shape.

Persistent positive result in the application of orthopedic insoles will be noticeable when wearing them constantly. Most often, adults should use such devices throughout life, and children and young people - for several years.

Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention

April 23, 2013

  • Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention
  • Treatment

 swelling of the feet
 Swelling of the legs do not in themselves cause patients to particular concern, but if ignoring this problem, they can lead to a vicious circle: swelling causes damage to the veins and venous valves, which in turn aggravates the swelling - and so on.

 Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention

What is the reason?

Unfortunately, in the circulatory system, there is no elevator, which could raise blood up smoothly. The blood moves from the legs to the heart, pushed up by the contraction of muscles, it helps venous valves. When you move, the muscles contract strongly enough to overcome the force of the blood of successful attraction, and move up. Besides, as already mentioned, there are valves in the veins - they do not allow blood to flow back. However, if you move a little, the blood much more difficult to make their way from the feet toward the heart. A sedentary lifestyle slows down blood flow and increases the pressure on the venous wall.

When blood stagnates in the veins, venous wall dilate surrounding tissue and water begins to leak, because of which the swelling is formed. If this happens regularly, edema formation easier and become more extensive. Meanwhile, venous valves, bearing the weight is too large blood volume are weakened, and the blood starts to flow back. Such damage to the valves is constant and can cause more serious problems in the circulatory system.

 Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention

Is it dangerous

An ugly kind of swollen legs - only one side of the problem. Severe swelling can cause pain and burning, often increases the sensitivity of the legs to heat and cold. As soon as the blood circulation in the legs worsens, the skin can become more fragile - it is very susceptible to damage and slow healing. However, the most dangerous side effect of leg edema is the risk of thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
   Deep vein.

 Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention


When in the veins of the legs are formed thrombi, i.e. deep-vein thrombosis, this may indicate the following attributes:

  • Swelling in one leg is noticeably larger than the other;
  • Swelling subsides per night;
  • You feel pain when you stand or stretch the calf muscles;
  • Redness and increase in temperature of the skin on the feet;
  • Discomfort in the legs.

If you experience any of these symptoms or more of them to immediately contact your doctor. If you suspect a deep vein thrombosis in any case do not massage the legs - it can lead to deterioration. In some cases, negligence causes of pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism - a dangerous violation  Pulmonary embolism - a dangerous violation
 Which often leads to death of the patient.

Signs that the clot broke away and move to the lungs, it may be a sudden sharp pain in the chest Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   and shortness of breath. If there are symptoms, immediately call an ambulance.

Since the occurrence of such serious violations is easier to prevent than to treat them, do not forget about the simple measures which help eliminate the swelling and reduce the pressure on the veins. Do not sit or stand for too long, eat properly (fewer simple carbohydrates, salt and fat, more vegetables and fruits) and drink plenty of water, wear compression stockings Compression stockings - check with your doctor  Compression stockings - check with your doctor
   and be sure to go in for sports.
