Coccygodynia - a disease that does not need to be shy

November 27, 2012

 Coccygodynia - a disease in which a person concerned about pain in the coccyx or in the anus. In women, this condition occurs in about three times more often than men. Kogtsigodiniya can greatly complicate the life of the patient, so a visit to the doctor when the first symptoms of the disease - a necessary measure.


Types and causes of coccygodynia

If pain occurs in the coccyx, it is actually a condition called coccygodynia. Anorectal pain, a second type of the disease, characterized by pain in the anus. Sometimes there psevdokoktsigodiniya - a condition in which pain in the coccyx arise due to gynecological, urological diseases or proctologic.

Most often coccygodynia occurs when nerve damage in the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx. The causes of the disease may include:

  • Trauma (eg fall on the coccyx, or blow on it with a hard object). The pain arises due to dislocation or displacement of the coccyx. If the soft tissues that surround the coccyx, forming scars, and there is myositis (muscle inflammation), also may appear coccygodynia. Often after the injury takes a long period of time, a person can forget about it and does not bind the coccyx injury in the past with the advent of pain;
  • Postponed inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, which include prostate, parameters (inflammation of the tissue that surrounds the womb), abscess (inflammation paraproctium). In the tissues that surround the coccyx, forming scars. Adjacent nerve fibers involved in this process that causes the pain;
  • Surgeries pelvic, anal or perineal area. Sometimes they lead to the formation of adhesions (adhesions of the peritoneum - the shell that covers the internal organs) and scar deformities;
  • Frequent constipation and diarrhea. These conditions lead to prolonged tension of the pelvic floor muscles;
  • Trauma during childbirth. The tissue that surrounds the tailbone, is bleeding. In the future, this may cause pain;
  • Perineum syndrome prolapse (downward displacement of the vagina, uterus and rectum);
  • Diseases of the neuromuscular apparatus of the perineum.



Pain - the most important attribute coccygodynia. A person can feel it at the bottom of the spine in the coccyx or in the rectum. Pain occurs when exposed to the coccyx, or even in a state of complete rest, for no apparent reason. After some time it passes spontaneously or after administration of pain medication. But there are constant pain.

Anokopchikovaya pain can be sharp or dull, and give to the perineum, genitals, buttocks, the inner thighs. It increases with movements in a sitting position and pressure on the coccyx and significantly limits physical activity. Also, the patient feels heaviness or burning sensation in the coccyx.

Often during an attack of pain pales man and covered with sweat. This is due to the reaction of the autonomic nervous system, which is influenced by the blood vessels constrict. Coccygodynia almost always accompanied by depression.



Coccygodynia diagnosis is difficult. To do this, you must eliminate hemorrhoids, anal fissure, abscess, gynecological diseases, sciatica Sciatica - warn it is too late  Sciatica - warn it is too late
 Since they are similar accompanied by pain.

When pain in the coccyx and anus needs such methods of examination as:

  • External examination that reveals the visible changes in this area;
  • Digital examination of the rectum helps assess the state of the sacrococcygeal joint and coccyx. With this method you can determine whether the patient has hemorrhoids or abscess. When coccygodynia detected soreness in the coccyx;
  • Sigmoidoscopy - examination of the inner surface of the rectum and the sigmoid colon, which is carried out with the help of a special device;
  • X-rays of the coccyx and sacrum reveals changes in the spine, which can cause pain.

To determine the cause of pain, women need to undergo a gynecological examination Gynecological examination - an unpleasant necessity  Gynecological examination - an unpleasant necessity
 And men need to consult a urologist. Patients should also be sure to visit a neurologist.



Treatment kotsigodinii begin with the complex of conservative measures. Patients are encouraged to physiotherapy:

  • Rectal darsonvalization (impact on the rectal mucosa pulse currents with high frequency);
  • Diadynamic currents (constant effect of pulsed currents with low voltage and frequency);
  • Ultrasonic treatment;
  • Laser treatment;
  • UHF-therapy;
  • Paraffin applications;
  • Mud.

Manual therapy improves blood circulation in the tailbone, relieves muscle spasm and accelerate recovery. Reflexology and acupuncture Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science  Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science
   (effects on biologically active points located on the skin in specific locations) are also effective. For some patients, the doctor recommends taking sedative (calming) drugs.

