The 28th week of pregnancy: the health of women and children are interrelated

February 17, 2011

 28 Weeks Pregnant
 On the twenty-eighth week of the child already can turn head down - towards the nearest exit out of your body. His weight is now about 1, 2 kg. He is learning new skills - for example, blinking, coughing and hiccups. In a dream Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   the child has marked the phase of rapid eye movement - which means that he was dreaming.

 The 28th week of pregnancy: the health of women and children are interrelated

Your body is in the 28th week of pregnancy

The fact that the child turned upside down, taking a position that is convenient for families - it is certainly good news. Bad news may be considered that in this position it can put pressure on the sciatic nerve The sciatic nerve: how to avoid the excruciating pain?  The sciatic nerve: how to avoid the excruciating pain?
   the mother, who passes through the lower back, hips and legs. Sciatica, common among pregnant disorder can cause sharp, shooting pain and / or tingling and numbness in the lower back, legs and hips. The best that can be done with sciatica in pregnant women - to accept the idea that the pain may persist up to the birth, and in the hope that the baby is a little change position and place more convenient for you way. Medication is not only harmful to pregnant women, but also ineffective sciatica having such a cause.

 The 28th week of pregnancy: the health of women and children are interrelated

The Council on 28 weeks of pregnancy: sign up for classes in preparation for childbirth

Before giving birth it is still far, but this time will be much faster than you think, so get ready to start them too early .  Ask for advice from a doctor - he certainly will be able to recommend a good course for pregnant women .  Do not delay registration for courses to complete them for a few weeks before the expected date of delivery .  It is advisable to choose the courses, which include classes on newborn care and breastfeeding .  You have special needs? There are special programs for pregnant women who want to give birth naturally after cesarean, and courses designed for those who expect more than one child .  There is even an intensive course, which can take place at hotels in the country - they are perfect for those who continue to work and can not be several times a week to go in the ordinary course .  When choosing courses, make sure that your instructor is a professional degree and a license that gives him the right to provide such services .

 The 28th week of pregnancy: the health of women and children are interrelated

Choosing a name

The 28th week of pregnancy - is the time to choose a name for the baby. Some parents name is prepared in advance, while others argue for a long time before settling on something. Enjoy the process! Listen to the suggestions of friends and relatives, but do not forget that the final decision is yours alone. Explore the genealogy of your family - perhaps someone from ancestors were very interesting names; or maybe you want to name the baby How to name the baby - a responsible choice  How to name the baby - a responsible choice
   in honor of someone from living relatives or friends.

Consider as an option the names of favorite characters. Of course, it is important to feel a measure - it is not necessary to name the baby intricate names or names that are strongly associated with certain characters (the child is unlikely to be grateful if it would be called Frodo or Sauron). But in the Russian classics and fairy tales have many beautiful names that are now used very rarely. However, the rarity of the name should not be a priority - remember that you give a name, not for himself but for the child.

 The 28th week of pregnancy: the health of women and children are interrelated

Status of women in the 28th week of pregnancy

This week in normal pregnancy condition and state of health of women is satisfactory. Of course, it is already worried about mild shortness of breath on exertion and fatigue, but she was used to it. The woman, who has the necessary training in pregnancy, has already adapted to his condition and can cope with such little trouble as heartburn, constipation, light headedness. On all occasions it already has recipes struggle with certain symptoms. And she clearly knows, in any case an urgent need to see a doctor or call an ambulance.

It is especially dangerous for a woman to high blood pressure. Normally, the top figure - the systolic pressure - should not rise by more than 30% from baseline. The bottom number (diastolic pressure) should not exceed normal parameters. Increased blood pressure in pregnant women can occur with hypertension, kidney disease and late toxicosis (gestosis). These women stand out in a group of risk observed in women's consultation on an individual schedule. In order not to miss the beginning preeclampsia, a pregnant woman is better to buy and most tonometer monitor their pressure measuring it several times a day. Blood pressure should be recorded in order to show them to the doctor then.

During this time, you may experience bleeding or spotting due to incorrect (too low) position of the placenta - sometimes it is located at the site of the internal cervical os. It is very dangerous for such women should be constant monitoring obstetrician-gynecologist, so they are usually in the antenatal ward of the hospital up to the birth.

To the doctor should contact if:

  • there was a growing headache, nausea and vomiting;
  • growing swelling;
  • very frequent false contractions - spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the uterus;
  • if the child has stopped actively move.

An ambulance should be called:

  • If there is severe pain in the abdomen or in the lumbar region;
  • If there is heavy bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   of the genital tract;
  • if background severe headache convulsions.

 The 28th week of pregnancy: the health of women and children are interrelated

Condition of the fetus in the 28th week of pregnancy

By the end of this week, the length of the fruit is 35-36 cm, weight - 1000-1200, there has been a significant deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, marked active movements of the limbs. Vigorously develop the placenta, umbilical cord, fetal membranes, increasing the amount of amniotic fluid.

But the birth of this term fetus still has a kind of old: wrinkled skin, subcutaneous fat layer is poorly developed, the length of the hairs on the head reaches half a centimeter, the skin is covered with grease syrovidnoy. Respiratory function is not yet fully formed, but the baby at birth, breathes and emits a faint resembling squeak, scream. Ears adjacent to the head, soft (cartilage in them have not yet formed). In boys, the testicles are not left out in the scrotum, the girls clitoris extends beyond the labia majora. Nails on hands and feet do not reach the fingertips. Suckling a child is missing, so it is fed through a tube.

During this period, the functional state of internal organs can already ensure the viability of the fetus when creating a certain temperature (thermoregulation own the fetus is underdeveloped) and certain hormonal correction.

At this time of great importance to the fetus has a right circulation mother as disorders of the cardiovascular system may cause insufficient supply of fetal tissue oxygen, and it is very dangerous, as the first to suffer the central nervous system of the child and violated his neuro-psychological and physical development.

 The 28th week of pregnancy: the health of women and children are interrelated

What can a mother for the proper development of your baby

To the child grew and developed normally, you need to:

  • eat right - not to increase the weight, but not to starve to receive full food rich in proteins, complex carbohydrates, vegetable and dairy fats, vitamins and minerals;
  • to develop their own individual mode of the day, which should alternate walking, Physiotherapy and rest in a horizontal position with raised upside down; in any case not to engage in heavy physical labor, and do not lift heavy objects;
  • monitor their health and, above all, for the blood pressure and edema and in time to seek medical help.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the third trimester of pregnancy
