Prostate massage when viewed from the side is technically simple. But the reality is not so simple, because in order to make the correct prostate massage is a lot to know: the location of the prostate gland, its size and consistency to the touch under normal and various kinds of diseases - all of these skills can provide only theoretical knowledge combined with constant practice.
Why is prostate massage should be done correctly
The prostate gland is generally of glandular tissue, which is more delicate and vulnerable compared to other tissues. Too strong massage movements can injure it, and not strong enough to be effective. After all, the main task of prostate massage - cause blood flow to the prostate gland, which will improve the inflammation, so this massage should be intense enough, but not rude.
Absolutely can not do prostate massage
Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?
independently, without prior examination by a urologist, as prostate massage, done without contraindications, can cause a variety of severe complications. For example, to accelerate the growth of adenoma or cancer or promote infection bloodstream to all tissues and organs in acute inflammatory processes in the prostate gland (a condition called sepsis).
Therefore, prostate massage should be left to professionals - urologist. Some urologists trust holding a prostate massage experienced nurses - this is not anything wrong, because this massage is still carried out under the supervision of a physician.
How is prostate massage
Prostate massage is carried out after a preliminary examination and final diagnosis.
The main requirement for any massage is a maximum relaxation of the muscles of the patient and making the patient's body, the so-called middle physiological position (proper stacking of the patient). When prostate massage right styling - this is the position of a patient lying on his side with knees bent legs. Another requirement for massage prostate - bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
the patient must be complete - in this case a full bladder pushes the finger prostate specialist, producing a massage.
After laying and relaxation of the patient the doctor puts on sterile rubber gloves, right index finger smeared with Vaseline
Vaseline: old friend
and gently introduces it into the anus. At this point, the location of the required knowledge and experience of its prostate palpation: the physician should determine the size and degree of density (consistency) of the prostate. After probing it slowly and gently massaging the prostate gland from the upper edge of the right and left in the direction of the center line (the line that divides in half along the prostate) - that is located in the prostate ducts, which appears juice prostate.
Procedures performed prostate massage through the day and the first two - three procedures are only a small stroke of the prostate. If the patient's condition deteriorates, then stroking added to slight pressure. If the prostate gland has a soft consistency, the massage movements should be especially careful not to damage the delicate glandular tissue. When dense prostate massage movements can be more intense. The main thing - do not overdo it - too intensive massage can be harmful, causing a worsening of the disease.
During the massage the prostate patient should not feel pain. The pain in this case indicates improper conduct of a massage or not identified contraindications to it. After the massage should be allocated a certain amount of juice prostate (a few drops).
The duration of the massage should be 0, 5 to 1, 5 minutes, sessions are conducted through one or two days, all the course takes eight to twelve treatments. When the massage is over, the patient should urinate, after which it was washed with a disinfectant solution of the urethra (prevention of infection from the rectum into the urethra).
Juice prostate periodically sent to the laboratory for analysis. Initially, the juice of prostate massage course will gain a large number of white blood cells
White blood cells as the basis of immunity
(there is an active cleansing inflammatory focus), but then gradually becoming less white blood cells - this shows the correctness of massage and its effectiveness as a therapeutic procedure.
The main result of prostate massage - is to reduce inflammation in the prostate gland and increase the effectiveness of treatment of the disease drugs. This is possible because of the rush of blood to the site of inflammation. Since the blood flows into the inflammatory focus greater than in normal conditions, the number of drugs. All this greatly increases the overall effectiveness of treatment.
Galina Romanenko