Prostate massage yourself: saving gymnastics

February 10, 2012

 prostate massage yourself
 Many men in the second half of life suffer from chronic prostatitis, which causes pain, voiding and sexual function. And as prostate massage is included in the compulsory treatment of this disease, some men shy this procedure, try to run it yourself.


Do I have to do on their own prostate massage

Massage of the prostate alone is better not to carry out, and why. The prostate consists of soft glandular tissue, which can easily injure, whereby the function of the body not only does not improve, but also deteriorate.

It is known that prostate massage Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?  Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?
   assigned only in chronic inflammation of the prostate (chronic prostatitis), acute inflammatory processes it is impossible to carry out. In order to distinguish acute from chronic inflammation, need to see a doctor and get tested. Only after the final diagnosis is established, it will be possible to carry out prostate massage. This procedure is also contraindicated in malignant tumors of the prostate gland (a tumor in an early stage can easily be confused with prostatitis), as it promotes its growth.

After the examination, if the diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is confirmed and the doctor recommends a massage of the urethra, the procedure is better to spend in the office of the urologist.


What can replace the massage of the prostate

Sometimes the patient really needs prostate massage, but he does not have time to go through these procedures in the day in the doctor's office. Or is he just shy - so, too, is. In this case, it is not necessary to do prostate massage yourself - it does not always end happily. As an alternative to prostate massage can offer special gymnastics for patients with chronic prostatitis Prostatitis: how to deal with pain  Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
 . If you regularly and properly perform these exercises, they may to some extent replace the massage, and certainly will not cause harm to the patient.

In addition, it is necessary to give up sedentary lifestyle, walk more (at least to and from work) and train in walking up the stairs, gradually increasing the load, and jumping over two or three steps, if health permits. As a result of constant walking and special exercises improved muscle tone of the prostate and the bottom of the pelvic organs, improves blood flow to the prostate and outflow from her secret. These exercises also contribute to the regulation of the chair, which is also important in chronic prostatitis.


Special exercises in chronic prostatitis

A special set of exercises for patients young and middle-aged, chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
   It includes exercises, reducing the work of the endocrine glands and exercises aimed at training the musculo-ligamentous system.

Physiotherapy perform better in the afternoon, and then take a shower. If some of the exercises will be difficult to carry out, they can be skipped, and then adapt to this set of therapeutic exercises included.

Before the course of therapeutic exercises need a little warm-up in the form of distance with high lifting hips and small arbitrary exercise arms and legs. Only then can proceed to the exercises:

  • ip (starting position) while standing, feet shoulder width apart, holding the ball; pick the ball up (inhale), leaning forward to put the ball away from him (exhalation); straighten and raise your hands up (inhale), bent down to take the ball (exhalation); exercise is carried out 12 - 16 times;
  • ip standing, feet shoulder width apart; pick the ball up (inhale), sit deeper in the full foot, bulging rectum, hands the ball forward (exhale); repeat 12-15 times;
  • ip standing, legs slightly apart (the ball is not in use); Inhale, slowly exhale while bending down a bit, put his hands on his hips closer to the knees slightly bent; holding your breath as you exhale several times to draw the abdomen and anus; pause ten seconds and repeat the exercise;
  • ip - Lying on your back, legs bent, hands on his stomach; diaphragmatic breathing: inspiratory belly bulging, as you exhale draw the abdomen and anus; repeat fifteen times;
  • ip - Lying on your back, legs bent, hands under his head; lift your pelvis up, bulging belly (breath); adopt IP and the first to involve the anus and then the stomach (exhale); repeat ten times;
  • ip - Sitting on a chair; roll soles of bare feet stick for three to five minutes; after exercise foot stroke.

Do not risk your health by conducting their own prostate massage, regular exercises can be equally effective.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • prostate massage

Relief - instruction: effects of the drug

December 16, 2012

 Relief guide
 A series of drugs Relief (Relief, Relief and Relief Advanced Ultra) is a drug for the removal of local inflammation and tissue and the rectum and anus. Preparations have local soothing and anti-inflammatory action, promotes healing of wounds, stopping bleeding and enhancing the local immune tissues.

 Relief - instruction: effects of the drug

The mechanism of action of drugs Relief Series

A series of drugs Relief - is combined resources which include shark liver oil in combination with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hemostatic and wound-healing substances. All drugs in this series are used to treat diseases of the rectum and anus.

Rectal suppositories contain Relief shark liver oil, phenylephrine hydrochloride, and cocoa butter. Relief rectal ointment (in special tubes with removable nozzle applicator) also comprises shark liver oil, phenylephrine hydrochloride and a base of a petrolatum Vaseline: old friend  Vaseline: old friend
 . Relief Advanced Rectal suppositories containing shark liver oil, and benzocaine. Rectal suppositories Relief Ultra include shark liver oil, hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
   acetate and zinc sulfate monohydrate.

Rectal suppositories and ointment Relief have protivogemorroidalnoe, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect and stimulates the regeneration of tissues. Included in the Relief shark liver oil is composed of fat-soluble vitamins and biologically active substances alkoksiglitseroly therefore reduces inflammation, stops bleeding hemorrhoids, strengthens local immunity tissues and heals wounds. A adjuvants cocoa butter and petrolatum have smyagchayusche action.

Included in the Relief phenylephrine constricts blood vessels in the areas of inflammation that leads to the removal of edema. It also regulates the blood flow to the hemorrhoidal nodes and the outflow of blood from them. It relieves tension in the area of ​​hemorrhoids, contributes to their reduction.

Advanced Relief Rktalnye candles have less pronounced anti-inflammatory effect than Relief, but well removed pain in the rectum and anus, since they contain anesthetic (pain reliever) benzocaine.

Rectal suppositories Relief Ultra have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipruritic action, because it contains glucocorticoid agent (GCS) - hydrocortisone acetate. Contained in this preparation zinc sulfate dries and heals wounds.

 Relief - instruction: effects of the drug

Indications for prescribing Series Relief

Rectal suppositories and ointment Relief is used for the treatment of hemorrhoids (external and internal), reduce inflammation and swelling in the area, as well as to stop the bleeding from hemorrhoids. Candles Relief may be administered for the prevention of constipation formation of hemorrhoids, and an ointment - to relieve itching in the anus.

Rectal suppositories Relief Advance prescribed mainly for pain in the rectum and anus, which may be associated with hemorrhoids or undergoing an operation in this area.

Rectal suppositories Relief Ultra is used in patients with severe inflammation in the rectum and anus (hemorrhoids, proctitis, fissures and erosions back campaign), which is accompanied by severe pain and itching as well as skin diseases (eczema, contact or allergic dermatitis) on the skin back passage. Relief Ultra short courses or used in conjunction with antibacterial agents, as contained therein GCS reduces local immunity tissue and promotes adherence infection.

 Relief - instruction: effects of the drug


Each of the drugs included in the series has its contraindications. Common to all of them only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the preparation of the patient.

For Relief and Relief Advanced contraindications include increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, and reduction of (or no) levels of granular white blood cells responsible for defending the body against infections (agranulocytosis). Relief and Relief Advance with caution, and only on prescription should be used during pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice

Application Relief Relief - for the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus  Relief - for the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus
   Ultra is contraindicated in the presence of the rectal area of ​​any infection or tumors. In addition, this drug is contraindicated for tuberculosis, syndrome Cushing (developed in diseases and tumors in the hypothalamus), diabetes, edema of various origins, during pregnancy and lactation.

Because of side effects with a series of drugs known Relief only local allergic reactions - redness and itching in the anus.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Relief
