How to survive the hardships of the first months of pregnancy: rest and proper nutrition

January 6, 2012

 the hardships of the first months of pregnancy
 Pregnancy - a period of joyful and challenging at the same time. A woman waiting for the birth of their baby, and at the same time, sometimes going through a certain number of not too pleasant moments that are inextricably linked with motherhood. If a significant physical exertion on the body falls in recent months, it is already the second month of pregnancy, the expectant mother feels the changes in your body and emotional state that it can not remain unnoticed. And sometimes you have to make an effort to throughout the pregnancy to feel comfortable and live a full life.

The second month of pregnancy is very important because it is closely linked with the early development of a child - in this period begin to form organs. Expectant mother on the second month begins to experience many inconveniences associated with pregnancy: nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation. And to better move this month, it should heed the advice of experts.

 How to survive the hardships of the first months of pregnancy: rest and proper nutrition

The development of the embryo

The second month of pregnancy (7-10 weeks) - is the embryonic period of development of the baby. It is characterized by organogenesis, when the organs of the body begin to denote the first, and then fully formed.

In the seventh week, the embryo has a length of 16-18 mm, it has developed the eyelids and ears. By the eighth to the ninth week embryos reaching about 20 mm in length, it begins to signify the contours of the nose, there nostrils. By the tenth week, he already has 30 mm in length, formed brain, which at this point is about one-third of the volume of the body of the embryo, the developing nervous system, the spinal cord.

 How to survive the hardships of the first months of pregnancy: rest and proper nutrition

Changes in a woman's body

In the second month of pregnancy, the woman is usually going through all the difficulties of the period. Fifty to ninety percent of women go through nausea, vomiting, dizziness, Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Heartburn, excessive salivation, difficulty in the digestive system. All these symptoms are normal, and often they disappear on the third month.

Often, women have problems with veins, spider veins appear Spider veins - a sign of several diseases  Spider veins - a sign of several diseases
   on the legs, and hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease

Throughout the pregnancy, the woman may have pain in the back. You need to deal with it with the help of massage and water exercises.

Cramps extremities usually occur at the end of pregnancy, but may appear earlier. If a woman tormented by cramps, which often occur in the calf, you should consult your doctor, who may prescribe a course of treatment with magnesium.

Carpal tunnel syndrome - a compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel, where there is tingling. This is a common problem for pregnant women.

Hormonal disruptions in the body are manifested in different ways. Firstly, the chest is filled, it becomes difficult for it can be clearly seen vascular grid, nipples darken and may be pigmented. Dizziness - is also one of the signs of hormonal changes.
  All of these factors are absolutely normal, because in this way the body makes it clear that it is changing, adapting to the new state, which would have to stay for weeks.

 How to survive the hardships of the first months of pregnancy: rest and proper nutrition

Practical tips to help move the pregnancy

Interspersed with holiday light load. Periodically, give yourself a chance to rest, relax, but also do not forget about the need to move, to breathe fresh air. You walk for at least half an hour a day.

Alcohol and smoking during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. It's a real poison for the future of the child, because at any time during pregnancy alcohol and nicotine can have a negative impact on its normal development, his serious illness. Also avoid to be in a place where you can breathe in toxic volatile substances, such as paint and other "chemistry", guard against domestic household products.
  Eat a balanced, do not sit on a diet. Good nutrition of pregnant women - the guarantee of health, proper development of her unborn child, and her well-being. Eat at least five fruits and vegetables daily, consume foods rich in calcium (cheese, low-fat cheese, milk), which are necessary for bone formation, do not forget about vitamin D - it helps to absorb calcium. It can be found in eggs, fatty fish liver.

Eat enough green vegetables, which are rich in vitamin B9 and foods containing carbohydrates that give your body the energy needed for the child's development. Do not skip meals for breakfast, choose products that contain "slow" carbohydrates.

Some products are better excluded from the diet. Among them: the foie gras, raw seafood, meat, blood, raw milk, sliced ​​sausage. All this is necessary to avoid the risk of salmonella Salmonellosis - features of the disease  Salmonellosis - features of the disease
   and listeriosis. Be careful about eating raw eggs and home cooking, which uses animal products.

And most importantly - do not self-medicate, do not take any medicines or supplements alone. During pregnancy, you need to consult a physician at the slightest occasion, especially when it comes to taking medicines.

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy by week - the signs and their clinical significance

September 6, 2012

 by week pregnancy symptoms
 In the modern development of midwifery can be said that the presence of clinical signs specific to pregnancy, acquired complementary. Based on their displays there are several groups of symptoms that include certain clinical symptoms. For each stage of pregnancy characterized by certain symptoms. From this point of view by week pregnancy symptoms are diagnostic value in the evaluation of the normal course of pregnancy or the presence of complications.

