This is the official information: thanks to advances in modern medicine, you can literally reshape her body. While you were busy with puzzles sci-fi series "Bionic Woman» (Bionic Woman), real bionic woman slowly ripened in research laboratories and created in plastic surgery clinics. Modern scientists boldly invade the territory, which was previously considered the prerogative of Mother Nature - the reconstruction of the human body. Orthopedic Surgery? But who needs it ?! Botox injections? For Fools! All this is childish pranks compared to the latest achievements of modern technology and medicine, with which you can literally reshape the body cells!
Traditional spinal surgery - painful and invasive. In addition, it makes it difficult to perform basic movements. But now damaged disc - cartilaginous lining
Feminine pads - talk about wings
between the vertebrae - you can simply replace the cartilage of stainless steel, which does not restrict the natural movements of the spine. Artificial cartilage is a metal sleeve with a steel ball which is rotated while moving. In addition, the recovery from surgery will take more than a week, since you do not have to wait for the healing of the bone.
New surgical tool called Topaz can significantly reduce the time you have to spend in bed after sports injuries of the foot and lower leg. The device emits sound waves towards the damaged tissues within the foot. To open access to sound waves damaged tissues and improve circulation, you need to make a tiny incision. The effectiveness of this treatment many times superior to previously used methods.
Treatment of a broken tooth or a correction of the dentition and the installation of porcelain dental crowns
Dental Crowns - what will suit you?
It requires multiple visits to the dentist. New technology Cerec 3D, is rapidly gaining popularity among dentists is much faster and easier process. The three-dimensional camera dentist takes pictures of the damaged tooth, and then the computer with built-in boron-machine creates a multi-dimensional image of the tooth and grinds on him ideally suited crown. The whole process takes less than an hour. Total, in the dentist's chair in total you have to spend an hour or two, not more.
News for all who forget to use sunscreen
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
: Cream Remergent's DNA Repair Formula has been clinically tested, during which it was confirmed that it really eliminates the results of sun exposure, such as wrinkles. Scientific background: cream contains enzymes that help to restore the cellular DNA, and anti-oxidants
Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
Prevent further damage to the skin.
Another alternative to help remove wrinkles twice as effective (and longer) than Botox injections. Scientists have created a special needle, radiant energy waves that destroy or paralyze the nerves of the facial muscles that cause facial wrinkles. The effect is maintained for eight months.
Dimples are good on the cheeks, but not throughout the body. Lipoterapiya - a series of injections of phosphatidylcholine - the chemical that breaks down fat cells, and as "stripping" them from the body.
The following year the fat anywhere on the body can be safely clean with ultrasound
For more than 110 million Americans with less than one hundred percent of technology Lasik has been a relief, but eye microsurgery can not guarantee one hundred percent vision because only affects the front surface of the cornea. But a new tool called Pentacam (is sold in the US in the offices of Laser Eye Microsurgery) for a few seconds creates a three-dimensional image (the card) and the front and back of the lens, which allows the optometrist to quickly adapt to the characteristics of each patient.
Since people suffering from severe myopia, and people with very thin corneas may not be operated on using the technology of Lasik, until now they have been deprived of the possibility of permanent vision correction.
If while skiing in the winter, you have a broken arm, a new laser technology will help get rid of the annoying and irritating plaster. To do this you have to take the 10-minute sessions of laser therapy within two to four weeks, depending on the severity of the injury. Typically, a new technology is used to accelerate the healing of fractures that can not be a cast, for example, ribs.
Women are twice as likely to need a knee replacement than men. But until recently, knee prostheses have been the same size for both women and men.
During this decade, experts predict the emergence of a variety of orthopedic prostheses. The study, published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine (Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine), has shown that injections of hyaluronic acid, a natural lubricating fluid that is in the joints, increases the speed of movement of patients, increases muscle strength and reduces recovery time after prosthesis.