Correction of the shape and size of the nose - it is a common plastic surgery. It is required in the case when the nose is irregular or too large. Sometimes women need to do a nose like a particular celebrity and then the task of a plastic surgeon is to explain to the woman that this would violate the general harmony of the nose on her face - a plastic surgeon has to be also an artist.

In which case, the nose correction is needed and to whom it is contraindicated
Correction of the nose called rhinoplasty. This is an operation that requires careful preliminary computer modeling: the patient to choose the form and size of the nose that will not look on his face as something alien. Ideally, if the shape of the nose can be just a little touch up, without damaging the natural harmony of the devil. If the patient insists on its version of the surgery, and plastic surgeon sees that it will not look aesthetically pleasing on her face, he must convince a woman or just abandon the operation.
Rhinoplasty is a greatly thickened at the tip of the nose, saddle-shaped nose, wide or too cut nostrils, a long nose, the nose with a strong ugly hump, changing the shape of the nose after trauma or burns, in violation of nasal breathing due to the curvature of the nasal septum
Deviated septum - is not just a cosmetic defect
. The operation can be done at any age, but it is better to do it after twenty years, when it was formed all tissues.
Contraindicated rhinoplasty at its normal shape and size: sometimes the patient who wants to make the nose "like ..." have to send to a therapist for the correction of personality disorders. You can not make any operation during acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases, with reduced blood clotting, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys in violation of their functions, mental illness
Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
Including epilepsy
Epilepsy - a sacred disease

Before the surgery, nose correction
Before the surgery, nose correction the patient conducts a preliminary examination to exclude contraindications for surgery and general anesthesia. For this purpose are identified and being treated all possible foci of infection (carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis
Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
, Adenoids), conducted laboratory tests, electrocardiogram.
The patient is required to explain that before operation can not take drugs that could reduce blood clotting (e.g., aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of funds). Reduced immunity and tissue zazhivlyaemost smoking, so the patient is asked not to smoke, or at least smoke less. It is not necessary to consume alcoholic beverages before the operation - it can cause complications during anesthesia.

How is the operation of correction of the nose
The operation is performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, you can simply change the shape of the nostrils, but may need to change the cartilage or bony framework of the nose. In this case, access to the internal tissues of the nose can be open or closed. What is the surgeon decides to take advantage of access taking into account the structural features of the patient's nose. With open access incision is made in the skin of the nasal septum, the skin is separated from the cartilage and bone, the necessary correction (resection of cartilage or bone), and then the wound is sutured. On the partition will remain a scar that will eventually become almost imperceptible.
When closed access incision is performed inside the nasal cavity through the incision and performed resection of cartilage and bone. This section is not visible externally, but closed way to conduct an operation is not always possible. The duration of the operation depends on what makes a surgeon for the correction of the nose. But in any case, it lasts about an hour - two.

After surgery, nose correction
After surgery on his nose superimposed special bandage. The first day may be pain in the surgical wound, but painkillers to help remove them. Edema removed by means of cooling compresses on the forehead and eyes, as well as raising the head of the bed. Breathing through the nose is not possible because of the edema, swelling and facial tissues, skin bruising there, especially under the eyes. But all this takes place. The bandage is removed in a week, bruising pass through two weeks (nose can already be considered), some swelling of the nasal tissue is preserved up to three - four months.
During the ten - fourteen days to sleep with the head of the bed elevated at work can come out in a week, after the removal of stitches. During the first months after surgery it is advised to avoid heavy physical exertion, heat treatments (bath, sauna), smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, spicy, salty and smoked foods. Within two months, it is also recommended not to wear glasses in a massive frame.
Full restoration of tissues after surgery occurs no earlier than six months, or even a year (depending on the individual patient).
Rhinoplasty is not an easy operation, it requires good preparation and experience of the plastic surgeon.
Galina Romanenko