 Pregnancy by week - the signs and their clinical significance

Clinical features of the first trimester

In the early weeks of pregnancy, a woman may be signs that belong to the group of questionable or suggestive signs of pregnancy. Their presence is characteristic until the end of the first trimester or the first twelve weeks. These signs are based on the subjective feelings of the pregnant:

  • "Satellites" of the first weeks of pregnancy are the changes in taste and appetite, nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting, excessive weakness, drowsiness, fatigue when performing usual before loading. It changes not only the taste, but also the sense of smell. The woman could hardly tolerate the smells, sometimes they provoke an attack of vomiting. In most cases during the first twelve weeks of the features tested, significantly improved the state of health of the pregnant. If these symptoms persist, and their presence affects the general condition of the woman, it is a sign of early toxicity. This situation requires the provision of skilled care
  • the emergence of a sense of engorgement, and breast augmentation in volume. Sometimes this is accompanied by excessive sensitivity and tenderness
  • due to the restructuring of the nervous system, a change of mood in women - up from tearfulness irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 . The change of mood may be accompanied by the development of syncope. For the first few weeks of pregnancy, it can be a normal physiological phenomenon that is related to pregnancy. As the progression of pregnancy to the end of the second month midwifery (the eight weeks of pregnancy) these complaints gradually disappear
  • changes in physiological functions - becomes more frequent urination, constipation develop Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
 . The cause of these complaints is the hormonal changes the body. Action "pregnancy hormone" progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   leads to a marked slowdown of intestinal motility, reduction of its motor function, so the evacuation of food through the intestines is considerably slowed down and eventually it becomes a cause of constipation

With the growth and increase the pregnancy symptoms become more reliable, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis. It is enough to have only one reliable evidence to make the diagnosis of pregnancy.

 Pregnancy by week - the signs and their clinical significance

As evidenced by credible signs

Signs that indicate the presence of a fetus in the uterus, are called reliable (or certainties) .  They appear in a pregnant woman from the second trimester .  The term of 18-20 weeks, the first time a woman begins to feel fetal movements .  Expectant mother may well determine when her baby is sleeping, and when it is active .  For those women who have the next generations will be repeated, perturbations may appear somewhat earlier .  At first I felt fetal movement is not quite clear, but with each week of pregnancy, they are becoming more apparent .  During the physical examination of a pregnant doctor may also feel the fetal movements .  Starting with 18 weeks multiparous women, and for the first birth from 20 weeks, significantly auscultated heart tones or fetal heartbeat .  Using a special tube or obstetric stethoscope doctor at each visit pregnant should listen to the heart of a child .  Such control is carried out for all subsequent weeks of pregnancy, and certainly during childbirth .  There is another reliable sign of pregnancy Significant signs of pregnancy when there is no doubt  Significant signs of pregnancy when there is no doubt
   - The definition or palpation of fetal parts. Starting from 20 weeks of pregnancy can be reliably determined in the examination of the fetus - head, back and smaller pieces, ie limbs. Those signs of pregnancy, which appear in the second half after 18 weeks and are called reliable indicate like occurs in the uterus fetal development.

After the fourth month of pregnancy, you can test the bottom of the uterus through the abdominal wall .  There is a clear pattern of compliance gestational age and location of the uterus .  It should also be borne in mind that every pregnancy is unique, so there are individual characteristics in the arrangement of the bottom of the uterus, which is evident in the process of monitoring the pregnant woman .  On the basis of changes in the magnitude of the uterus, as well as its shape and consistency can be determined the pregnancy, but by nature these signs likely be attributed to .  At the end of the first trimester (corresponding to 11-12 weeks) is determined by the bottom of the uterus just above the symphysis or at his level .  The full 16 weeks of the uterus located between the pubis and the navel .  As the term uterus grows accordingly changes its location .  At 24 weeks the uterus has already reached the level of the navel, in the 28 weeks of rises of 4-6 cm above the navel .  Maximum growth of the uterus occurs in the third trimester .  In the eighth month, that is 32 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is determined between the navel (who by this time is smoothed) and sternum .  The greatest rise in the bottom of the uterus can be determined on the ninth month of maternity (36 weeks) when the bottom of the uterus reaches the costal arches .  Knowledge of such an important feature as the location of the uterus at a certain stage of pregnancy, to evaluate the normal course of pregnancy and to take timely and appropriate measures in the event of complications .

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • development of pregnancy
