- Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
- Accentuation of character
What emotions
Emotions (translated from the French word denotes excitement, arousal) - a subjective state of the person, arising in response to external or internal stimuli and manifested in the form of emotions: pleasure, displeasure, fear, anger, joy and so on. At the same time excited by certain structures of the brain are responsible for certain emotions. Normally emotions allow a person to advance and to react to changes in the environment, to receive its own individual experience. In various diseases can arise gain, weakening of emotions, a violation of their mobility (eg, urinary emotions) or adequacy.
Anxiety and its manifestations
Undue anxiety refers to violations of the adequacy of emotions. Anxiety - a fear without the express object of fear. In a state of anxiety man embracing anxiety, trembling, feelings of helplessness, insecurity, danger. Reduced criticism in the evaluation of the environment, there are excited or depressed facial expressions and gestures, increased blood pressure, accelerated pulse and breathing, there is a dry mouth, the face becomes pale, pupils dilate.
Fear and anxiety can occur in people suffering from neuroses (functional disorders of the nervous system, arising under the influence of stress, high mental stress or various diseases of internal organs), as well as people suffering from some mental illness.
Anxiety is usually not the only sign of the disease, but in some states it is the leading sign (for example, in the neuroses).
Accentuation of character
The formation of neuro-psychiatric diseases
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contribute to anxiety and suspicious traits. Vividly all traits manifest themselves in adolescence. Then they, or smoothed, or form the basis of any disease.
Accentuation called the most prominent (protruding) character traits that have not yet evolved into a disease. Most susceptible adolescents with anxiety asthenoneurotic, sensitivity and psychasthenic accentuation nature.
Asthenoneurotic type of character accentuation of anxiety is manifested by a combination of sleep disorders, fatigue, tendency to hypochondria
Hypochondria - when fear suddenly rolled
(painful suspiciousness). These teens fix the slightest health problem, willingly treated and examined. Under adverse circumstances (the impact of stress, high load conditions), this accentuation of the character can go into neurosis.
Sensitive type of character accentuation - a "man without skin," characterized by high sensitivity and fearfulness. It hurts any statement, even if it was not made against him. These teenagers are closed because of their increased vulnerability, hence the same goes and anxiety - waiting for any offense, offense. They are very attached to their parents, brothers and sisters. Sensitive traits are usually with age, are not as noticeable, they are less likely to pass the disease. The danger lies in their high vulnerability, which can lead to suicide.
Psychasthenic type of character accentuation. Features of this nature occur early, with 7-10 years and will not undergo significant changes. This anxiety is coupled with indecision, prone to doubts and fears, obsessions as a constant thought. This accentuation is often the basis for the formation of a neurosis
Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Neurosis - is a functional mental illness resulting from the prolonged exposure to external or internal conflicts and prone to prolonged duration. The cause of the neuroses can be sustained or massive over-voltage emotional or intellectual spheres of the psyche.
Anxiety neurosis is typical for such as neurasthenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
When neurasthenia major signs of the disease are irritable weakness, exhaustion, sleep disorders with anxiety dreams
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Various vegetovascular manifestations as heart pains, palpitations, "galloping" of blood pressure and so on. Against this background, there is a constant anxiety and hypochondriacal.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder - a condition in which a person constantly, in addition to his desire to be present obsessions, fears, impulses, actions that eventually turn into fear without any reason - concern. Patients refer to his condition critical - they understand the nature of a painful and pointless, but get rid of them can not.
How to help a person who is worried about a permanent state of anxiety
To begin, of course, you need to consult psychiatrist - only he can understand, why is not this condition and how to help. Help should be individualized since each person has their own character traits and circumstances that led to the disease. Furthermore, it is necessary to exclude organic mental diseases and disorders of the central nervous system (traumas, tumors, etc.), which may also be masked as neuroses.
In the treatment of traumatic neurosis is revealed the main factor and its impact is excluded, carried out medical and psychotherapeutic treatment.
Galina Romanenko