Pendulous cheeks need to do is

December 5, 2010

  • Pendulous cheeks need to do is
  • Treatments

 pendulous cheeks
 Pendulous cheeks - one of the typical signs of aging, whose appearance is due, primarily, natural and inevitable process of aging skin, it loses its elasticity and firmness. The emergence of dropped jaws with age is almost inevitable, but, fortunately, back facial contours regain clarity and maintain the oval face is still possible - that only it will have to resort to plastic surgery.

 Pendulous cheeks need to do is

Pendulous cheeks - an inevitable consequence of aging

The aging process of the skin Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
   inextricably linked to the slowdown in the formation of collagen and elastin fibers - protein chains that form a kind of natural "skeleton" of the skin .  This high content of collagen and elastin is due to the natural firmness and elasticity of the skin, which with age becomes less .  The inevitable consequence of violations of collagen and elastin - the loss of skin elasticity and, ultimately, the gradual stretching of the skin .  At the same time, and gradually stretched muscle tissue, eventually lose the ability to reduce .  The result of these processes - forming pendulous cheeks, caused by the gradual movement of the subcutaneous fat in the lower part of the face .  Of course, completely impossible to stop the aging process - otherwise I would not have such a number of various cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery to eliminate the characteristic signs of aging .  However, to deal with the gradual formation of pendulous cheeks still possible - with the help of massage, different beauty treatments (eg, non-surgical lifting) and, finally, methods of plastic surgery .

 Pendulous cheeks need to do is

How to keep yourself clear oval face

To slow down the aging process, must be carefully and constantly care for the skin condition - a "golden rule" everyone knows beautician. To slow down the process of forming pendulous cheeks, just "tighten" the skin and in the longer term to maintain the elasticity of the skin and facial muscles to help massage techniques and special exercises for the face, you can do that on its own, at home.

Facial massage - one of the most effective and also extremely enjoyable ways to care for aging skin: massage movements improve circulation, stimulate lymph flow, relaxes tense muscles of the face, rapid reduction which is one of the factors causing the premature appearance of wrinkles. Of course, that massage was really useful for the skin, it is important to implement it properly - in particular, do not overdo it with the pressure or tension of the skin, which can lead to skin microtraumas. If the forces you are not sure, facial massage is best left to professionals. Anti-aging, firming massage skin is best combined with the performance of gymnastic exercises for the muscles of the face - thanks to the regular implementation of such exercises can tighten the muscles of the face, keep the shape of the face clear.

 Pendulous cheeks need to do is

Cosmetic methods

One of the most popular cosmetic procedures, help to preserve the youthfulness of the skin and eliminate the typical signs of aging - non-surgical facelift, or skin tightening. A non-surgical facelift can be done through various methods: this vacuum massage Vacuum massage - the return of old cans  Vacuum massage - the return of old cans
   facial tissues, allowing due to the negative pressure to stimulate blood flow and tighten oval face, lift, and ultrasound, which helps normalize the muscle tone of the face and thus tighten the skin and smooth fine lines.

 Pendulous cheeks need to do is

Rhytidectomy: radical way to get rid of dropped jaws

One of the most effective ways to eliminate the flabby cheeks and other signs of aging skin - so-called rhytidectomy, or circular face lift, one of the most popular trends in plastic surgery. Rhytidectomy involves the movement of subcutaneous adipose tissue, and pulling the skin, and in some cases - the lift located deeper under the skin soft tissues. The results of a facelift quite persistent and maintained for at least five to ten years, during which the skin remains youthful and supple.

Threads APTOS - short return of youth

October 31, 2010

  • Threads APTOS - short return of youth
  • Properties and indications

 APTOS thread
 Although the aging of the skin - the process is absolutely natural and inevitable, modern cosmetology and plastic surgery continue to invent new ways to combat aging. One of the newest ways to return to youthful skin and prevent the appearance of the characteristic signs of aging - face lift using Aptos threads.

 Threads APTOS - short return of youth

What is the thread Aptos

Threads Aptos are polypropylene yarn with special notches that after the introduction of the skin form a kind of "skeleton" that prevents the progressive prolapse of soft tissue. Polypropylene - a material that is used in various branches of surgery for a long time. The main advantage of polypropylene yarn - no risk of rejection by the body after the location under the skin: Aptos thread are not able to cause an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
 . The threads are so thin that their location beneath the skin unnoticed - and, moreover, even in the X-ray these threads can not be detected.

 Threads APTOS - short return of youth

The procedure for tightening

By itself, the facelift procedure using Aptos threads very simple: on the skin are performed tiny punctures through which under the skin using a special polypropylene yarn needles are inserted (usually no more than ten). Because of its specific location after the location counter incisions under the skin Aptos thread "lift" the soft tissue and skin, straighten it - that is, form a kind of framework that does not give soft tissue to fall further. After placing the threads under the skin the surgeon tightens the thread modeling facial contours.

Duration of treatment is extremely low, ranging from thirty to sixty minutes - it all depends on the condition of the skin and soft tissues, the size of the areas of the skin to be correct, and the number of strands to be placed under the skin. The procedure is performed without general or local anesthesia, and accompanied by a minimum of discomfort - because there is no need, as in the standard cosmetic facelift operation, to perform incisions in the skin, pain during and after the procedure, lift yarns Aptos also asked. In some cases, the procedure Aptos thread lift may require local anesthesia (usually to minimize discomfort painkillers used for external use).

 Threads APTOS - short return of youth


Facelift by the Aptos threads - the procedure is relatively new, but the novelty of it - it is more an advantage than a disadvantage .  With the latest technology and techniques of plastic surgery accommodation Aptos threads allows for a surprisingly consistent results, which can evaluate almost immediately after the procedure - the skin is tightened and clarity oval face back almost instantly .  The important advantage of a facelift threads Aptos is that the post-operative period as such not at all - because the operation does not require incisions and their subsequent crosslinking, no consequences have facelift threads Aptos there, and small bruises in the puncture disappear after two or three day .  Long stay in the hospital for accommodation Aptos threads are not required - on a visit to the doctor will have to spend two or three hours, and returning to the familiar daily routine can be immediately after the procedure .  Of course, some precautions after the operation still have to observe that although the need for special bandages or dressings do not have regular, two or three weeks is recommended to abandon the intense beauty treatments and massage the face and neck .

 Threads APTOS - short return of youth

The effectiveness of the procedure

Evaluate the results of a face-lift Aptos threads can be almost immediately, but do not forget that such a procedure - it is a long-acting method, which means that the best results are achieved only after a certain time (usually two to three weeks). Resistance by the effect of a face-lift Aptos threads are not too large and is about two to three years - of course, the duration of the period during which the Aptos thread will prevent skin aging Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
 Largely depends on the condition of the skin, and the thoroughness of maintenance.