If a patient is concerned about the very severe pain, he prescribed blockade with novocaine, lidocaine, diprospanom, hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
 . The solutions of these drugs are administered by syringe to the nerve plexus.

Surgery is performed in cases where conservative treatment was unsuccessful or detected abnormal mobility of the coccyx (after sprains and fractures). Removing this spine - the most efficient operation in such a situation.

The longer a patient with coccygodynia seek medical care, the harder it is to cure. In order for the pain in the coccyx has been successfully removed, you must be examined as soon as it arrives.

Alexander Chernov

Article Tags:
  • coccyalgia

Relief - candles from hemorrhoids, edema and pain in the rectum

December 16, 2012

 Relief candles
 Rectal suppositories Relief have a combined composition and are used for various inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the rectum, such as acute and chronic proctitis. Assign a drug and hemorrhoids. And in fact, in both cases it greatly facilitates patient.

 Relief - candles from hemorrhoids, edema and pain in the rectum

Rectal suppositories Relief - how they work

Rectal suppositories Relief (Sagmel pharmaceutical company, USA) have a combined structure: as the active principle they contain two substances - shark liver oil, and phenylephrine hydrochloride.

Shark liver oil contains the fat-soluble vitamins and a large number alkoksiglitserolov playing a significant role in the recovery of white blood cells. Alkoksiglitseroly provide protection against infection by stimulating local immunity, promote wound healing, increase the energy potential of human suppress allergic reactions, inhibit tumor cell growth, anti-inflammatory effect, stop the bleeding.

Phenylephrine - is a drug belonging to the group of alpha-agonists (drugs that stimulate the release of adrenaline), it has a local vasoconstrictor effect that reduces swelling and inflammation in the fluid inflammation. It also helps to reduce bleeding hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
 . However, phenylephrine is rapidly absorbed in the rectum and may have the overall effect on the body.

Excipients rectal suppositories Relief is cocoa butter, which has a softening effect on the surrounding tissue, while cocoa butter is almost absorbed in the rectum and does not react with the active compound.

 Relief - candles from hemorrhoids, edema and pain in the rectum

Which diseases will help spark Relief

Relief Candles used for the removal of edema, pain and itching in acute and chronic hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids - varicose veins is Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
   the end of the rectum and anus. Chronic hemorrhoids is often a consequence of chronic constipation and can occur long time without symptoms. Hemorrhoids can be external when the hemorrhoids are located around the anus and internal, to the location of the nodes in the wall of the rectum. Hemorrhoids can fall out and infringed, then develop acute hemorrhoids Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk  Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk
 As blood circulation, units die (undergo necrosis) with the development of acute inflammation and bleeding, accompanied by severe pain.

Relief in this case will help to suppress inflammation, relieve swelling, pain, itching, reduce blood loss. As a result of the fallen hemorrhoid can be vpravlen without surgery.

Relief for constipation can be used prophylactically to prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

Apply rectal suppositories Relief and proctitis - inflammation in the rectal mucosa.

Relief Candles used morning and evening, and after each act of defecation, but not more than six times a day. Before the introduction of the candles must-wash the perineum with warm water. Duration of treatment is determined by a physician and depends on the patient's condition.

 Relief - candles from hemorrhoids, edema and pain in the rectum

Contraindications for use Relief, its side effects and overdose

Rectal suppositories Relief virtually no contraindications for admission. The only contraindication is the individual intolerance of components. Do not appoint Relief rectal suppositories for children under 12 years of age, as there is no data on the effect of this drug on the mucosa of the rectum of the child.

However, caution should be exercised when using rectal suppositories Relief in patients with stable high blood pressure. During pregnancy and during breast Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast candles Relief can be used only on prescription, if there are serious indications.

Side effects with the use of rectal suppositories Relief are rare and occur in the form of allergic reactions - redness, swelling and itching of tissues in the anus.

Symptoms of overdose of rectal suppositories Relief not described. Nevertheless, it is worth to consider that its constituent phenylephrine readily absorbed into the blood and may cause increased blood pressure or heart rhythm disorders. Shark liver oil can also cause overdose - in this case, there is a risk of thrombosis of blood vessels.

Rectal suppositories Relief in the complex treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids to help relieve the patient's condition, as will remove the most unpleasant symptoms of the disease - tissue swelling, pain and itching.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Relief
