Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?

August 31, 2008

  • Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
  • Causes of constipation

 The human body is designed so that it can display itself wastes. However, the more people there are various problems associated with the poor performance of the digestive system. Not least due to the fact that today people eat foods that contain a very large number of food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   and the body is unable to deal with them quickly enough. Therefore, you may need purgation and people who generally quite healthy.

 Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?

Signs that you need purgation:

  • Rare defecation (ideal frequency of bowel movements 1-3 times a day)
  • Disorders of the digestive system such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and
  • Skin diseases such as acne and eczema
  • Gingivitis and periodontal disease
  • Elevated cholesterol or triglycerides
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Bad breath
  • Bloating postprandial
  • Flatulence

There are many ways to cleanse the bowel; some of them can be successfully used in the home, some must be used only by a specialist. We will talk about some of the most popular ways to cleanse the bowel. Before using any of them is highly recommended to consult a doctor, especially if you have any chronic diseases.

 Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?

Water enema

This method of bowel cleansing is considered one of the most simple and effective. It can be used at home - need a mug Esmarch (you can buy in a drugstore), clean water, and about half an hour of free time. Water enema is most effective if you do it during the cleansing diet. Many patients say that after one or two treatments they feel a surge of strength, improves general health, skin becomes clean and smooth. However, it should be borne in mind that a too frequent use of enemas disrupted the natural bacterial balance in the gut, that one day will lead to serious violations in its work. In the absence of a justified need to use an enema is not recommended.

 Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?

Purification of brine

It is believed that the salt water flushes toxins from the intestines almost as an enema. The procedure is done in the morning on an empty stomach.

Dilute 1-1.5 liters of water (warm or cold) 1-2 tablespoons of sea salt. When it is completely dissolved, drink a solution as quickly as possible. Thereafter, for several hours may experience frequent urge to defecate, and diarrhea. Sometimes there are symptoms such as headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
   and nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
   - They are connected with the rapid elimination of toxins from the body.

 Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?


This is a radical way to cleanse the bowel, implying in the strictest form a complete rejection of any food and drinks - you can only drink water in large quantities. Such cleaning has a beneficial effect on sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Vision, digestion, skin, healthy teeth and gums; It stabilizes blood pressure, and promotes weight loss. However, fasting is used to cleanse the bowel only on doctor's advice. Healthy people with normal weight, it will do more harm than good.

 Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?


One of the most effective ways of cleansing the intestines - Eating foods with probiotics. They improve digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. They have enough for one or two weeks. If you eat it all the time, you can disrupt the digestive system. Repeat the course of purification probiotics no more than twice a year.

A balanced diet will not only help clean the intestines, but also to prevent the appearance of digestive problems in the future. Include in the diet as many fruits, vegetables, dairy products, legumes and nuts, and drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.

Anal itching: there is only one salvation

August 9th, 2009

  • Anal itching: there is only one salvation
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 Anal itching
 Anal itching may be accompanied by burning and / or pain, it may be temporary or permanent. Some people have anal itching is so intense that they can not safely go about their business as usual. In most cases, anal itching does not require medical treatment, but should seek medical advice if it is very heavy or persists for a few weeks, if you do not know what causes anal itching, and / or if it is accompanied by rectal bleeding.

 Anal itching: there is only one salvation


Possible causes of anal itching are:

  • Dry skin. The skin can be dry by nature, or gradually lose moisture as we age. Dry skin can lead to prolonged, intense anal itching;
  • Excess moisture. Sweating and / or high humidity can cause anal itching;
  • Fecal incontinence;
  • Frequent washing, particularly with harsh soaps, as well as the use of coarse toilet paper, may cause or exacerbate pruritus;
  • Abuse of laxatives. Overuse or misuse of laxatives can lead to chronic diarrhea and anal itching;
  • Chemical irritants. Some washing powders, colognes, shower gels and contraceptive contain substances that can irritate the skin around the anus. Scented or colored toilet paper can also be an irritant to people with sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
  • Skin diseases. Common skin diseases - such as psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, and can cause anal itching;
  • Yeast infections are more common in women, can cause itching in the genital area and the anus;
  • Hemorrhoids. Anal itching can be a symptom of hemorrhoids;
  • Anal fissures and / or fistulae can cause not only of anal itching, and pain during bowel movements and rectal bleeding;
  • Food stimuli. Anal itching can be a result of irritating chemicals contained in some foods, such as spices and hot sauces;
  • Medications. A side effect of certain drugs, including certain antibiotics may be diarrhea, which sometimes causes pruritus;
  • Infections. Anal itching can be a symptom of many diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. His other reasons may be various parasitic infections;
  • Tumors in the anus. In rare cases, the causes of anal itching are benign or cancerous tumors of the anus, or related fields;
  • Other reasons. Anal itching may be associated with anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   or stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . Sometimes establish its cause is not possible.

Because anal itching can be a lot of reasons, after a conversation with a patient doctor can refer him to a specialist such as a dermatologist or a proctologist for further examination. Sometimes the diagnosis is carried out rectal examination and / or colonoscopy.

 Anal itching: there is only one salvation

The measures

The choice of treatment for anal itching depends on the cause. From medicines most commonly used are:

  • OTC ointments containing hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
   - Used to reduce inflammation and irritation;
  • Ointments and zinc oxide to protect against further irritation;
  • Antihistamines - usually recommended for patients who have anal itching is particularly strong at night.

Most patients experience significant relief of less than a week.

In addition, the home for the treatment of anal itching is possible to take the following measures:

  • Carefully and gently clean the area around the anus in the morning, evening and after defecation. Use wipes without alcohol and give up soap. After washing, dry your skin properly before dressing;
  • Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothing;
  • Use unbleached, unscented, but soft toilet paper;
  • Avoid irritants. Observe the reaction of the skin to various cosmetics and other substances, and refrain from using those that cause irritation.
