With liposuction hips can create slender contours of the figure, removing quite a bit of fat. But sometimes you have to remove the fat and lots of it, so liposuction thighs apply different techniques. Which technique to choose - tell a plastic surgeon.

In some cases, liposuction hips and when it is contraindicated
Liposuction of the hips is usually carried out at a gathering of excess fat on the outer or inner thighs. Wherein the outer surface in the area of "breeches" is usually a small amount of fat is deposited, but it significantly modifies the contours of the figure. On the inside of the thighs quite a lot of fat is often combined with loose, sagging skin. Therefore, these two types of defects require different approaches to their correction.
Liposuction of the hips is not carried out:
- in general obesity;
- varicose veins
Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
, Thrombophlebitis, violation of blood clotting;
- for any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- for cancer of any localization;
- in severe diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
- in the human heart, liver and kidneys;
- in violation of the integrity of the skin or skin diseases
Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
in place of the proposed transaction.

How is liposuction performed on the outer thighs
In the so-called zone "breeches" women often accumulate small amounts of fat, which can significantly spoil the contours of the figure. This excess weight a woman may not have at all. Typically, these women have tried all kinds of exercise, massage and physical therapy to remove fat from this area, and realized that it's impossible.
Liposuction outer thighs can be carried out operating and non-surgical methods. When operating liposuction on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, the fat is removed using a syringe.
Non-surgical liposuction can be performed using ultrasound, laser or radio-wave equipment. Thus for full removal of fat from the area "breeches" did not require more than one or two procedures. Under the influence of ultrasound, laser or radio waves destroyed fat cells turning into a fat emulsion. This emulsion is fed into the extracellular space and removed through the lymphatic system from the body. This occurs not instantaneously, during operation, and within a few days thereafter, so the overall effect will be visible after about a month.

How is liposuction performed on the inner thighs
Liposuction of the inner thighs has its own characteristics. As a rule, the need for it arises when delicate skin is stretched and the area encircled by fat accumulation. At the same time lose muscle tone and tissue thigh as if hovering above the knee.
At the very beginning of this process, when the sagging tissue is not too pronounced, well suited methods of non-surgical liposuction. In just a few sessions (they are held every two weeks), you can remove the excess fat in this area. Furthermore, during a non-surgical liposuction, ultrasound, laser or radio waves skin tightening - its area is reduced by reducing the collagen and elastin fibers located in the middle layer of the skin. The effect of such treatments lasts long enough and allows push operating methods of liposuction and lifinga for several years.
Operating liposuction inner thighs subject in the case where accumulated in this area much fat tissues expressed sagging skin strongly stretched. In such cases, surgery is performed stepwise removal of fat (liposuction) and skin tightening (lifting). Sometimes these operations are combined. Directly liposuction is performed using a vacuum, ultrasonic or laser equipment that sucks the fat from the treated area. After these operations are very small scars, which are hidden in the natural folds of the skin.

If liposuction is performed on the entire surface of the thighs
Liposuction with all the thighs and may be performed as the operating and bezopratsionnymi ways. But in any case this is not done in one session, and for a few. When operating liposuction is necessary because disturbed lymph flow, which may lead to the long-term passing edema
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
tissues. Therefore, the operating liposatsiyu done in several stages.
The same phasing requires non-surgical liposuction, but because at the same time something breaks down (during a session of non-surgical liposuction fat cells are destroyed only), but because in a single session, you can remove not more 500 grams of fat.
Liposuction of the hips - is an art that helps create beautiful contours of the figure.
Galina Romanenko